Interior room is complete when the windows hang curtains and tulle. Curtains can refresh the interior, if their snow-white color. Despite the fact that the range is now huge tyuley, they can be of any color and shade. But tulle white as the classic version is still in vogue for many years. Through time tulle change color, turn yellow, turn gray, then the room loses its appeal. It is important to know how to return it to its former freshness and attractiveness at home.
More light and airy white tulle can make any room, but with time, showing their capricious nature, it changes color. There are many ways to return to him on a white background, it is not necessary for this to give up his beloved white curtains. Select whether you want to fabric bleaching It depends on tissue type. You need to choose the correct method and tools that do not damage the fabric.
- Bleaching tyuley from different tissues
- The use of household chemicals
- The use of folk remedies
- helpful hints
Bleaching tyuley from different tissues
Today, the actual cloth for tyuley considered kapron or organza.
Tulle organza will decorate any window and room. Organza is considered beautiful, but very capricious cloth. She does not like hot water and aggressive industrial bleach. For removing yellowing of the tissue is necessary to use the following methods:
- it can be soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia;
- rinse solution was used with the addition of hydrochloric zelenki;
- used for bluing rinse solution.
Capron as organza - a beautiful and delicate material that withstands water temperature to 30 degrees. Wash the material in the machine is necessary to wash delicate.
Material can not stand the bleachers, Since they can damage it permanently. Capron can be soaked and washed in saline solution and to apply rinse solution of potassium permanganate or green fodder.
If we consider the option of veiltail curtains white, then they also need to be treated carefully. Curtains get dirty, and the fabric does not tolerate hot water. In order not to spoil its need when washing adding hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (1: 2). To begin with tulle to soak for half an hour in this solution, then rinse and dry.
The use of household chemicals
The stores have a lot of money in bottles and bags, which are designed to remove stains. The most famous of these is the white.
To update the curtains and return them to the original white color, it is necessary to use white. That's just to help it all tissues can not, and some will be able to do much harm, among them - organza. Before you apply it, you must familiarize yourself with some nuances:
- Icons on the product prompt whether to bleach the cloth can be;
- because of regular use of whiteness destroyed tissue structure;
- if the cloth was used bleach once, subsequent contamination on it will not vystiryvatsya and have again and again to use bleach.
In a convenient container in warm water is necessary to dissolve the desired amount of white. Put there tulle. Water with dissolved in it white should completely cover the product. An hour later, the curtains should be thoroughly rinsed. If you do not like the smell of chlorine in the water to rinse the need to add a conditioner.
remover It differs from the brightness that it is used in areas where there is contamination. In contrast to the white, it has a nice flavor, thanks to which it is not necessary to use air conditioning.
The method of application is similar to the application of whiteness. The warm water dissolves a certain amount of stain remover. Tulle is soaked for an hour, if the result does not suit you, you can increase the time up to 5 hours. Curtains, rinse and leave to dry.
It is important to remember that all of the procedures, which are made with household cleaning products, should be done with gloves to protect the delicate skin on the hands from the effects of aggressive environment.
The use of folk remedies
All the ingredients that are used in folk recipes, eat in the kitchen. These include:
- salt;
- zelenka;
- blue;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- ammonia;
- laundry soap;
- soda;
- manganese;
- lemon acid.
laundry tulle With salt. 4-5 tablespoons it was added to 100 grams of powder, diluted in 5 liters of water and soaked in this solution tulle. soaking time - 4-5 hours for best results can be even longer. To wash out the dirt better, you can use the washing machine.
With a view to a little bleach and starched tulle a salt, used to make the salt solution. This is a simple and effective way to home.
StarchWhich is on any kitchen, it is a very good tool in the fight with yellowness. Use it is quite simple. Be dissolved in hot water means two spoons. After curtains washed, it is soaked in a solution prepared in advance for 3-5 minutes. Rinse well, slightly wring out and sent to dry.
In a similar way starches products. They are covered by a kind of protective layer, long retain their shape. Dust that settles on them, it is easy strushivaetsya, and the fabric is very simply satisfied with this content without additional bleaching agents.
Oddly, but in the fight for the snow-whiteness of fabric can help zelenka. It is necessary to pour zelenki 10-15 drops in a small container with warm water, to leave for a while. Shake that there is no residue, and pour in a large container, where a lot of water (10 liters). Tulle washed, then shift into a container with a diluted zelenkoj for 5 minutes. During this time the product must be constantly flip. Lightly squeeze and dry. Not to get a shower curtain with green stains, you need to ensure that brilliant green solution in water completely.
Blue - this tool has been known for a long time and it has been used for bleaching. Now it is very rare to find on sale. Dosing following: wash tulle need to manually advance half the measuring cup to dissolve in water whose temperature is 30 degrees. Tulle put in the water, wait a while, rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry.
It is not advisable to use the bluing in the washing machine due to the fact that it would be difficult to understand if the blue disappeared. Therefore, in order to form new tissue does not stain, rinse your tulle desirable hand. So it is possible to monitor the process and to prevent the appearance of stubborn stains. Help from such funds is very noticeable.
Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia help get rid of yellow tulle not only on, but also on the cotton fabric. To a solution of 2 need art. l. 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Add it in water having a temperature of 60 degrees. Put the product there for 20-25 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry.
Laundry soap rubbed on a coarse grater, poured into a container with water and placed on the gas. Boiling container is removed from the heat, diluted to get warm water. The product is soaked in the water for 5-7 hours, and preferably overnight. Outspread hand, carefully rinse, wring out and dry.
Soda used for white goods. One tablespoon is mixed with 50 grams of powder, diluted in 4.5 liters of warm water. Soak the tulle you want to whiten, for 20-25 minutes. The product is washed, rinsed, dried.
Manganese very hard to get, but this method of whitening curtains need to know. Good manganese dissolve in warm water to give a pink solution. The product is pre-wet and thoroughly lather soap. Immerse it in water for half an hour with manganese. Wash, rinse, wring out and dry. White tulle provided.
Lemon acid used to the tissue that has lost color or very dirty over time. Tulle carefully lathering soap and soaked for half an hour in hot water. To rinse Tulle, you need to add water sachet of citric acid. Tulle becomes whiter and fresher.
decoction - the most famous and popular method of our grandmothers. cotton and linen: natural fabrics are suitable for digestion. The process takes place in a stainless steel or enameled vessel. By grated economic soap powder and added water, all it mixed thoroughly. The product is fully lowered to the resulting solution.
Capacity is put on fire, brought to a boil and boiled at low heat for at least an hour. In the process you need with a wooden stick to stir the contents. Take the boiled stuff, rinse thoroughly and dry. that Whiten old tulleThis method is most effective. Can make it any hostess, but it is worth remembering that organza is not digested. This tulle material should be bleached very carefully.
helpful hints
Tulle is necessary before washing shake. Be sure to soak product before erasing it. Water should only be warm for washing and soaking. If washing is performed in the machine, the maximum number of revolutions - 400, and the washing should be delicate or hand. With the help of folk remedies tulle can whiten as effectively as with chemistry.
The curtains in the sunlight glittered needed during washing add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. Iron tulle is not necessary, the main thing after washing it gently pressing, not to form many creases. The wet product is ready to hang on the ledge, under the weight of their body weight quickly straighten it.