Mandarin - citrus fruit, the benefits of which they know almost everything. But few people know that its peel also has useful properties. The healing power of tangerine peel can help overcome various diseases, improve health, and even transform the look. The main thing is to know how to use it.

- peels
- Benefits tangerine peel
- health promotion
- Application for cosmetic purposes
- future wrong
Value tangerine peels due to their rich composition - it contains a number of substances necessary for health. Here are the most useful ones:

- Vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system and It is struggling with the effects of stress.
- Beta-carotene. It helps maintain order in the cardiovascular system.
- Essential oils. Improve mood, reduce fatigue, make people less irritable. It is widely used in cosmetology.
- hesperidin. This is a flavonoid that can protect the body from viruses, inhibit inflammatory processes and reduce allergies.
- vitamin P. It strengthens blood vessels and resists the development of atherosclerosis.
- Potassium. Important for stabilization of arterial pressure, detoxification and conversion of glucose into glycogen.
- Nobelitin. Flavonoid, prevents the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity. It is used in the fight against cancer.
- Pectin. Involved in metabolic processes, helps to reduce weight.
Benefits tangerine peel
Due to the above components, contained in tangerine peel, it can be safely used in the home to maintain the beauty and health at the proper level. There are many ways to use this product, we have proven effective.
health promotion
The healing properties of tangerine peels are effective in the fight against a variety of diseases and are able to strengthen the immune system. The peel can be used for problems such as:

- Bacteria overgrowth and bloating. It is necessary to grind predried crust in a coffee grinder, and then add the resulting powder in the food. The number - no more than 1 teaspoon at a time.
- Bronchitis. To deal with it is useful decoction of the dry crusts. It is prepared by brewing 2 table feed trays 2 cups of boiling water, after which the tool must then on low heat, and 5-7 minutes for 1-2 hours. Take a decoction needed before a meal, for half a cup 3 times a day.
- Dry cough. To soften it and bring the resulting phlegm, it is necessary to prepare the infusion of 2 tablespoons tangerine peel and a glass of vodka. Before use, the tool is recommended to sustain in a dark room 7 days and take 15-20 drops three times a day before meals.
- Nasal congestion with colds. Quickly get rid of it will help to inhalation of hot water, to which is added the peel mandarins 2-3.
- Insomnia, depression, neuroses and other effects of stress. To soothe and remediation of the nervous system need to add dry tangerine peel when brewed black tea. This drink is also an excellent prevention of skin cancer, but also help to lose weight, if you eat it instead of dessert.
- Fungal diseases of the feet. It should be 2 times a day, rub the nails and skin fingers fresh tangerine peel.
- Diabetes. Lowering blood sugar level can be achieved by eating beverage 0.5 liters of water and 3 tangerine peel. The mixture was brought to boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink the resulting broth by half a glass before a meal. Keep a drink in the fridge.
Application for cosmetic purposes

Essential oil mandarin has a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating and refreshing it. It prevents the formation of wrinkles and improves complexion. Particularly suitable are compositions based on tangerine peel for oily and combination skin types.
To cleanse the skin and improve its tone in the home, you can prepare a tonic of tangerine peel. It must be cut into small pieces and pour ½ cup of cold boiled or mineral water, leave for a day, then strain. If wiping tool face 2 times a day, you can spice up loose skin and give it a shine, as well as get rid of blackheads.
Dry chopped fruit peel is suitable for use as a scrub. Dilute the resulting powder with water to a slurry state and applied to the body. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of olive oil into the facility.
future wrong
Despite the obvious benefit of tangerine peel, use it inside, you can not please everyone. Strictly contraindicated based tools peel people who suffer from diseases such as:
- ulcer;
- gastritis;
- increased acidity of the stomach;
- cholecystitis;
- are allergic to citrus.

Carefully use tangerine peel should pregnant women, as this product may cause allergies. The same applies to small children.
Important is the choice of fruit. Mandarins should be no traces of rot or other defects, but even if the fruit looks perfect before use its pelt should be thoroughly washed with a sponge or brush and well rinse.
If you do not throw peel tangerines, and use them as a drug and cosmetic products, can be enriched with vitamins, to improve health and improve skin condition.