Mol and its larvae - the main cause of damage to wool and fur clothing, furniture and various products. It is uncomfortable, spoils things, leaving behind bald spots. For many people, the emergence of moths in the house causes the panic and hostility.
- Description moths and their larvae
- The main types of pest
- Features of larval development
- ways to deal
- Measures for the prevention of occurrence
Description moths and their larvae
At first glance, especially the larvae have no differences between each other: you can see a different body color depending on the species and well-marked sharp jaws for eating food and clothing. All moth larvae resemble wormsWhich have twelve limbs. In no moth proboscis like a butterfly.
Typically, the adults that look like butterflies, much harm to clothing and furniture are not. But they intended to lay larvae that begin vyluplyayas ruthlessly and as quickly as possible to destroy your clothes and other interior items. And each moth larva is another hole in the wool or bare spots on the coat. It is therefore important to know how to get rid of moles, its larvae and prevent their recurrence. And to do this, you need to know the existing types of moths, and some ways to deal with them more effectively.
Larvae spoil not only clothes and things, as is commonly believed. Mole is free to breed and live in the house, while there are dozens of different types, each type having its own particular life and preferences in food. Pets larvae can overeat on clothing fabrics and woolen things spoil purged: cereals, flour, dried fruit, dry food for cats and dogs - that is, they They can eat almost any organic product.
Mole invisible but very powerful enemy, which can in a short amount of time to destroy your favorite things. In the body of the larvae is more muscle than in the human body, which helps them to develop more speed and damage a large number of tissue. Therefore, the ability to distinguish the larva by their appearance - it's a good way to quickly and correctly to destroy the parasite.
The main types of pest
The main feature of the moth is that it can easily adapt to the climate of any country, so it can meet anywhere in the world. As well as different types of moles have a different size from small - to large. The main feature of these caterpillars - a preference for the place of residence, for example, clothes moth will not dwell in the cereals and flour, and the food will not eat fabric or wool.
View of the larvae can be identified by the shape of their homes. For example, the mole shubnogo, carpet, wardrobe type manufactured from textile waste unite something in the form of cocoon and climb inside. In this case, they may even move to small segments of the path. Kitchen and furniture mole has a feature to create a so-called passages of its food residues, fabrics and their own excrement.
The main types of moths are as follows:
- Wax. This moth, which carries a lot of damage to beekeepers, crippling bee hives. Larvae of this type consume a sweet honey and bee embryos. Sometimes large moth groups can bring to the unsuitability even heaters for hives, which is a kind of protection for bees from the cold. This mole is used in medicine. When penetrating into the organism larvae, honey and cleaved by the enzyme produces a special substance. This substance acts on the microbes and human bacteria, eliminating them. This was the reason why the mole wax began to be used as a drug against certain types of diseases.
- Fur. Considering the types of moths, can not miss such a kind that destroys valuable fur things. For this larva your entire wardrobe is a great place for growth and life. Here they find plenty of food. The larvae of moths skin coat shortened nap, pulverized and digested it, thus using their sharp jaws. Further, after the larva feels full it starts to move back towards their homes, and on the way back cuts that prevent it while driving, fur strands. As a consequence, on the clothes there are small bands of clipped fur.
- Hanging. These larvae spoil most of the items made of wool. They have a straw color and a rather long wings. Regardless of the natural fabric, Hanging view also destroys and synthetic products. But at the same time feeding the caterpillar becomes slow growth and the development of all organs are longer. For flight adapted only individual male, the females do not fly, but carry a pair of wings. During breeding males find them yourself, after which the females lay eggs without going long distances.
- Furniture. Furniture moth can be called, without attracting the attention of the butterfly wings that have a golden sheen. Within a few weeks the female lays eggs which account for hundreds of pieces. The adult lives for a brief period - a period of 9 days. In step transformation into a larva mol little moves. A lot of it begins to move only after the full development of digestion. These larvae are to a large extent do not like the light and the sun's rays, so if you put the thing on the affected the place where the incident rays, can be seen as the larvae begin hiding in the recesses of tissue or crawl to his home. The increase in air temperature in the area where they are parasitic, will stop their reproduction, as they begin to hide in their cocoons. The female lays her eggs on the site of a large amount of tissue to hatched larvae were able to immediately begin eating.
- Potato. Parasites that can damage your crops and agriculture - a potato moth. It looks quite unpleasant, because it has dirty-colored wings with lots of dark spots. Individuals who have wings and long whiskers, live only a few days. Inconspicuous appearance allows moth camouflage and stay out of sight of even a short distance away from the man. The female breeds and lays eggs on the underside of the sheet, from which larvae soon emerge and begin to grow at an accelerated pace. These tracks can die at a temperature below 5 C, but themselves living in tubers survive. In winter, the mole goes live in barns, which are used in food seed potatoes in the spring along with it fall back on the bed. It is important that in adults there is no jaw at all, for this reason, they do not cause harm to things. Becoming an adult moths with wings, this insect does not eat at all. The main purpose of the existence of butterflies moths - is postponed as much as possible the number of eggs. Therefore, in the fight against moths, the most dangerous for clothes larvae, since they destroy it.
Features of larval development
To effectively deal with the threat, it is necessary to know its characteristics, which are as follows:
- For the life of the larvae require a favorable atmosphere. They can be found in woolen carpets, knitted things, high-quality fabrics and fur products.
- Larvae need to receive a large amount of food, so they are eating holes and keratin tissue.
- Find the larvae fairly easy - a worm, dirty color and have small feet.
- If you look at the larva under a microscope, you can easily see the sharp jaws.
- Growth of larvae occurs at high speed.
- Larvae are reluctant to move ahead in search of their food, and most of all the movement recorded in young animals.
- On a small patch of the things you can find a large number of eggs, and a few pieces of adult moths. Most often they are very gnaw things, so that it is impossible to restore things.
ways to deal
Get rid of moles is quite difficult, because it is resistant to changes in outside temperature. When deterioration of knitted scarves, mittens, jackets must decide whether to restore the item or it is better to throw out. Because clothing can stay eggs, lost between the joints, which can be a step in the emergence of new larvae.
Some folk remedies will not suffice if the number of moles and damaged a lot of things. Professionals advise to buy chemicals for the treatment of damaged items. You have to understand that we must fight not with older individuals, and their larvae.
The main thing is to remember that the kitchen and damaged products can not be treated with chemicals. Therefore spoiled porridge and cereals need to throw out. Eat foods that are usual mole is strictly prohibited. When cleaning kitchen use detergents with addition of soda, since this agent has a good disinfecting ability.
Measures for the prevention of occurrence
To minimize the likelihood of a moth, you must meet the following rules:
- ventilate the room few times a week.
- Keep only clean clothes should be in the closet.
- Winter or summer bear fur and knitted things on the balcony for their airing.
- Do not store knitted things in plastic bags.
- disinfect furHaving value, special means to prevent the development of larvae.
Expanded in cupboards and drawers orange peels or special tablets.
- Pour the grits from one place to another. And do not buy large quantities of grain products.
- Buying cereal or flour, it is important look at the quality of the product: Web, lumps, small larvae inside the product say that it settled parasites.
- Often clean the house, dust and kitchen shelves. Several times in the past month to broadcast things on the balcony. It is necessary not only to hang things in the air, but also to check for and remove any insect eggs in the folds and seams of things.
Mole is not always harmful insects, sometimes it serves as a means for preventing serious diseases, and the larvae may be good for the fish bait or fodder for frogs. Therefore consider it absolutely can not be harmful, but to get rid of it is worth only if it poses a risk to your home and clothes.