Brown curtains: examples in the interior of the living room, hall, bedroom, photos

Always nice to do repairs in your home or apartment. When equip your own home, rejoices the soul and the body. At the same time is constantly in anticipation of the end of the work, represent the final picture.

Designers like to use brown curtains in the interior.

And very often the last stage of people give their relief efforts, and not get exactly what they wanted. It is about this element of interior decoration, like window curtains. Today's review is devoted to this topic, as the brown curtains in the interior design. This remarkable color deserves special attention. Let's get acquainted closer with him.

Such curtains are universal and sensation of warmth, comfort and relaxation that they give.


  • 1 Brown and shades: that like?
  • 2 Brown curtains in the interior: the beauty does not require victims
    • 2.1 Interior living room
    • 2.2 Chocolate color in the bedroom
    • 2.3 Kitchen Design
  • 3 Tips on registration of apartments and houses
  • 4 VIDEO: Brown curtain in the interior.
  • 5 50 variants brown curtains in different interiors:

Brown and shades: that like?

To learn more about the impact of brown color on a person, let's dive into the palaces of the unusual method of alternative medicine as color therapy.

Calm brown curtains become the background for the other objects of the interior, bright brown - accent.

From the history. color therapy method has come into the modern world of no less mysterious India. Pioneer of this treatment is considered to be a doctor Ghadiali, although historical records, the ancient Egyptians used the juice of fruits of different colors for the treatment of various diseases.

If you follow the knowledge of color therapy, dark brown curtains create a cozy, warm atmosphere in the room. But the use of bright colors in the interior (eg curtains coffee with milk), will bring visitors to the room a sense of security, ease of life and leisure.

Warm colors add visual space, gives lightness and softness.

Of course, it is not necessary to follow the 100% Indian Vedas with all their mystery. And it is better to collect the most "cream" of this trend, to dilute the discoveries of modern designers and season with common sense.

On the windows overlooking the sunny south side should be preferred curtains of dense matter, dark or cold hue of brown.

From words to deeds. When choosing a color, look for:

  • the intensity of room lighting by artificial and natural light;
  • side of the world, where the windows open;
  • design interior room;
  • color saturation premises other elements of decoration;
  • own taste preferences and reactions in your body.

On the north, the darkened side air curtains fit fabric in bright warm tones.

Brown is not limited to a single hue. Its great variety of species. For example, wenge curtains which is located in the sun room. Quite differently will look mustard curtains. For dark bedroom, they fit anywhere else the way.

With their brightness will be able to artificially brighten dark corners.

In addition to these colors, there are dozens more, each of which will bring the interior concrete room special effects. For example, the curtains the color of coffee, popular among young people.

Chocolate shades liked older people.

Next, let's see what features the use of shades of brown windowed textiles is necessary to consider to get the extraordinary beauty of the room design that is friendly lodges all visitors.

Brown curtains in the interior: the beauty does not require victims

For proper registration of premises housing dark brown curtains, must take into account a number of factors.

A combination of different types of curtains, fabrics and decor of the room will help to give a complete image.

  1. Color of upholstered furniture in the room. Nicely combination will look bright sofas, armchairs, chairs upholstery and other pedestals and shelves, with darker curtains.
  2. Number of different types of windows textile. This refers to the completeness of the curtains. It may be fully complete articles having a pelmet, curtains and drapes, or a combination of these three components. Examples are Italian, English and Austrian blinds. By varying completeness different design effect is achieved.
  3. Decorating the walls, ceiling and floor. These three components are the most important when choosing a design and colors of the window textiles. Each plane is adjacent to the window is its continuation, and hence the continuation of curtains.

The basic rule here is giving emphasis to a particular object, and clever use of contrasts.

Experienced designers are advised when using chocolate-colored curtains to leave the walls and ceiling light shades. It does not have to be white.

Here fit beige, milky, "Champagne" and other white and soft tones.

Interior living room

Guest Room: so in common parlance is called living. Its purpose - to rob a large and friendly company, or serve as a place of communication in the close circle of family. Such an atmosphere can create chocolate curtains in the interior photos which you can see below under the text.

