Roll-curtains: it's, description, design variants, methods of attachment to the window

The popularity of roller blinds increasing every day. In common parlance they are called roll curtains or fabric shutters. Roll blinds for plastic windows installed by a special mechanism. Beauty, functionality and protection against the penetration of sunlight - the main purpose of this type of curtains.


  • 1 Roll blinds: what it is
    • 1.1 functionality
  • 2 Types of curtains roll
    • 2.1 Mini blinds and curtains Cassette
    • 2.2 Rolling curtains
    • 2.3 Roll "zebra" model
    • 2.4 bamboo
    • 2.5 rope
    • 2.6 blackout blinds
  • 3 Blinds in the interior of the house
    • 3.1 living Room
    • 3.2 In the bedroom
    • 3.3 the kitchen
  • 4 Examples of use and photo roll curtains in the interior
  • 5 Video: Setting the blind on the plastic window
  • 6 50 photos of interesting options blinds in the interior of the house:

Roll blinds: what it is

Roll curtains - it tissue fabric, folding completely or at a certain level due to roll mechanism. Variants mechanisms, as well as tissues, a lot. The simplest type consists of a roller blind shaft, chains and webs, the bottom of which is attached strap. Due to the chains can be one-handed control mechanism - lower and raise the curtain. Plank, fixed bottom blade, serves to uniformly without fluctuations, regulatory plain material roll curtains.

Roller blinds, or blinds are popular because of their hygiene, convenience and ease of use

Note! At first glance it looks like roller blinds blinds. However, their significantly more attractive appearance, and the mechanism can be completely or partially obscure the room.

Roller blind - variety blinds, in which the web, which closes the window transparent portion, is wound on the shaft, located in the upper part of the window


Methods for installing the indoor and outdoor blinds

Roll curtains are characterized by open or closed fastening systems:

  • open - it is a bar at the bottom of the curtain is wound on a frame attached to a window or doorway shaft; strings are used for opening and closing;
  • closed - this is the side (usually two) guides blind, hidden in a special box, which is located on top of the shaft.

Mechanisms for roller blinds

Additional Information. To control blinds, many manufacturers offer not only the chain but also the remote option, which implies a remote control and built-in sensor mechanism.

In addition to fastening systems Rollets shutter protrude special decoration element in the interior and have a number of protective functions:

  • protection from natural sunlight, as partial or complete;
  • Hiding the room from prying ingested, which is especially relevant for the ground floor;
  • creating an air layer between the window glazing and bathroom.

Note! The denser the material web, the better the roll shutter not passed the cool air in winter. In the summer they prevent the ingress of bright and hot rays of the sun.

Types of curtains roll

Methods for installing the blinds on the window

Today, the textile industry offers many variations of roller blinds. Each type is characterized by its own peculiarities. However, regardless of the distinguishing characteristics of all of them are long, easy to care for, do not accumulate dust, antistatic and fire. The main types of shutters.

Types of panels for roller blinds

Mini blinds and curtains Cassette

The device is a mini blinds

Mini cassette and roll curtains the most popular of all kinds. Mini-blinds are ergonomic, small sized structure that covers only the glass.

The device is a mini blinds Suite

Options for installation of curtains to roll a few.

  1. With the help of drilling. As a rule, for mounting choose a wall or ceiling in the neighborhood of the window opening. For mounting brackets made markings, drilled holes, screws are inserted, by means of which the holders are screwed. Then in brackets set forth tube, which, by pushing, are inserted into the holes of the cover.
  2. With the use of a simple adhesive tape. The ideal method for fixing the structure to the plastic window frames. For this degreased surface is fixed nozzle for bonding, an adhesive tape is heated (typically hairdryer construction), remove the protective film and tightly pressed to the selected location on the window frame. Further, as in the embodiment with drilling on fixed brackets inserted pipe.

Installing roll curtains open on a plastic box without drilling

Cassette (closed) type of roller blinds completely hides the curtain in a special box. This type has additional guides made of plastic and is placed on the individual leaf. Cassette roll curtains let shut the window opening for exactly the width guides.

Installation options cassette roller blinds

Note! Cassette mechanism with a very thick material makes it possible to achieve 100% of the darkness in the room.

Rolling curtains

It is transparent, with light penetration level of 10 to 30% of the fabric roll curtains. They are used as decoration and additional protection by means of which creates a layer of air.

Note! Transparent roll curtains did not hide what is happening in the room in the evening and at night, if artificial light is turned on. They should be complemented with thick curtains, curtains.

