Sneakers - it's easy and very practical shoes. Cleaning and maintenance of sports shoes in general is not much difficulty, but to wash the shoes and keep them in good condition, to serve for a long time, can not please everyone.
If you need to wash your sneakers, you can do it by hand or in a washing machine. The first method includes the increased use of time and work, but in some cases it is safer for the sneaker. The second method is very quick and easy, but you must follow certain rules in order not to ruin the shoes.
- Hand wash sneakers
- process Features
- Machine washable
- Shoes made of leather, nubuck and suede
- helpful hints
Hand wash sneakers
Laces - this is usually one of the dirtiest parts of footwear. For this reason, they need to be washed separately. Wash laces hand with water and soap or detergent. Wipe them well with a brush to remove stains. To white laces again returned to its color, it is necessary to soak them in warm water and a mixture of baking soda and then rinse with water.
I must say, the main feature is a dirty sneakers unpleasant smell. This effect occurs inevitably due to the sole, made of a material which prevents normal transpiration.
If sneakers stinkTherefore, within the insoles may be contaminated. Pull them to wash separately with soap and water. Odor problem can be solved by soaking before insole washing in water with soda.
process Features
Wash sneakers with warm water to remove dirt residues and coarse ground. Then go to the use of soap and water. You need to have a soft sponge to clean the upper part of the shoe and brush for cleaning the soles. If the dirt is difficult to remove, you can use cleaning cream bicarbonate-based and soap or detergent for tableware. Teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of detergent is necessary to mix until smooth, which should be rubbed into the shoes of a sponge or brush. For deodorization inside the shoe it is sprayed with a solution of water and baking soda.
Rinse shoes in the sink as long as the foam is not completely disappear. Allow to dry sneakers outdoors. In winter, place them near a heater, but before that wrap in a cloth. Thread the laces back in the shoes only when they are completely dry.
Machine washable
Removal of laces is the first step if you choose to wash your shoes in the washing machine. Always check the labelTo make sure that the shoes can be washed in the washing machine. Before washing, clean the shoes from dirt, sand and small stones in the sole. Wrap them in an old pillowcase before you put inside the drum. So they will be protected during the wash cycle in the washing machine and do not deteriorate when in contact with the walls of the basket. Select a light wash cycle with warm water.
If the washing machine was not able to completely wash out shoes, wipe the stains with a old toothbrush, warm water and soap. Rubber, leather parts, try cleaning eraser.
As it has been said before, as a precautionary measure any kind of shoes before washing in the washing machine you need to wrap a cloth to avoid damage. Wash at 30 degrees to be heat water. While still wet sneakers, it is necessary to fill their tight white paper so that they retain the shape. For this purpose, you can also use pads. After running shoes, finally, completely dry, you need a little sprinkle in baking soda to eliminate and prevent the formation of unpleasant odors. To rinse, add the cassette tablespoon of baking soda or half a cup of white vinegar.
Shoes made of leather, nubuck and suede
If the sports shoes made of textile material for shoes, their laundry is not a big problem, but when it comes to skin, we must give it due attention and take precautions.
- Leather shoes should be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dirt and stains, and then treated with a moisturizing cream.
- Shoes made of suede It can be cleaned with an old toothbrush and hold over steam to restore the nap.
Running nubuck, suede which is a relative, afraid of water, so wet cleaning should be used only in extreme cases. For the cleaning Use an old toothbrushTo remove dirt from the cloth. You can, like suede, hold over steam to restore the nap. Washing machine this type of footwear is contraindicated.
helpful hints
If insoles emit an unpleasant odor, put them in a container with water and soda all night.
- If the odor persists, try to keep the insole in a solution consisting of two parts vinegar and water for several hours. Then move them to the mixture of warm water, baking soda and essential oil of your choice.
- You can use a cotton swab or toothpick to get to the most hidden areas to remove dirt.
- Stains can be removed using a cleaning cloth or cream.
- If your shoes are colorful, but the laces are white, wash them separately from the rest of the white linen.
Most of the types of athletic shoes has a pretty strong structure to withstand the washing machine, but just in case, check the label for instructions on cleaning. Some manufacturers, such as Nike, is not recommended to wash your shoes in the washing machine.
Drying after washing machine
After the wash program has finished, you can put shoes in the air, but not in the sun. Do not use the dryer because the heat can damage the soles.
Fill the shoes with paper to keep the shape and speed up the drying process. Put shoes with laces and insoles into the air in the shade. Do not use the intense heat (for example, near a heater) and do not put them in the sun. Drying will take a long time, so plan in advance washing.