After a certain period of time caps, as well as any items exposed to any contamination, either as a result of constant cleaning loses its appearance. Unfortunately, hats made of felt have to be cleaned frequently. For the majority of people recommendations for cleaning hats will be relevant.
- simple ways
- Removal of oily stains with felt
- Terms cleaning colored hats
simple ways
The first step is to clean the felt hat, you must clean the dust with its surface. In this case, you can use a brush or to resort to the help of a vacuum cleaner.
To get rid of the dust on the hat, you need to mix in two equal parts ammonia and ordinary vinegar. Then to this mixture was added one part of salt. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients until smooth and rub the contaminated sites.
- In the event that on the hat of felt material, there are places that are very shiny (such It comes from repeated use), or have frayed, it is necessary to resort to using an emery paper. It should be quite small. If it does not, you should use salt and brush. Problem areas to be treated, or paper, or salt and brush.
- There's another fairly easy-to-performance method. Must be mixed in proportions of 1: 1 ammonia and ordinary water. In the solution obtained small piece of wet tissue from the coarse material and rub contamination place on the cap. Fedora is not worth much watering, so it does not lose its shape.
Removing spots of rain:
- To clean the felt hat from raindrops, it is recommended fill newspapers. Further, let it dry in the room, but placed far away from the battery and heater.
- To remove from the surface traces of felt drops of essential accessory to keep for a while on the ferryFor example, over the boiling water in a pan. After this procedure, a felt hat, comb brush.
- You can simply clean with a damp brush, but not very hard. This procedure will return the original appearance of the hat.
Removal of oily stains with felt
A spot that had not yet wither, can be removed by of bread. It is necessary to cut off the crust of bread and rub the stain. In that case, if the bread was not there, you can use ordinary salt, just heaped grease stain on the cap.
If the stain is grease has had time to dry on the cap, then these simple methods will not work to remove it. Necessary to resort to more complex composition substances. One such petrol. It must be cleaned. It is necessary to moisten a cloth and gently wipe the contaminated sites. It is not necessary to wet the felt because of this pile can only be compacted, and a hat to lose its attractive appearance.
Another option remove stains - is mixed in equal proportions of gasoline and starch. This means a very good job of removing stains.
Terms cleaning colored hats
Things from felt dark colors It can be cleaned with a special broth. It is possible to prepare for this recipe: Mix one tablespoon of leaf tobacco, and one liter of water. The resulting broth is necessary to wet a small piece of tissue and wipe neat movements necessary places. Perhaps the biggest drawback of this method is quite a strong smell of tobacco leaves. After this procedure, you need to ventilate the product.
In the event that your thing out felt light, It can be cleaned by using bran. They need to clean the product, and then simply shake the remnants.
From the yellow marks on the light felt it would help to get rid of such a solution. The recipe is quite simple: you have to mix two tablespoons of ammonia with four spoons of peroxide and add one liter of water. The resulting solution should be cleaned of contamination place with a brush, but do not forget that the product can not be wet, as it may deform the water.
In the event that all of the above methods do not allow to get rid of spots, it is necessary to use chemical means. Such stain removers a large assortment in domestic shops. Typically, the packaging of such funds written application conditions. They should be followed in order to not have to say goodbye to loved hats.
But you can always seek help from professionals. They will be happy to help you save your favorite thing on the most difficult spots, whether it be a hat or other article.
Do not forget that things like hats, require specific storage conditions.