To calculate and set the required number of tees in the sewer pipe, the construction phase is practically impossible. During start-up premises, tenants will certainly there is a need to install additional devices that require connection to the sewer system.

In this article we consider the basic principles which govern the conduct of work on the sidebar into the sewer pipe. We tell you about the necessary tools and materials, which can be useful.
When necessary the sewer tie-in
Situations in which the inset into the sewer pipe is the only right thing to do, a lot. The most common is the connection of the new or old plumbing to transfer elsewhere, the installation of washing machines, automatic car wash, and other electrical equipment with automatic drain. Box may be required and when connected to the central system of private sewers. In this case, the work must be coordinated and carried out by employees of municipal services. Otherwise, the connection will be considered illegal and punishable for it.
In some situations, an alternative to tapping into the sewer system is to install a splitter, adding connection points to the sewer.
Types of sewer pipes
For the construction of sewer mains are used mainly pipe system made of PVC. Plastic pipe is practical, has a longer service life and much cheaper metal counterparts.

In addition, the system of PVC can be upgraded at any time since manufacturers offer a large selection of tees, elbows and adapters fittings, by means of which it is possible to crash into the drain sewer pipe at any stage of construction or after starting premises operation.
In older homes, which were built during the time of the union, as the sewer cast iron sinks are used.

Currently, they are rare, because the majority of owners of houses and public facilities have already replaced their plastic. Where iron is still left, tapping need to spend more time, because You have to use sophisticated instruments up to the cutting torch.
In some cases, sewage used metal and galvanized steel pipe. Like the previous version, they are less practical when compared with plastic counterparts, and for self-tapping in them need to have the skills of the welder.
The tools needed for work
Inset in plastic sewer pipe held with the aid of an additional tool. For those who are planning to carry out works on their own, you need to have:
- Electric drill or screwdriver. For drilling holes in a plastic tube.
- Set crowns of plastic or wood.
- Grinder with hard disk.
- Stationery knife edges for cleaning.
- Sealant gun.
- Handsaw, jigsaw or other similar tool, with which you can cut plastic pipe.
- Welding apparatus (when working with metal pipes).
- Cutting torch (operating with cast iron pipes).
And of course you need a hammer, tape measure, pencil and other small tools, which should have every self-respecting host.
General principles of tapping into the sewer drain
Inset into the sewer pipe, no matter what kind it was not done in compliance with the basic principles of installation. The main rule - compound should be completely sealed. Otherwise, in place of installation punch may cause stains or penetration odor that is unpleasant enough.
Important! For additional sealing tees or frames, we recommend using raw rubber or silicone sanitary sealants.
The plug pipe must not go into the main trunk, more than 0.5 mm. Otherwise, the increased risk of clogging at the point of connection setup. This is the second rule that must be followed.
Another important point is related to the level of the drain plug. The proper functioning of pluggable construction must be slightly above the main drain (for horizontal variations). Box it is performed in the upper part.
In vertical systems, the side from which the connection of additional equipment, does not matter, in this case, follow the principle of "how it is more convenient."
Fittings for PVC sewer systems
For devices tie into the sewer system is convenient to use special fittings. For convenience, we divide these tools into several types.
Intended for connection to the sewer system, have one or more outlets of different diameters for connecting the drain pipe.

Splitters do not require additional waterproofing, as provided a rubber or silicone seal them. To install such a fitting is required fully to cut the main pipe, which in some cases is impossible. To this type belong tees and crosses with different connection angles.
"Tapping" can be used to connect the device to the non-pressure sewerage system. This device, which is installed in a prepared hole of a certain diameter and not requiring full cutting tube. There was widespread size 110/50 tapping, which are used to connect to the system outlet tube 110 mm 50 mm diameter. Device does not require additional waterproofing, as a rubber seal, which reliably seals the connection when correctly installed.

Complete with a factory "the tie" PVC should go key, which is used for tightening the details during installation. Without such a key to properly install "sidebar" will not work.
The device operates on the principle of the clamp is installed over the base pipe and is clamped by bolting.

Can be used for PVC, and for metal systems. For installation is required to make the cut the main pipe, to prepare enough hole whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the connected pipe.
The fitting of this type is intended for connection with the main pipe tee crashed or crosspiece. Used primarily for systems in which there is no possibility to push the main conduit at the site of the incision. The couplings are made of two types of compensation and slip-on. Depending on the situation, convenient to use both. Additional sealing is not required, since have a standard circular seal.

Inset into the horizontal system 110/50
This type of punch can be manufactured in several ways. Depending on the situation it is possible to use any of the below-described embodiment, since they are tested in practice and the workers are guaranteed.
With the help of the factory tie
Connect the drain of diameter 50 mm into the tube which is 110 mm by means of factory "tie" 110/50. For this purpose, according to the manufacturer's instructions, at the connection point is required to drill a hole diameter of 57 mm. Can produce a hole using a drill and core bits. Further, "Box" is set into the receiving hole and is tightened with a key, supplied with the fitting.
With the help of double
The second option in which one can do without a special fitting mortise is to use a conventional double 110/50 90 degrees, which is previously cut lengthwise.

It is necessary to prepare a hole in the main drain, which is planned to connect additional pipe. The hole diameter should be at least 50 mm and not more than 60. holes form should not be perfectly round, so when such a process for its production can be used grinders. The cut part of the fitting is installed on the main conduit lapped and secured with a conventional sanitary clamps. The insulator can be used as raw rubber, or sealant. This method is convenient because it does not require a complete cutting the main pipe.
By means of the stem of the connecting fitting
In the case where it is necessary to embed in the main drain equal to the diameter of the pipe, the two previous method are not suitable. You need to install a splitter.

This method of connection with the plastic tube mount allows splitter partially located below ground conduit. Diameter plug splitter outputs must be equal to the diameter of the base pipe, this requirement must be satisfied for the connecting fitting.
All you have to do is cut out of the main pipe section in total length equal to half the length of the strips and the connecting fitting. Next, clean the edges, brush with soapy water and install fittings. The first set and the connecting element is shifted so as to be able to install splitters. Then, in the main conduit and the fitting fits splitter shifts previously set back, joining all in a single sealed system.
The main points of connection with the vertical riser
Previously described methods of connecting a plastic pipe can be used for vertical risers. It is important to understand that if the drain pipe can be a little push, you tapping coupler is not required to install additional connection fitting. In rigid pipes connecting element is required.
When carrying out work on the sidebar in the vertical riser are kindly requested to notify neighbors on the ongoing repair and ask if possible not to use the sewer. To be safe, after cutting the riser at its upper part is better to fix the bucket, which will be merged into the feces, otherwise they might spill on you.