Starched things look neat and beautiful. Now not every woman understands how to use starch or other special features which give firmness things. Most often, fabric nakrahmalivayut using vegetable raw materials. It can be made from potatoes, corn, rice or wheat. The most inexpensive raw material is starch made from potatoes. But not everyone knows how starched things right and not spoil them at the same time.
- Key actions
- gentle way
- average method
- tough one
- How to stiffen the dark cloth
- recommendations housewives
Key actions
Before you begin the process of fabric starching, it must first wash and rinse thoroughly. Thing, lowerable into a solution should be slightly moist or completely dry. There are four tissue processing method, which depend on the concentration of the mixture:
- Soft. This method attaches a small tissue elasticity, but the thing the touch is not very firm. They can be starched linen, blouses, dresses and skirts in chiffon and silk fabric.
- Average. For creating a specific shape. Good refreshing tissue. they can starch tablecloths, napkins, Men's shirts, furniture covers, curtains, lace various elements and flounces.
- Hard. Such a method nakrahmalivaet fabric so that the thing is literally worth it. It is used to impart pomp lower skirts, hardness cuffs, collar, a textile decorative colors.
Also, for all of these methods can be used not only starch, but also gelatin, sugar and glue.
gentle way
To starch tissue at home mild method for solution required to prepare one teaspoon of starch and 1 liter of water. Further actions:
Starch is poured into a small container and is diluted with 200 ml of cool water. All mixed thoroughly, not to leave lumps in the solution.
- The remaining water is put on fire, and brought to a boil. The prepared mixture was poured in gently boiling water. It should be constantly stirred solution. Capacity is removed from the heat.
- The finished fluid is cooled to room temperature. The solution should turn transparent consistency. When lowering in her hand on the skin should remain slippery trail.
- The mixture is poured into a basin, and it is soaked cloth. Things should be left for 1-2 minutes until full impregnation. After that, things are pulled, squeezed and shaken off. Then all were hung to dry. It is desirable to remove the hanging of all the creases and folds. Particular care is required to spread the skirt and Petticoats.
The soft method is also suitable for starching or tulle curtains. All the action takes place in the same way, only it is necessary to lower the fabric in the solution for half an hour already. After this thing pulled out and pressed. Once tulle gently dries, it must be pat.
If during the mixing of the starch lumps appeared, the entire solution should strain through a cheesecloth or a sieve. If the fluid is turned very cloudy, then the mixture is put on the fire and boil for another 5 minutes. That after starching things appeared shine, the solution is recommended to put a pinch of salt.
average method
If you want to starch things at home by an average need to cook 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of raw material. A solution is prepared in the same manner as the method for soft. As a result, should get a jelly with a translucent homogenous watery consistency. If the mixture was very thick, it is necessary to dilute it with a little water.
What happens next depends on the type of tissue. Very thin materials are simply dipped into the resultant liquid. Lace and napkins should withstand 20 minutes. Tablecloth, cloth napkins and shirts keep about a quarter of an hour.
If you want starched little detail on the clothes, it is a solution in which a small piece of soaked cloth or sponge. With it, moisten a necessary element in clothing. After 10-15 minutes, it is necessary ironed using cheesecloth.
tough one
To properly starch things with the hard method, the solution is also being prepared in the usual manner. Only for mixing must be used for two tablespoons of starch in 1 liter of water.
There is another method for preparing a solution. This would require one liter of water, 50 g of starch, 1 teaspoon of borax (sodium salt is boric, which is sold in pharmacies). Cooking steps:
- In 200 ml of cool water diluted whole starch;
- In 200 ml of hot water to dissolve the borax and cool the mixture to room temperature;
- Residual water brought to a boil, removed from the heat, added to the mixture of starch;
- Next is poured a mixture of borax;
- You need to leave for a solution of 2:00.
Many people wonder how starched cheesecloth, if out of it sewn petticoats and necessary to achieve the effect of splendor. To this solution the fabric is lowered. Waiting, when it is completely soaked, pulled the cloth, wring out and leave to dry a little. Gauze, slightly damp, you need a good pat, smoothing wrinkles.
If you want starched cuffs and shirt collar, these elements simply fall into the solution. After 20 minutes, they are taken out, drained, slightly dried and properly proutyuzhivayut.
How to stiffen the dark cloth
Sometimes you have starched fabric in dark colors. In this case, you can not use starch, otherwise things may remain spots and stripes. It is best to use gelatin: two cups of cold water sleep 20-25 g gelatin. Stirred thoroughly and allowed to swell for 1 hour. Thereafter, the mixture was put in a water bath and wait for complete dissolution of the gelatin. The hot solution was added 1-2 liters of warm water. In this liquid soaked underwear.
Even when the need arises starched fabric in dark colors, you can use water-glue solution. For its preparation required PVAc 100 ml and 200 ml of water. Necessary things immersed in a mixture of a quarter of an hour. After that eavesdropping and iron.
Too bright colored dresses and children's clothes can lose their beautiful color from aqueous adhesive solution. To avoid this, starching should be made by spraying. Such a method should not be applied on expensive fabrics with rich colors and complex textures, as the product will be ruined. For this underwear is recommended to use a ready means.
recommendations housewives
You can starch underwear unusual ways. To make the effect of soft and diluted with appropriate solution is poured into a spray bottle. By this means the mixture is sprayed on the fabric during ironing. But this method can not be used on silk underwear.
There are also ready-made tools that allow nakrahmalivat things during washing in a washing machine. This means you need to add during the last rinse. In this spin should occur at the weakest speed that it was still wet when dostavaniya linen.