Among the methods used for attaching curtains, set. Among them - the Velcro, with which you can install curtains made of different materials.
Curtains Velcro convenient and practical in the first place so that they do not require drilled holes in the plastic or tree
- 1 Curtains with Velcro
2 Curtains with Velcro, description, features mounting, design options
- 2.1 What is the fastener
- 2.2 advantages of products
3 How to set the curtains on the window without drilling
- 3.1 Installing curtains with Velcro own hands
- 3.2 How to Hang a Roman blinds without drilling
- 3.3 How to hang a window tulle Velcro
- 4 Loggia or balcony: how to fix the curtains with Velcro
- 5 Suckers for curtains, scope and mounting
- 6 Design of windows with curtains with Velcro, real photos in the interior
- 7 Video: We sew curtains on loops with Velcro.
- 8 Photo gallery application curtains with Velcro in the interior:
Curtains with Velcro
Strengthening the cornice - a simple operation, and there are several ways to implement it, including:
- with ties and braid;
- kuliske and hinges;
- Eyelets;
- hooks, clamps and clothespins;
- Velcro.
Last, according to many, it is the most simple. It does not require specialized knowledge, large cost and time.
Curtains with Velcro, description, features mounting, design options
Velcro - as it is officially called - has proved its efficiency. You can use it to install the curtains without cornice on plastic and wooden windows. They are especially convenient to use in small spaces, where the cornice may look cumbersome, and curtains, not flat against the wall, making the room visually less.
Using Velcro for small-ups can get rid of bulky eaves
What is the fastener
This type of mount is used widely: in the manufacture of garments, footwear, accessories and other goods. It is composed of two belt elements: Micro-located on one and the other - the same small loops. In contact both belts hooks cling loop, tightly clinging to each other.
Samokleyuschayaysya tape fastener or Velcro
advantages of products
Ease of Velcro that can be strengthened on the windows and in the absence of the eaves, thus saving space and money. Among the other advantages noted:
- long life and preservation of the technical characteristics;
- ease of installation and care: they are easy to remove, wash, dry and pat.
- curtains with Velcro can be used for any interior and style directions.
Velcro on the plastic window does not violate the integrity of the window
How to set the curtains on the window without drilling
Traditionally, to hang the curtain, you must first install the cornice, pre-drilled holes in the wall. Then mount holder for it and fasten them securely.
Fixing individual paintings of Japanese curtains with Velcro
However, many novice handyman interested in how to attach the curtain to the plastic window, but avoid drilling. This can be done by using the possibilities of fastening curtains with Velcro. This method of fixing can be used at installation:
- Roman blinds, including - roll;
- curtains made in oriental style, in its broadest sense;
In the small living room will look good Japanese curtains with Velcro
- drapes and curtains on loops, which are connected by Velcro.
Curtains on the hinges on the sticks are similar to normal curtains, to take them off enough to disunite Velcro
Installing curtains with Velcro own hands
Before proceeding to the design of curtains Velcro, you must decide where it will be attached: on the wall, plastic or wooden box, and then:
- cut fabric strip width of 5 to 12 cm, depending on the purpose and the curtains density;
Making the measurements of the window with an allowance on the Velcro on the top and bottom seams
Size cut out curtains, drapes buckle side, then the bottom drapes with a soft part on the reverse side Velcro
For each curtains sew the strings 4 from the same or another fabric
- fold it in half and stretch across the top edge of the face outwards, to iron;
To the top of the curtain on the front side, a soft Velcro Pin, measured 7 cm from the edge curtains, put under Velcro bottom one complication, stitched by
Bend the Velcro inside out and stitched by, placing a further complication to 1
- sew the soft part of Velcro (need tape without the adhesive layer);
Glue the hard part of the Velcro to the wall and fastens our curtain
- bend the fabric along the seam and stitch as close by Velcro.
With the help of drawstrings can lower and raise the curtain
After that, the front side is covered with fabric strap, which also need to sew.
The tough part fasteners attached to the eaves and glued.
To fix the bottom of the curtains use a hard Velcro on the edges
Attention! If the light curtain, and its installation is expected in the plastic box, the additional use of adhesive mass is not required.
