Gifts will definitely love to receive it. A huge number of shops and companies involved in packaging, can eliminate the worry of any donor. But it can compete with the soulless beauty unique, created with his own hands? Such prezenty carry tribute. Those who wish to provide special attention to people close to 8 will help cool gift wrapping ideas.

Methods original gift pack
Present packed with love, will bring neither an incomparable pleasure to relatives and friends.
Such joy to be able to create any person.
Need to use simple ideas for challenging packaging:

- Homemade boxes of paper. Scheme, which can be cut out and assemble creative packaging can be easily found on the Internet. You need to simply print the stencil, and move it on heavy paper for a present. And then, successively bending the workpiece, it is necessary to collect a unique box that can not be found in the store. After assembling and gluing the packaging can be decorated with any possible ways.
- Using napkins and laces in the decor. Very refined and gentle way to design gift. Required box and a variety of lace, ribbons and napkins. You just need to paste these items onto the substrate in a pleasing manner and decorate with beads, beads, bows. Tenderness and nobility of such a package will cause the admiration of every female.
- Interesting design with an expensive bottle of alcohol for men. This will require an old shirt with long sleeves. To cut the sleeve, insert the bottle to the cuff reaches the top of the neck, and then sew the bottom edges. Unusual "suit" for alcohol can be further decorate cufflinks, tie or a butterfly that will be part of the show.
- Warm winter fairing. Decorating with old sweater with a beautiful viscous - a great way to decorate a present. Box you just need to tie and decorate the heart desires. For example, fluffy pompom, branches of the nearest garden, cones, ribbons of woolen yarns. Coziness supplies such gift any delight.
Personalize gifts
Special joy deliver the presents, which are prepared with the name of the one who receives it.
Personalize the packaging can be through a variety of ways:

- Making goodies pictures. The most common gift box or bag can be turned into a wonderful package. This will require only print out the happy, laughing faces of his family, and attach them to any aesthetic way to the base. Get a great personalized gift, filled with warmth and comfort.
- Decorating banks. Such a present will appreciate the sweet lovers. Turn a beautiful jar in unusual packaging for candy is very easy. You need to put together a tasty colorful little notes with pleasant words and compliments, and the very bank issue as imagination allows. For example, make the cover of colorful wrapping paper or colored writing on it "Endorphin for (name)" or "Sweet did (name)", and fix tape.
- Cash show. Creative design envelope for the money to make it unique. Need for tight manufacturing base paper and imagination to decorate. Very interesting variants are derived from kraft paper, which is glued on different applications, bands. Calligraphy to write wishes for mentioning the name. This is a great way to stand out among the standard envelopes purchased anniversaries and weddings.
- Packing for a specific person. For example, a fun way to arrange a gift for someone who likes to travel or just dreaming about it. Instead of the standard brown paper need to use a variety of maps, atlases. Graphic print packaging of this kind will delight with its originality.
Gift - this kind of attention, which shows the feelings of the donor. Packaging, created with his own hands, will make a present special and memorable.
So you should try to implement one of the ideas to life to bring joy to people near and dear ones.