If the hostess buys a washing machine, it calculates that the technique will work for a long time without breaking and delighting clean clothes. But sometimes there are unexpected failure for various reasons. Frequently wash is interrupted, as the unit begins to produce leak from the bottom. Why is the water flowing out of the washing machine - usually ask the masters, but sometimes you can understand the reason of their own.
- The reasons for leakage of washing machine
- The drain or inlet hose
- Problems with dispenser
- Problems with pipes
- Cuffs on access door
- Failure of the tank
- damage to the gland
- Repair and elimination of breakage
- Prevention of leaks
The reasons for leakage of washing machine
You have to understand that no one is safe from damage in the washing machine, and it can happen even with the most careful and thrifty owner. If you bought an expensive equipment, it also does not mean that it does not undergo breakage. In order to timely respond to the problem that appears, and then properly remove it, it is necessary to examine carefully information on how to fix the damage, perform prevention and what to do if the washing machine is flowing from below during washing.
Reasons flowed washing machine from below - a few, these are the main ones:
- the use of poor quality during washing detergents;
- improper operation of the machine during the wash;
- failure of the details;
- manufacturing defects during the manufacture of individual elements.
If the device is completely empty, you can understand where the cause of the leak, which occurred failure and why the water is running. But perform better diagnostics specialist, especially if the equipment is still under warranty. Otherwise, the warranty is canceled immediately.
The drain or inlet hose
Stiralka - a device which constantly operates with liquid substances, in the machine there is a plurality of tubes through which water is pumped. Reveal a crack or a cut in the outer hose easily. This can be done even in the disconnected machine. It is sufficient to wrap the hose toilet paper, and place in which it gets wet, and stored damage. If it is determined that a leak appeared on the site of the joint body machine and the hose for the repair will be sufficient to replace only the seal. If it turned out that there was a leak directly on the hose, it is necessary to replace it completely.
Problems with dispenser
When the washing machine starts to leak after the water when the set - it may mean that broke a dispenser. This can happen when using poor-quality detergents, bad water, due to the strong pressure or when clogged powder. Hide powder can and tray, and sometimes it gets and the foreign object.
Problems with pipes
This item may be damaged within a year since the beginning of operation of the washing machine. This failure is due to unscrupulous manufacturers who are trying to save on everything.
If the main flow appears during water intake, the problem is most likely related to the nozzle. To be absolutely sure that this is the case, you must remove the top cover of the machine.
Most often it happens that flows drain pipe that goes from the tank to the drain pump. You can see this, if you tilt the washing machine and look at the bottom. Can flow pipe and water filling the tub. To find out, you need to remove the front wall and look at the connection site. To solve this problem will need waterproof glue, which must be a good place to process pipe connection.
Cuffs on access door
When water begins to leak out of the hatch, which is loaded in the clothes, the wear of the sealing cuffs. It must be replaced, but for the quality of repair is best to call a specialist. That this failure does not happen, it is necessary to carefully check the pockets of clothing before loading it into the drum. The pockets are often small subjects that sharp edges damaging the cuff and lead to further leakage.
Small cuts in a cuff can be corrected by using a waterproof adhesive and the rubber patch. With significant damage requires a complete replacement of the part.
Failure of the tank
Breakage of the tank can occur when frequently erased belts, shoes, things with metal elements. They eventually deform and incapacitate the surface of the tank. When it appears crack, it needs to be replaced, which will require considerable time and cost. You can try to seal the crack, but as a rule, do not work.
Tank construction consists of several elements for their connection bolts or staples used with the gasket that connects them. Gasket damaged with time, and is formed to flow in this case.
damage to the gland
When a leak occurs during the spin, then it means one thing - the gland is damaged, needs urgent repair. We must not forget that the oil seal is worn with time, which then leads to a leak in the process of spinning. To see the status of this part, you need to inspect the tank carefully. Incidentally, during the inspection may be a need to replace both the stuffing box and the bearings.