How to Hang a Roman blinds without drilling
Nuances fixing Roman curtains with Velcro
One of the most popular types of curtains for a long time are the so-called Roman shades. Today, they are smooth fabric cloth, with which you can quickly and beautifully arrange the room. In this case, another advantage of these products is the stylistic versatility: they fit perfectly into any interior.
On the underside of the fabric by means of chalk or a piece of dry soap note installation location rings, tuck and fold lines
Usually they are mounted on the eaves; To do this, drill holes where to insert fasteners and fix it. Today, however, to hang the curtain of this type is not necessary to drill the wall - you can use Velcro tape.
Treat the side edges and the upper section of fabric to sew upper edge Velcro-closure, which will be fixed the curtain
To this end, except for the fabric, you will need:
- Velcro (soft portion);
- strips of plastic or metal, which will mimic the ledge;
- plate for weighting, which strengthens the bottom of the product;
- an even number of curtain rings.
Set the wooden block on the window frame
By means of nails or furniture stapler attach to the bottom of a wooden beam Velcro
Works are carried out as described in the previous section. In addition, from the inside pocket sewn original, which is inserted from above "cornice", and at the bottom - weighting.
Tuck the bottom of the curtains to form a space for weighting the bar, on the wrong side curtains stitched by finishing rim, formed in "pockets" rack insert
Through strengthened at the level of the ring of pockets pulled the cord, and the whole structure is attached to the rigid side of the Velcro plastic or wooden base.
Sew ring via Velcro strips fasten the curtain to a wooden bar, is then threaded through the cord to the top edge curtains through all rings anchoring cords using ribbons

Remove the ribbon, which were recorded folds when the curtain falls - align all the tension cords, install curtains finished
Additional Information. Weighting allows to keep the product bottom surface of the folds and creases.
How to hang a window tulle Velcro
Without the complexity and use of drilling tools can be attached to a light muslin curtains or tulle Velcro on a plastic or wooden ledge, using this kind of attachment.
The main condition for Velcro - the fabric should not be hard
Loggia or balcony: how to fix the curtains with Velcro
Today decided to use the balcony or a loggia as an area of ​​residential premises, often turns into another makeshift room. Among other methods of fastening can be installed blinds to balconies with Velcro.
Curtains with Velcro often used to zaveshivaniya windows on the balcony and loggia
However, their use requires additional conditions that will ensure the durability and reliability of fixing the curtains.
The curtains on the balcony with his hands on the sticks have a certain complexity of the installation, since the windows installed here, reach the top, and they can be strengthened with great difficulty. Cornice can not be established, curtain on the nails - not aesthetically pleasing, and the most effective and aesthetically pleasing manner will use Velcro.
An excellent embodiment is the use of Roman blinds. They have a number of advantages:
- do not interfere with opening of windows;
- not fluttering from wind gusts;
- does not require significant expenditures;
- They are used in different colors.
Attention! Do not forget that the particular arrangement of balconies and loggias imply a significant movement of air, so heavy cloth are irrelevant.
The best choice for balcony curtains will tulle, muslin, organza, silk, batiste, curtain cloth.
The fabric can be reinforced Velcro on the bar, and then install it on the window frame and secured with fasteners.
On a wooden batten adhesive tape is attached with an adhesive or the stapler, and rake - with screws on a wall
Variants of registration of balconies and loggias can be found on sites where color photos posted.
Suckers for curtains, scope and mounting
Another way of fixing curtains is to use suction cups. Most often, they reinforce curtain in the bathroom, shower, combination bathroom. It has its advantages:
- ease;
- low cost;
- time savings;
- no need to drill the wall.
However, such products do not always please: after the operation of short-term losing strength, falling together with the curtains.
When you purchase is necessary to pay attention to the integrity and smoothness of the surface of the sucker. If they are violated, then the loan period will be short-lived.
But even high-quality products absolutely will not stay tight, if the wall has defects: dents, cracks, remnants of the old coating. It will be difficult to strengthen them and to the relief surface of tiles.
To securely fix them, must be applied:
- means for degreasing;
- Vaseline and preparations on the basis of vaseline;
- lining of a self-adhesive PVC film;
- silicone sealant.
Design of windows with curtains with Velcro, real photos in the interior
Modern materials provide ample opportunities for the realization of design ideas. With examples of the original interior decoration with curtains with Velcro can be found on countless websites on the Internet where color photos posted.