Various means to scrub paste and ink ballpoint pen with kozhzama

What can be rubbed away a pen from imitation leather?Perhaps there is no such home or institution in which there were no ballpoint pen. And if the room more and there are children who are known to adore cover the furniture, flooring and themselves art, or sloppy people, the spots from the handle can not be avoided. In addition, no one is safe from the fact that the pen may leak, fall off and so on. In view of the urgency of this problem, the ways and means to scrub the ink from a ballpoint pen with leatherette.


  1. Traces of a ballpoint pen on kozhzama
  2. Natural products for removing stains 
  3. artificial means 

Traces of a ballpoint pen on kozhzama

How often do you such that, lying on the couch and solving some crossword puzzle, you drop a pen, and she betrayed changing the flight path, reserves the heap ink stains? And how often do in such situations at hand are needed chemicals for stain removal, which will remove the stain and it will not harm to the couch?

So scrub handle with imitation leather, while the ink was dry, is actually quite simple. And all you need to do is right at your fingertips.

Let's start with natural resources. They are safer to deduce stains on the skin, they will not harm the structure and leatherette, this is their advantage. However, natural remedies are best suited for the removal of fresh stains, as the old dirt can not give in to them.

Natural products for removing stains 

Such tools exist, each in the kitchen or in the bathroom:

  • laundry soap;
  • alcohol;
  • ammonia;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • citric acid or vinegar;
  • sulfur.

The easiest way to wash the stains from ink ballpoint pen on the skin is washing their using soap. To do this, you need to treat the stain with warm water, then put on an old toothbrush a little soap, and carefully clean the brush contamination place. After traces of ink ototrutsya, wipe all thoroughly with a dry cloth or towel.

Certainly in every home is a means containing alcohol or else he alcohol. All this can help lead spot on the handle. All you need - is to apply the cleanser with alcohol content on a washcloth or rag and handle soiled skin thoroughly. After rinse with warm soapy water, alcohol. If the stain is not brought to the end, repeat the procedure.

Try to deduce means ammoniaIf you are near a first aid kit, you can use ammonia. Solution of ammonia in water with the expectation one teaspoon of liquid ammonia in 250 grams of water. Dip a rag in the resulting solution and well wipe dirty areas. After that, wash with soap and water, dry thoroughly and treat with glycerine in order to avoid the possibility of damage leather. In the kitchen you have in any case have salt and soda. These two powders are suitable not only for cooking but also for the removal of problematic spots.

By the principle of the application they are similar.

  • The first method. Dissolve the salt in water or soda to the state of the liquid slurry. After we put this meal on leatherette and leave for several hours. After washed off with warm soapy water and wipe dry with a towel.
  • The second method. We are doing the same slurry, only dishwashing detergent. The principle of action is the same, only instead of having to leave it for a couple of hours, you just need to clean the place thoroughly brush contamination.

For light skin tones suited vinegar or lemonThe third method (for soda). If the stain has already a little dried up and at the same time is large, you can use this option: to pour on the stain a little soda and add to it the vinegar or citric acid. Wait until the reaction will take place, and rinse with warm water and soap. After all wipe dry with a towel or napkins, and to process glycerin.

Attention! This method is mainly for white leatherette, And the remaining light pastel shades. Use this method is not recommended on dark colors kozhzama to avoid bright spots.

Citric acid or vinegar also has the kitchen, and they can be used not only for the preparation of delicious cakes. Incidentally, if citric acid in powder form is not present, can be used lemon juice. stain removal principle of this method is also very simple. All that is needed - is wet washcloth or cloth in lemon juice, vinegar, or a solution of water and citric acid in a ratio of one teaspoonful of citric acid to water glass. This cloth or sponge to wipe the stain and treat the place with warm, soapy water.

If leatherette tight, you can use sulfur from matchesAn interesting way of removing ink from a pen with kozhzama spot removing sulfur. Of course, not every home can be found sulfur reserves, but a box of matches is clearly supposed to be. So, treat the stain with warm soapy water and gently place the three pollution match head, you can even own a box (the place about which lights a match). After leatherette wiped dry with a cloth.

Important! This method is used to remove stains on thick skin. If the leather is soft, it is undesirable to experiment in order to avoid scratches and damages.

artificial means 

These funds, though not always there at your fingertips, but easily deduce both large and already dried in stains on the skin. Here's the list:

  • Special stain removers;
  • Polish for hair;
  • means for removing the varnish;
  • detergents for dishwashing;
  • White Spirit;
  • petrol;
  • wet wipes.

Attention! These chemicals can damage the paint on the leatherette or the skin itself. To avoid unpleasant surprises, check the reaction of a substance to the tissue portion which is hidden from view.

On stain removers should indicate how to use them and how to keep on the spot. If such information is not available, then you need to apply the stain remover 10-15 minutesThen rinse with warm, soapy water.

Original and effective - hair sprayPolish for hair - is another unusual way to remove stains from ink pens. Treat varnish place pollution and leave for a few minutes, will only wash off with soap and water varnish and ink.

Attention! Before starting the procedure, ask the children to get out of the room and open the doors and windows for ventilation.

With a means for removal of a varnish to be very careful. Check response on kozhzamom and stain after processing is required to place wash with warm soapy water and treat with acetone. The same principle and in white spirit and petrol.

Fresh stains can be rubbed away by the handle wipesDetergents themselves are designed for removing stubborn stains, so all you have to do - is to put means for a washcloth and wipe the stain from the skin, then rub it with water. Well, any schoolchild knows that you can handle scrub wipesIf good rub, of course. So write, draw, create, and do not be afraid of small spots on the background of the great achievements!