Every housewife knows very well how difficult to remove most stains from things. And most of all suffers the clothes, which are prepared in the kitchen. In the process of cooking fat to drip or drop a piece of food on a fairly easy. Yes, and evening gowns this fate does not shy away from. That is why it is very important to know how to properly and without harm to things remove grease stain from clothing, as well as keep in mind that such a variety of methods. Some of them used a simple and proven over the years means from the arsenal of every housewife, and some require chemicals in industrial production.
- Methods for the removal of fat stains
- other methods
- Otstiryvaniya chronic pollution
Methods for the removal of fat stains
The easiest and most successful method is considered to immediate removal of fat with things as soon as he got there. The sooner caught on and begin to act, the more chances to save his clothes. The best option in this case would be the application of any means for dishwashing. It must drop the stain from the edges to the center and carefully rub into the fabric. After that you want to add on the spot a little hot water or warm, if the fabric does not tolerate high temperatures. Half an hour later the clothes can be washed in the usual way, but keep in mind that the processing of tissue should be carried out strictly on the reverse side.
But this is not the only way to remove stains on clothes. Here are some other equally effective methods:
Mustard. It is good to help wash out grease stain on clothes or, for example, on the tablecloth dark colors made of natural fabrics. To do this, the powder is required to dissolve with water to the consistency of sour cream and apply on the stain for several hours. That's it, you can begin to wash cloth or cloth hand.
- To wash off grease stain with velvet and come to the aid bread crumbs. It is sufficient to apply to the open spot and wait for the bread will soak up all the fat in itself. Washable item in warm soapy water.
- Wash off stains on the clothes of wool can toothpowder. To do this, the thing you need to spread out on a flat surface, and pour on the stain tooth powder. On top of it to put tracing paper or blotting paper and iron contamination place. Flatten all this in several heavy books and leave overnight. Then the thing can be washed.
other methods
There is another interesting option, what can wash out grease stains from clothing. Here come to the aid of men's shaving foam. It must be rubbed into the stain, throw the thing in the washing machine and a wash in the usual way.
There are other methods of cleaning fabric from stains:
- To wash out the fat with light and delicate fabrics, you can take a piece of chalk, Crumble it and sprinkle the grease stain on the cloth, laid out on a flat surface. After that, give the product to lie down for a while and wash the thing in warm water with soap.
You can remove the stains without washing. But this should be done only on fresh stains. For this purpose it is necessary to sprinkle starch and to absorb the fat. Shake starch and enjoy the result. If the first attempt failed, the procedure should be repeated.
- But it so happens that the stain was found later. Then wash off the old grease stain from clothing can be a conventional bar laundry soap. Lather thing completely and put in a plastic bag at night. After that it will be enough just to wash clothes, and then the result will be pleasantly surprised.
- With fresh grease stains copes and regular table saltBut with old she can not cope. It is necessary to pour more salt on pollution and wait for it to fully absorb the fat. Repeat procedure should be as long until the stain is completely gone.
Otstiryvaniya chronic pollution
When the contamination was not detected immediately, to cope with such a flaw on clothes becomes a big problem, but still solvable. It is enough to carry out the procedure for removing pollution according to one of the methods presented several times or use tools such as Vanish. Just do not use the tool fully on the whole thing, t. To. She may suffer. First, you need to check on a small piece of tissue response to the drug.
There are simple ways that used more grandmother:
- Well in this case it helps ordinary glycerol. It should be heated to a temperature of 30 degrees and apply to the stain. Then treated with a place to wipe with a sponge soaked in gasoline. Now a thing can be washed in the machine using any stain remover.
- To wash off the fat from the clothes of delicate materialsYou can use a tool that is easy to make yourself. This will require ammonia, glycerin and water. All this must be mixed in equal parts and applied to the contaminated site. thing then you need to be postponed for some time and later wash.
- No less remarkable remedy for oily dirt could be simple sawdustWho is first necessary to soak in gasoline. They must be applied to the pollution and left there to dry completely. Sawdust can be removed and washed clothes with stain remover.
- Perfectly helps clean greasy sheen on the old things ammonia and turpentine. They need to be mixed together in equal proportions and apply on the contaminated land. Allow to dry cloth and wash in the machine.
- It will help remove the fat from the crusty stuff and rectified spirit. They need to treat the tissue around the contaminated area and then wipe grease stain itself.
Currently, there are still many ways for removing greasy dirt from clothes. But any of them should begin with Testing on tissue reaction, T. To. The tool can severely damage the fabric. For this thing must be turned inside out and put on the current composition of the inner seam of clothing. If the fabric is not changed and is not thinned, it can be safely used in the composition of the contaminated site.
On the white stain clothing can derive almost any of the methods above. Just do not use vinegar, t. To. He can lead to yellowing of things and its damage. Yes, and rinse clothes should be careful, because the active ingredient must be flushed thoroughly. And pollution from oil well are removed using alcohol, benzene and other organic solvents.
Remove the fat on the clothes of different colors to be very careful. Brightness tissue can "eat" solvents, and the item will be hopelessly spoiled. Here, the best option would be the use of a specific stain remover, which is designed for a specific type of tissue. But all the methods that are used to remove fresh contamination of fat, perfect for colored fabrics. Only hydrogen peroxide refers to the prohibited substance: it can leave stains.
As you can see, there is no insurmountable spots. With any of them can be easy to deal with improvised means. Therefore, if there is contamination on the clothes of the fat, then nothing prevents the use of any of the proposed methods.