When there is a room in a country house, the insulation of pipes for questions of all kinds of water supply are particularly relevant. After all, water is making life more comfortable in the cottage. The consumer to obtain enough water to open the tap and do not need to go anywhere. To the water producing system to work properly, the pipe does not freeze to form condensate in the future, they need to insulate.

The need for insulation of pipes
Perhaps the owner will understand the feasibility of thermal insulation for water pipes, when opening the valve, will not find it in water, frosty morning. But it is necessary to insulate them not in every case. If accommodation is seasonal, the pipes can not insulate. It is enough to make the necessary arrangements for their preservation for the winter. Impact on a climatic region, which is a country house.
No need for insulation of the pipe and if it is laid at a sufficient depth, certain regulations. Under the rules of the pipeline is laid at a depth of 0,5 m + value of freezing, which is determined by the specific region. This condition is mandatory, otherwise the system will need to shift again immediately after the first winter.
The greatest significance of warming is for residents of the northern regions. The depth of the frost line is significant, can even exceed 2.5 m. Such studies are expensive in nature, involve certain difficulties, but they are indispensable.

In practice, it may happen that there is no possibility to perform a trench in the ground for laying pipes. In this case, the insulation is mandatory. The need for insulation is associated with another important point. We are talking about a water pipe entering the house. In severe frost it will be the most vulnerable point, and you need to take care of sufficiently reliable insulation.

Another weak point is the element of the system, part of the well (well). You need to take care of the insulation of the pipe at that location, right at the same time by selecting the material.
What are the objectives insulation pipes?
Reasons depend on the water temperature, which is inside the water pipe, the nature of the material used for the manufacture of pipes.
For hot-water pipe insulation tasks are as follows:
- It is necessary to keep the temperature, which has a coolant. If such a system is located outdoors or in a room that is not heated, creating a casing for the heat pipe to prevent the occurrence of discontinuity, which may be the occur in the winter.
Warming open drain type - Insulation in the apartment is possible to protect the consumer from receiving thermal burns if it comes into contact with the pipe. This, to a certain extent, is a preventive measure for injury prevention.
cold water supply system has at least the reasons for thermal insulation than is the case with hot running water. To this end, modern materials are used. The basis for the manufacture of foam rubber is used, rock wool, staple fiber.

Pursued goals:
- Thermal insulation of the pipe will not be frozen and will prevent possible accidents.
- The surface of the metal structure will not be covered by condensate and also protects it from corrosion.
- In hot weather, the liquid in the water will not be heated, which will exclude the favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora. In this case, it acts as a protection against the threat of an epidemic.
Material requirements for thermal insulation
For these purposes, the material can be used that meets the following requirements:
- Heat insulator should have a low thermal conductivity. If this figure is in the range of 0,037-0,042, we can see a reduction of heat loss by 60-80%. In turn, this will lead to significant savings in energy costs.
- High durability performance. Manufacturers claim a different lifetime, and the higher it is, the better. Modern materials are capable of properly serve up to 50 years without losing its properties.
- Materials should not support combustion. Fire safety regulations require the use of a class of materials NG or G1. In case of fire, such materials do not give off toxic and noxious substances.
- Good performance vapor barrier. Modern materials have a high diffusive resistance. This allows for a circumstance in which they do not become wet, which allows not to lose insulating properties.
- The materials used must be heat-resistant in nature. Modern thermal insulation withstands extreme temperatures. This enables their use in a fairly wide range.
- Materials for insulation must be absolutely safe environmentally. The material for their production should be natural raw materials. They should not contain Freon, formaldehyde, and other toxic substances. Sometimes thermal insulation is produced by recycling materials whose service life has expired.
- Installation work, the use of such materials should not be complex in their implementation. Today released the consumer thermal insulation mats, rolls, convenient cylinder having a certain convenience that allows you to speed up the installation work.
- The material should maintain stably the original parameters. It should not be subject to shrinkage and deformation during use. They should provide adequate tightness.

Thermal insulation of the conduit in various ways
Protect the water supply system from the frost is possible, if it is warm. It is worth to think in advance what will specifically be warmed pipe. This must be done at the stage of laying water pipes. Proper and timely insulation will minimize the potential costs.
The most effective methods are:
- Pipeline is carried out on 0.5 m lower than the frost line.
- Using the heating cable.
- Warming heat insulator.
- The device is an air layer.
- Acquisition of factory products prepared with warming.
- The use of these methods in combination.
In practice, at the same time using several methods. Even if the tap arrangement structure at a sufficient depth, the area where it enters the building, still needs warming. for heating cable can be internal or external. Judging from the name, it becomes clear the place of the cable arrangement. In one case, it is located inside the structure, and the other outside.
The cable has a robust insulation, and the basis for its production are safe materials. Method of connecting a shrink sleeve. The choice of the insulator is determined by the situation.

It deserves some interest method, which creates a layer of air. The bottom line is that the system of plastic tubes placed in the same, but with a larger diameter. Heated air is circulated between the pipes. His supplier is warm basement or it is heated in some other way.
The optimal solution - the acquisition of the factory pipes with ready insulation. They do not need to warm further, and they are ready for installation. Such an embodiment is represented by two insulation pipes with different diameters. A tube is placed inside another. Between their surfaces is laid a layer of insulation. This variant is called predizolyatsiya.
The need to use several methods dictated by the fact that any of them is imperfect. Selection of a particular method depends on the specific conditions under which water is conducted insulation systems.
alternative insulation
There are certain ways to help avoid accidents on the piping. They can be reduced to the following items:
- From line conduit completely removed all of the liquid. If there are no water, and it is not such a problem occurs. This method can be used if the room in the house is seasonal. In the absence of water design is not chilled.
- Providing a constant water circulation. Such a situation can be achieved, if slightly open hydrant. This is especially important to do if in view of the circumstances, we have to let the day 1-2 to go somewhere.
- Using this receiver. It is mounted on the web immediately after the pump. This will ensure constant pressure and protect against frost.

Materials for thermal insulation
The most widespread is the use for the thermal insulation of the following materials:
- The use of glass. Basically, it is used as an insulating material for condensation wrapping metal structural elements. But must also seal the tube. In this case, they will not get wet. In this case it is possible to achieve formation absence of moisture collect on the surface.
Mineral wool pipe insulation - Using basalt insulation. Its diameter rolls are required and are welded to each other. In view of this installation work is carried out more easily. When it is used also for additional waterproofing.
- Styrofoam. It uses a special foam shell. Installation work is done easily and possibility of multiple use.
The insulating cover from foam - Warming of insulating paint. It looks like a thick mass with a content of acrylic. In addition, the composition includes water, and varnish particles which retain heat. The value determined by the thickness of thermal insulation layer of its application.
The application of paint on teplouzel - Energoflex. To date, more efficient heat insulator does not exist. The basis for its manufacture is polyethylene foam. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. Installation work with pictures performed easily.
Energoflex as insulation - Kozhukhovo insulators. Classified two types: hard by polyurethane foam and soft, made of polymeric materials.

All the materials retain heat well, so the choice of them depends on the method of laying the pipeline.
Outdoor insulation
Often used method of laying an underground water system. But it does not protect 100% of possibility of water freezing as accurately determine the depth of soil freezing is difficult. Cold can easily get to them. If you isolate the pipes laid underground method, with the help of Thermoflex, it will solve the problem and avoid freezing. The good results of such material shows in the summer. According to the system, an isolated Thermoflex, runs cooler water.
When laying the wiring tap design in an apartment close attention is paid to taps, couplings, fittings, and other connecting devices. This is especially true for those rooms that are not heated. These places need to insulate without fail. When the device of warm water floors Thermoflex as insulant, none. In addition, the insulation quality is achieved.
Criteria for choosing a heat insulator
Giving preference to one of the types of insulation, counted the following nuances:
- A method for laying water supply system. It is important to understand that depending on the stacking space: underground or on the surface, use different methods of insulation and the materials used.
- Permanent or seasonal use of water structures. If the water supply is made in the country, then it will require a heater to prevent burst pipes or install Receivers. For permanent residence need serious insulation throughout the pipeline system.
- Thermal conductivity coefficient of the material from which the manufactured pipe. Plastic retains heat longer, stronger and faster than the metal heats up.
- The stability of the material to UV-rays, heat, moisture, combustion. These technical indicators are taken into account, the understanding which requires the protection of the pipeline.
- Durability. This criterion affects the frequency with which you need to change the heating material.
- Cost.
In conclusion, it must be said that, when the work on warming the water pipes are no trifles. Here every detail is important. From this quality water supply system operation as a whole will depend.