Repair and elimination of breakage
If it was decided to do without the services of specialists and eliminate damage to yourself, then you need to be careful, because you can make the situation worse with wrong-doing.
When the flow from the bottom of the washing machine, you must turn in time to perform these steps:
- Turn off power of the machine, but very carefully, not allowing contact with the body of water in order to avoid an electric shock. If you can not do it without contact with water, it is necessary to disconnect the system in the distribution board.
- close feeding water into the washing machine.
- Open the door off the car, get her clothes. When complete wash remaining water must be drained from the tank through the drain filter located below the front of the washing machine.
Once you can start to identify and remedy the damage occurred. During hose damage (After determining the area of a leak) can start eliminating the hole if it was decided to carry out repairs rather than fully replace the hose, which can be repaired with a patch of rubber and glue with water-resistant composition.
If it turned out that the problem lies in the gasket between the body and the hoseIt is necessary to unscrew and release it. Once put in place a new gasket old, purchased in advance. After all the work to assemble the structure in reverse order.
When it is clear that failure associated with the dispenser, and the washing machine runs, it is necessary to remove the faults in it. To do this, you need to get out of the dispenser device, properly cleaned, find the blockage and remove it. Then you need to install the dispenser back, and test performance art. It is necessary to determine how powerful the pressure, and if necessary, just to close the inlet valve, easing the pressure of water. If all these manipulations do not help, then it means only one thing - a very badly damaged inlet valve, It can repair only a specialist.
It is also a common cause of leaks is a washing machine loss of elasticity and integrity of the main cuffLocated on the hatch loading clothes. Opredilt to the integrity of the cuff, it is necessary, opening the door, look at his condition. If revealed minor damage, they can be corrected by latki rubber and a water resistant adhesive. It is necessary to remove the clips, clamps and the portion that is patched, move to the bottom of the hatch, and then return the latches into place. If it turns out that the cuff is severely damaged, it is necessary to acquire a new one.
If you need to fix Intake valve portIt is necessary to remove the top cover stiralki, and then proceed with the inspection of the part. If nozzles are visible signs of damage, it is necessary to change them. Inlet valve - it is rather complicated detail that only an expert can replace. Can fail and the filler neck in the tank. We'll have to see whether the water in the joint portion, and if so, then you need to remove the filler neck, remove excess glue, drain all the water and well dried connection point, and then set the pipe in place, fixing it with a water-resistant glue. You can use for this, and an epoxy mixture.
to fix malfunction in the tank, Need outside help. One person tilts the washing machine, and the second examines overall bottom stiralki. When vehicles laundry load comes from the top, you need to inspect the side. inspection task - to reveal traces of the liquid. When water is found on the bottom or the wall, then is the problem with the tank. In this case, the solution is only one -.. Professional challenge, so to repair the tank with your hands to make it is impossible.
If streaks are observed during the spin cycle, it means had deteriorated or broken bearing oil seal. It is also necessary to apply to the master, which will make the device repair, and equipment will cease to flow.
Prevention of leaks
The service life of the art and its details will depend on how it is used. To prevent stains, it is necessary to follow some guidelines:
- before closing the lid of the washing machine, check how firmly closed the door on a drum (In vertical loading).
metal parts on clothing could cause damage to the tank. To do this, you need to stick to one rule: all sorts of things with metal parts should be washed in a special bag. It's to do with the small things that can suck the inside of the spout.
- the washing machine is best installed in the room where the humidity is lowFor example, in the kitchen.
- when washing is completed, device must be disconnected from the socket - voltage swings can cause failure of the device.
- when in the water running water of poor quality, the system should be put filter.
- things not to overload the washing machine.
- and the most important - do not use detergents poor qualityIt will inevitably lead to failure.
Regardless of the model of the washing machine - Fairy, LG, Samsung or any other, the details eventually become useless, causing a leak. When the cause smudges small, the damage can be corrected with his own hands, with more serious faults, for example, takes a filter need to call a specialist. But if you constantly look after and monitor the equipment, the machine is not broken, and will be for quite some time.