The length of the floor - common variant design windows.

Luxury halls preferably hang Italian textiles, which differs from the rest of the outer expensive and rich views.

Lying on the floor brown curtain - the standard of luxury and wealth; for elegant bedrooms and living rooms.

But these curtains will fit perfectly in the decoration of the hall.

  1. Textiles, ornate gilded or silvered ornaments.
  2. Complete sets with translucent curtain and drapes two-set, combining two shades at once.
  3. Lush, satin fabric, belted pick-up with decorative trim.
  4. Numerous deep creases on the curtains set with the help of the braid, and located along the arcs using hangers and grabs.

Made of soft, well-draped fabric.

It is worth paying attention to the obligatory presence of curtains. It is usually bought from translucent tulle fabric style. The colors here are suitable soft. For example, milky, or even a coffee with milk. With composite curtain can create different effects in the living room. So, in the bright sun and the direct rays of the window is fully closed with thick curtains.

In winter time, when the sun is not as intense light, comfortable to use curtains.

Take a closer look closely to a variety of design options textiles window. Maybe you will find exactly what suits you personally.

Chocolate color in the bedroom

Bedroom is designed to ensure complete relaxation for its visitors. The idea of ​​everything window opening chocolate drapes very successful. Selecting a thick cloth, on sunny days do not have to worry because of the bright light. But do not forget to hang the curtain, color of milk.

Chocolate milk - a perfect tandem in the drink, but not less than perfect in the design of the bedroom.

For lovers of unusual design interesting option of finishing one of the walls (usually the wall at the head of a sleeping beds), decorative compositions. In terms of compatibility of colors, chocolate milk is compatible with a blue tandem breeze and sea blue. In this case, chocolate brown notes may result in:

  • bedding;
  • bedside tables and the bed itself;
  • desk and chair;
  • wall paintings, photographs and other decorative compositions.

Natural fabrics better breathable accumulate less dust and dirt.

Wall, blue tint does not have to have a smooth texture. You can pokleit wallpaper embossed or even choose a wall plastic panels. Last sold in specialized stores finishing materials. Panels can be purchased with textured patterns, shapes and figures.

Perfectly combined with other types of curtains.

Kitchen Design

Kitchen space is replete with all sorts of goodies, which in turn emit odors. Often contingency situation where splashes of falling pots to decorate the interior of the kitchen in a rainbow of colors. Therefore, the requirements for kitchen textiles are special.

Choosing brown curtains for the room, you need to remember the mood and the atmosphere they will make in the room.

Brown curtains there must be water-resistant, does not absorb odors and wash well.

But these types of curtains are suitable for the kitchen.

  1. Rolled products.
  2. Roman curtains.
  3. Vertical blinds.
  4. English curtain-style "cafe".

Metal or plastic rings form a smooth creases in the fabric, in an extended form impart beautiful volume.

All these products are sold in light and dark brown scales. For the kitchen it is important that the same rule that for the living room and bedrooms bright room hang dark textiles, but hidden in the shadows - light curtains. Shades suit raznosortnyh here. Of dark chocolate and coffee, to mustard and light beige.

Roman blinds - the convenience and beauty in one thing.

Tips on registration of apartments and houses

Bright brown color is very popular with young families and older generations. Here, everyone can find for himself what he seeks. The photo below shows an interesting and unusual solutions for brown curtains in the design of the apartments and town houses.

Short curtains are economical material consumption, ease of care and practicality.

Original look curtains in the form of threads, harmoniously hanging from the ceiling. Color range is set based on the design of the room.

Brown curtains yarns combine well with all other types of curtains.

Dark chocolate range, close to the dark natural wood, will make your dream kitchen. And having equipped wood-paneled walls in tone curtains and kitchen units, you will get a warm and cozy place.

A large range of shades from milky to rich blend of all styles and premises for any purpose.

Thanks to the use of brown curtains, design your apartment is endowed with warmth, comfort, modern glitz and notes of domestic peace. Pay attention to the design of your home.

Harmonious design - the key to a happy and healthy family.

VIDEO: Brown curtain in the interior.

50 variants brown curtains in different interiors: