To learn how to effectively and comfortably heat a house is worth deciding on the design stage. Very popular among designers is now the radial layout of the heating system. This engineering solution makes it possible to automate and make space heating economical and user-friendly.
What the wiring diagram beam heating system
To implement the project of the heating system of the house equipment is newly constructed and reconstructed, there are the following ways of connecting the heating devices:
- Circuit with tee (perimeter) wiring.
- Beam (collector) connection.
The first method - it is cheaper, since the total length of the mounted tube is much smaller. But many other parameters standard linear circuit inferior collector in which separate independent lines (rays) are allocated for the connection of each convector.

The collector system heating elements apart in parallel, closed at a distribution assembly (comb), which is connected through the main line to the central heating or boiler heating.
The role of the reservoir - evenly distribute heat flows on the system's rays and by natural or artificially created circulation, collect and return them to give heat form, to the source heat.
How does radiation scheme
The collector node is responsible for the circulation of coolant by a separate circuit. Structurally - this section of the pipe with taps on each battery.
The principle of operation of the collecting system, the following:
- coolant through the input unit enters the feed comb collector;
- comb through the thermal energy is distributed over the wiring with convectors included in it;
- passing through the convector, the cooled heat transfer fluid from the output conduit is given by the inverse comb collector and again returned to the boiler for reheating.
The supply and return manifold constitute comb group.

The number of circuits connected to the combs is chosen individually for a specific number of heating circuits, and convectors. Typically collector supports from 2 to 12 contours.
Pros and cons of radiation scheme
Opt for a collector-beam heating system must take into account all of its sides.
Advantages of the collector circuit:
Radiation scheme has the following advantages:
- One pipe diameter from the convectors to the chaser.
- Number of Fittings, especially when laying pipes in the floor, the minimum, making the entire system more reliable.
- Hydraulic stability and balance to heating.
- Repair of separate sites or radiators is performed without disconnecting from the system and its drain.
Flexible pipe systems that do not have connections, it is easy to hide under the floor, due to what does not spoil the interior of the room, and do not need to be dismantled to repair the floor system.

Another significant advantage of the system of radiation, which makes heating an apartment or private house more energy efficient, and comfortable for any room temperature - is the ability to adjust the heat settings for each circuit, in manual or automatic mode.
What are the disadvantages to be considered
Besides capacity consuming radiation scheme should take into account some of its other disadvantages:
- Equipment additional space for the collector's cabinet;
- Installation circulators each in an independent circuit for the compensation of large hydraulic drag;
- the use of additional special devices.
The installation of these elements, in addition to increasing the cost, and require more precise calculations.
In some cases, the radiation system is justified
Radiation scheme works on a closed-type systems, and as an option, used for floor heating apartments equipment.

Attention! The optimal variant of application of radiation scheme - for the individual two-storey house.
Collector assembly in such houses equipped with every level. Depending on the number of rooms is not mounted one block chaser, but several.
Features and schemes beam system in apartment building
The main difficulty of application of radiation collector-circuit in the apartment building in which the coolant is supplied by a traditional vertical two pipe system - is the influence of the radial contour of the flat on the heat load upstream of flats in which the scheme is not implemented. These apartments will receive less heat.
To connect without prejudice, there are some ways for the collector neighbors obschedomovyh system.
The use of radiation in the heat exchanger system
The heat exchanger has no resistance in hydraulics and is connected as a simple radiator through which coolant passes without the circulating pump.

Heat flows through the collector circuit in which is installed a heat exchanger, not mixed with a central heating coolant.
Connecting the primary-secondary rings
When connecting the central heating system of the house performs the function of the primary ring, and the collector-beam heating system plays the role of the secondary ring.
To connect to the pipe coming from the convector.
a tapping device algorithm is as follows:
- Direct supply of coolant to the collector becomes the first box on a distance of 30 cm from the radiator bridge.
- Cuts inverse contour line at a distance of 60 cm from the web.
- Insets mounted shut-off valves.
- Set three-way valve and pump.
- Mounted on the return pipe valve through which coolant flows only in one direction.
Hot water passes through the collector of the hinge loop, then a part of it is fed into the central heating return pipe, and a portion returns to the manifold through the three-way valve. This valve is responsible for the distribution of the coolant.
Under this scheme the coolant is taken evenly without creating a vacuum in the central heating pipe or changing the heat balance of the apartments.
Tapping into a common riser heating residential house need to custom design and authorization of the management company.
What kind of equipment and materials used
Universal design heat ray type is not, so the use of such a scheme of equipment and materials will depend on the choice of a particular embodiment of the apparatus of the heating circuit. This may be standard heating radiators or, for example, warm water floor.
Generalized need the following basic equipment for radiation heating:
- manifold block (comb);
- or an outer wall-cupboard collector;
- circulation pump;
- pressure gauge;
- air valve;
- thermostat;
- shut-off control valves;
- flowmeters;
- mix with components;
- diaphragm expansion tank.
On volume of the tank is chosen by 10% more than the total volume of coolant in the system.
For the installation of radiation heating circuits are required and additional elements.

- Vent.
- Adapters.
- Corners.
- Cranes.
- Sleeves.
- Fitting.
- Fittings.
For the construction of the heating rays better use of PEX pipes in coils.
Remember! Pipes need to be flexible so as not to make unnecessary connections, durable tear and have a good heat resistance.
Diameters mounted pipelines are selected taking into account parameters of the equipment to which they are connected (the outputs of the central line, the collecting comb). Most often used pipe diameter of 20 mm to 32 mm.
Kit collector can be equipped with useful devices - actuators.

These heating devices make a "smart" system, supporting via control unit in the automatic mode predetermined heating parameters.
Basic installation steps
Frequently used method of heating pads on the beam pattern is the lower wiring, with the installation of pipes in the floor screed. Therefore it is better to make this work for new construction or reconstruction of the house and in the absence of the finish flooring.
- training base subfloor;
- pipe-laying and a layer of insulation (penoplex or foam);
- Pipe fastening to the base mounting tape or plastic clips;
- installation of the expansion tank;
- Installation circulators;
- installation of automatic balancing valves for air extraction;
- mounted hydraulic test system.
The device being completed ties the tubes that will form the basis for the finished floor.

When pouring concrete pipe must be kept under pressure. The coolant is supplied with an operating temperature only after complete solidification of the solution.
What experts recommend
When mounting the radiation heating is necessary to adhere to the advice of masters:
- vent should be installed both on direct and on the back of supply manifold;
- optimum installation location expansion tank - in the return pipe to the circulation pump.
- better circulation pumps mounted on each circuit.
Installing pumps on the return pipe, where the coolant temperature is low, a few will increase their resource.

Equipment of the house of radiation heating system with its apparent complexity and the cost is actually subject to the all technologies and recommendations will be a winning solution for both energy efficiency and provides for comfort.