The main plus simple curtains are wound on the shaft - is the ability to observe what is happening on the street without being seen.

Weighting (rolval) homemade the blind and its method of attachment to the top of the cornice

Roll "zebra" model

Day or night - the second name roll curtains, made of zebra style. The system is a band on the web, which alternate with each other. That is, one lane is clear, and the second is not. The main privilege roll "zebra" models - the ability to control light by a mechanism biasing the strip.

Roller curtains made of fabric with the effect of "day-night" allow you to adjust the degree of darkening the room on the principle of the blinds

Important! Option day or night is convenient because it does not need a fully lowered or raised.

Roll curtain "zebra" is different from other types of availability of additional straps that hold one of the edges of the fabric.


Roller blinds made of thin bamboo sticks are harmless, well protected from the light, but they can make noise when a draft

Such models curtains instead of roll tissue webs are thin bamboo sticks. They are very tightly interconnected and easily rolled up. Their main advantages:

  • environmental and health safety;
  • lightness, strength, resistance to temperature;
  • excellent breathability and water resistance.

Important! Bamboo blinds can not be hung on the windows that are wider than 120 cm. This is directly related to ease material which time begins to sag and deform.


The main constituent element of the rope blinds - narrow strips of textile or elastics, which make up the slats, fastened in the plastic holder

This is the easiest option and budget roll shutters, which can be easily attached to the window. The composition of rope rolling shutters includes:

  • ropes, which are interconnected in a horizontal position;
  • Roller mechanism by which when pulling or lowering the blind braided rope.

Ropes can have very different designs: in the form of beads, marine cable, a simple lace from any dense material.

A great advantage of the rope blinds is a rich palette of colors

blackout blinds

Rolling blackout curtains called BlackOut (Blackout). They, regardless of time, blocking the penetration of natural light into the room. For this fabric is impregnated with a special substance, which in addition to protection against light fading prevents other textiles and furniture in the room, and also possess soil release properties.

Curtains "blackout" - the best protection from bright light

Important! Blackout blinds are very relevant for rooms with windows facing south.

There are different versions of opacity:

  • high density, light transmission ranging from 50 to 60%;
  • superdense providing complete (at 100%) in the twilight of the room.

Types of fabric roller blinds on the degree of darkening the room

The main advantage of opaque roller blinds - it is dense, but at the same time light and thin fabric.

Apparatus improvised blinds

Blinds in the interior of the house

Regardless of the version of Roller blinds, the most important thing - it is their color scheme and emphasized the stylistic feature. Type fastening system also plays an important role in the interior of a particular room.

living Room

Transparent or completely hidden from prying eyes roll blinds now more than ever relevant in the living rooms of modern minimalism. In order to stand out and is a clear decor of the room is often complemented photo printing.

Blinds will help to get rid of the scorching sun and create the room a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the living room

Bamboo options suitable for the eastern interior room in a country style and eco. Look great in the halls of luxury, with a hand-crafted from natural fabrics and blinds.

In the bedroom

Most blackout roller blind in the bedroom - concisely, beautiful and functional

For dormitory perfect tight roll curtains with high reflective function. As well will look Rolled curtains linen, calico, cotton and dimauta. Benefit those options that will be complemented by light curtains.

Blinds in the bedroom can be combined with the classical one

Note! Neutral colors such as cream, beige or light gray, fabric roller blinds, you can easily complement the traditional curtains, lambrequins.

Roll "zebra" is also relevant curtains for the bedroom. Their clear and dense strips allow an incredible comfort of the light output from the window, which is particularly important for the bedroom.

the kitchen

Blinds in the kitchen have a greater functional role in the lesser - to be decorated. The most common option - a rope or open mechanism curtains impregnated with water-repellent substances.

Fabric blinds can be installed separately on each leaf, which is very convenient for the kitchen window

The main thing in a kitchen interior - is the unity of furniture design with the window opening. Long Roll options are not appropriate. Compact look and practical blinds short or medium length.

The kitchen is better to use the fabric with soil release

Examples of use and photo roll curtains in the interior

Roller blinds made of cloth with photo printing will be the highlight of any room

Below are the best design ideas of windows roll curtains. It should be remembered that the choice of the blind for a particular premises, it is necessary to take into account the version of the mounting system and the light transmission of the web.

Fabric blinds - the perfect solution for the design of the working cabinet

Video: Setting the blind on the plastic window

50 photos of interesting options blinds in the interior of the house: