Before you wash clothes, it should be expanded in piles according to color. Before the big washing usually get three: white, black and colored linen. However, there are situations where it slightly. For example, when the house is a small child, then the mistress often lay all things together. Later on, of course, regret, because some fabrics fade and stain other. On how to wash faded things will be discussed in the article.
- Molting white things
- colored items
- Methods for recovery of color to faded fabrics
- Prevention moult
If after washing it became apparent that the product It sheds and changed colorMeasures must be taken immediately. It should again be washed - have a chance to rectify the situation. But if you notice a rotten thing after a while, you have to expose its more serious test.
Often the product is white colored or black paste. For example, in a white shirt, blue collar or a snow-white sundress decorated with black ribbons. Such things only wash in cold water. It is that unscrupulous manufacturers are used to insert low-quality dyes, as a result suffers from the whole thing. There are several ways to wash faded white linen:
- When white cloth colored spots remain, used a special stain remover. Pour directly on the stain and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash in cold water. If the laundry has a colored insert, make sure that means they are not horrible.
- If you have just got out of the car faded clothes, you should quickly soak it in very cold water and a cup of salt. This method is excellent corrode the paint and bring it out. But with the old stubborn traces of salted cold water can not cope.
- After washing in the home of all things at once, separate the white from the color and wash it again with the addition of high doses of bleach in hot water.
- Soak white clothes in bleach, leave for 6 hours. Well with patches of oxygen bleach. Do not leave in bleach with chlorine thing more than five hours. This element spoils fiber cloth, and the thing can quickly wear.
- Return the white things by boiling. Connect with baking soda soap and bring to a boil, then lower in the white liquor. boil things over low heat for about two hours. After that they should be rinsed and dried. Boiling is an effective way to get rid of white spots on the items of any origin.
- To revive the white linens, Use popular recipe. Dissolve in water, soap, taken size of a matchbox, and add 1/2 cup salt and starch two spoons, pour the juice of one lemon. To a solution of warm water lower things and leave for the night. In the morning wash in the machine at 60 degrees.
- Radical and effective way is to eliminate a trace using hair dyes. If all of the above tools do not work, cook the mixture, as indicated in the instructions to paint "ash blonde" or other similar, and add water. Soak in this part of the thing, and the erstwhile white back.
colored items
If the white stuff enough dunk in bleach, then this method is not suitable for colored clothes. How to remove the stain while preserving paint:
- To save faded colored stuff, You must apply rinse in cold water. You'll have to rinse so many times before, the foreign paint will come down. Typically, after the tenth rinse spoiled thing "comes to his senses."
- Remove stains and spots with colored dress can ammonia. Take three liters of water and stir them in two vials, and then soak the thing in half an hour. Rinse thoroughly and put it in the machine, wash with conditioner. If after washing the smell of ammonia disappears, try applying vinegar. Add it in the rinse. Then thoroughly rinse the garments with clean water and hang to dry out. Outdoors both substances evaporate.
- To return the faded color of things in a simple manner, take a special stain remover or bleach for colored. In the household chemicals contain strong substances that are very aggressive. Therefore, to get the effect, you must carefully follow the instructions and precautions. When soaking clothes or bed linen by hand, wear gloves.
- Black-and-white thing can be saved with the help of green tea. Brew a strong tea in a few liters of water and soak the product. Then press it and pour salt all white areas. Leave the tea for 30 more minutes. Then wash in the machine.
- To get rid of the colored stains on woolen clothesUse this recipe: in water, add a shaving soap and hydrogen peroxide, Soak clothes for two hours in the solution, then rinse at the end, add vinegar, which makes it soft.
- Small spots remove the baking soda and vinegar. Both components are mixed and then applied in dot onto the tracks. You should wait an hour, then wash the usual way.
Methods for recovery of color to faded fabrics
If everyone ways triedBut it does not work, try to modify the item. For example, if the spots "successful" is located on the sleeves of blouses, they can be simply cut and cut process on the machine. Sleeveless jackets also look very good.
Clothes can be repainted, if faded jeans or pants made of thick fabric. Dye cloth It can be purchased at any hardware store. It is easy to use. It is necessary simply to dissolve the paint powder in water and put into a mixture of jeans, after which include gas and bring to boil. The color intensity depends on the amount of the coloring powder.

To paint lay down evenly, you need to stir constantly. In some cases, small spots are obtained, and are located in one place. You can apply the decoration. At this point you can be anything embroider, sew lace, perform a pattern of beads. If things were spoiled children, you can take advantage of special patches that are sold as the heroes of fairy tales in stores for needlework.
To prevent damage to clothes, do not forget to laundry to sort. Do not neglect doing this, because then comes inevitably disappointed.

- New thing keep away from the usual clothes, because you do not know how it will behave.
- Before washing new thing must be soaked in water with vinegar and salt. These substances help to paint a foothold.
- Before washing, look at the label, which indicates the temperature. If a recommendation to be washed at 30 degrees, do not neglect the advice.
- Pay attention to the very clothes. Typically, most fade bright, black and synthetic products. As a rule, bright linen and cotton fabrics retain their color even at high temperatures.
- Purchase at the store household chemical wipes to preserve color. The color from one thing to another is not passed, put it in the washing drum of the washing machine.
These simple rules will help clothes retain their original color and reduce the chances of molting. Washing machine - a device to facilitate the work. But that the result brings satisfaction, should not only be able to use the technology, but also to follow the simple rules of washing. Take care of your things.