Heating greenhouses: how to make the heating in the greenhouse with their hands

It is a Toeplitz structure, whose task is to maintain the temperature necessary for the active plant growth, yield and ensure the fertility of crops, it is not without good heating perhaps. During the summer, the temperature reached an abundance of sunlight and external conditions, but not all owners are satisfied with the operation of the greenhouse variant only in the warmer seasons of the year. Heating greenhouses allows their use in April, and in choosing the most efficient technology - even in winter when the ground is still snow.

Basic principles of choice


So, before you make the heating in the greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the following:

  • Dimensions of agricultural structures;
  • Type of heating system in the country or in a cottage if they are located in the neighborhood;
  • Available funds.

The modern market offers heating greenhouses in a variety of options, that is, for each specific situation will be able to find the most rational and educated decision. Of course, do not unnecessarily get involved in the details of the selection, one should always remember about the basic requirements - heat should be distributed evenly throughout the room. This is achieved, or the use of fans, which "chase" hot air, or installing multiple heaters at different heights. To make their own hands heating, which will last a long time without taking any unnecessary trouble the hosts, it is worth considering a number of the following factors:

  • Operational simplicity and convenience.
  • Reducing the risk of bacteria, the emergence of foci of diseases that threaten crops.
  • Hot air in the room must not be too dry. Fall moisture to plants is as detrimental as the cold. Low humidity provokes the death of the plant, located in the upper soil layers.
  • A good system is economical at all stages of everything: purchase, installation, operation.
  • If you decide to build a heated greenhouse, then, ideally, the heat source must be at the bottom to by natural convection rise to the ceiling to ensure uniform heat distribution Inland volume.

Electricity - the most common technology

electric heating greenhouses

Despite the abundance of options, the most popular technology for greenhouses and hothouses is the use of electricity. Actively exploited similar equipment and amateur gardeners, and agricultural enterprises of commercial orientation. Electric heating greenhouses and greenhouses represented by the following groups:
  • convection system. Nothing complicated. Indoors mounted appliances with heating elements. The natural formation of convection currents allows warm room uniformly. Of the minuses can be identified difficulty in the need to improve the system, as well as little impact on the ground.
  • Heaters, ie mobile fan heaters. These units are inexpensive, are characterized by compact, so are suitable for use even in small plants. Less is an open helix, because of which the air is too dry. To cope with this problem by selecting the model with a temperature controller, which is formed by an optimum microclimate.
  • Heating cable. stationary heating cable is located in the ground. To increase the efficiency of the element can also be installed in walls. It is important to correctly identify the desired temperature because the heat is able to provoke damage to the root system.
  • water way to. An efficient and reliable method to heat the greenhouse built on electricity circulating heated water through pipes. His lack of one - the need for high initial investments, as the installation is not without attracting qualified specialists.
  • Infrared technology. Perhaps it can be called the most modern heating greenhouses. The technique assumes that there is no warm-air, and the portions directly, where the plant. This technique is more fully simulates the natural heating, the room is not too hot, it is supported by optimum temperature, the air is humid enough that positively affects the state plants.

What are the alternatives

air heating greenhouses

Alternative electricity could be the following technologies:

  • Air heating industrial greenhouses is a professional system, which installation is carried out directly during the construction of an agricultural facility. Uniform heating guaranteed aggregates, which are connected to the fan heater. These units are mounted in the foundation, but warm air is fed directly into the middle and upper part of the greenhouse. This approach protects the young plants burn the root system helps well-heated soil.
  • The gas method. Before you build a greenhouse with a gas heating, it is necessary to take into account that the combustion of the fuel can provoke a lack of oxygen in the air. Thus, a system with simultaneous effective ventilation gasket, pressurizing the room outside air saturated with oxygen.
  • Solar energy. Alternative heating greenhouses, implying the use of special batteries. In the greenhouse, dug holes to a depth of about 15 centimeters, are covered with moisture-proof materials, so that the battery is not damaged by contact with moisture. It is noteworthy that the absolute independence of any fuel, the battery will help maintain a positive temperature in the room even when the street minus 10 degrees.
  • Solid fuels. Heating greenhouses by furnaces or boilers for solid fuels (coal or wood) - a decision quite economical. Experts do not recommend the use of the device obsolete structures, it is better to heat your room with modern stoves, the walls of which do not heat up too much, which increases the level of fire safety, as well as eliminates the harm plants.

General recommendations

Finally, we give some general tips to follow that will help heat the greenhouse with their hands with minimal effort and money:

  • Start the process with the best thermal insulation structure, that is, reducing heat loss. It is necessary to pay attention to features of the foundation, check the walls for any cracks through which leaves warmly. Insufficient insulation efficiency is able to neutralize the most expensive heating systems.
  • Pay attention to the material. Heating greenhouses covered with film - it is more difficult than working with a design based on polycarbonate or glass, which is much better hold heat. It is likely that the replacement material will improve the energy efficiency of the facility.

If you are interested in heating the greenhouses, made with his own hands, video, shot by professionals, will help you understand the basic principles of this work will help to find a non-standard technical solutions, it is in your best case. Heated greenhouse own hands - cheap and effective!