How often in the housing office received questions concerning domestic heating? Constantly! In some tenants in the house of a permanent cold, while others - on the contrary the heat, and the third - hear the annoying sounds of the pipes. But, unfortunately, utilities can not please all of the residents at the same time. But the decision to have this problem is, and it is - balancing valve for the heating system.
The reasons for the uneven distribution of heat in the rooms
Modern high-rise buildings and homes are heated using heating system consisting of radiators and pipe. Both elements form a construction by which a uniformly distributed flow of hot water for heating the premises.
However, despite the fact that the water pipes are made of strong metal, and system design heating involved professionals often arise problems of uneven supply of hot water for pipes. Additional factors can also be a low pressure, high flow rate of water or a large amount of cold air inside the tubes.

Why the need for a balancing valve?
Solve the problem of uneven distribution of heat in the rooms can be several ways. Because of their internal fault. In other cases, such as self-adjustment of the flow of hot water or the increase / decrease pressure inside the pipe must be used for balancing valve double-tube system heating.
It is made in the form of small valves with a valve at the top. The balancer is built in the heating system and controls the flow of warm supply water through the pipes. At the same time it also ensures that the pressure in the water remained in the normal range. Then, the liquid does not stagnate inside the structure, gradually moving through the pipes and evenly distributes heat.

Besides installing the balancing valve provides advantages such as:
- Saving money on heating bills.
- Creating the most comfortable temperature in the room.
- Simplifies start-up of the heating system.
Another not insignificant advantage of this device is the fact that it can extend the life of batteries. Sooner or later, any heating system has to balance, due to constant pressure surges and severe operating conditions during the cold season. Therefore, the old heating system may be damaged. In the best case, it will stop heating of one of the parts of the building, at worst - the tube will not withstand the pressure, and may begin to leak their contents.

Types of balancing valves
Install a balancing valve can be any heating system. But besides the normal room dvutrubchatoy, there are other pipelines. For them, the designers have invented other versions of the device, which can be classified according to different principles of operation.
- On the functioning of the valves are divided into manual and automatic. Such a device can be placed on one of the segments of the battery, where you can easily reach. If a person intends to use the balancing valve is constant, it is better to use the manual version of the device. It has the form of nozzles on the pipe with a valve, via which it is possible to control the flow of hot water. If the room is hot enough, it is sufficient to rotate the valve, and the valve will create a barrier within the pipe. Thus, the battery has less heating source, and gradually cools down.
Also, there are options of manual balancers, which are immediately to adjust several radiators at once. This version of the device helps a person to set up the same air temperature in all rooms of your space.
Automatic balancing valves type performs this process on their own without human intervention. Usually they are mounted on a pair of one line, then select the minimum and maximum amount of heat that must develop a battery (the calculation is made by professionals). And balancing valve regulates the supply of heat in accordance with the schedule made to the device.

- According to the engineering system, the valves are different and specific to the combination. By name it is clear that the balancing of the specific type are intended for a narrow purpose. One kind of valves provide only heating in the room, while others - engaged in water supply, and the third - conditioning. Combined same combine all three appointments, while having a more complicated structure and higher value.
- By way of the locking mechanism inside the pipe is isolated valves and balls. Inside the device is a part with which the water flow takes place and regulation. Most often, buyers prefer mechanisms valves. According to them, they are more accurate in the process of setting. But the ball valve on the contrary - less accurate. But if the tubes are not the usual flowing hot water, and the viscous material with good heat dissipation, the second type of valve is more appropriate to use.

- For adjusting the settings. The balancing valves are divided into four types: Consumption - calculates the fluid flow in pipes, the temperature - monitors the set temperature, and to counterbalance the combined pressure - combine all the remaining adjustment types.
However, it is worth remembering that the setting flow of hot water in the heat conductor - is not the only variable in the process. Together with a decrease in supply of heat pipes inside the pressure begins to rise. Therefore, the average person is not enough simply to choose the settings of your balance. Before you start using it, the device must be connected to the heating system, and then ask him to start setting the minimum and maximum fluid flow. Make it can only be a professional. After the installation process, an ordinary user may enter adjustments to the operation of the device within the installation wizard.

Install a balancing valve
The only classification that was not specified in the preceding paragraph relates to the installation of apartment balancing valve in the heating system. They are divided into several types according to the method of attachment fittings:
- threaded;
- flange;
- Privarochny.

Durability balancing valve does not depend on the method of its attachment to the main structure of the heating system. It depends on the plant, which is engaged in the development and assembly of the device.
However, in order to keep the overall design of robust and reliable, and has served more than one year its owner, there are a few tips.
Firstly, on the balancing valve is already housing a clue how to properly install it. In place of junction with the pipe fittings is an arrow that during installation should coincide with the direction of fluid flow. Thus, the self-closing valve or a ball will create resistance during temperature control.
If this arrow is not present, then the manufacturer has taken care that the valve can be set independently of the flow direction.
Secondly, before you start the installation of the valve, you must take care of his safety in case of possible mechanical damage. For this purpose, upstream of the valve must make a layer of the filter and the sump.
Third, mechanical action on the valve may be due to the turbulence. In order to reduce its impact on the design, the valve should be installed only on straight pipes. That at what distance has to be bend pipe and a valve indicated in the instructions to the device. For each model, this option might be different.
Setting balancing valve
After the valve has been installed, the process of setting the balancing valve. Of course, the heating system itself already has its own characteristics, the direction in which the fluid must flow through the pipes, at what speed and at what pressure. However, over time it crashes occur. And because balancers regulate this process instead.
Before starting individual settings of the balance, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the pipeline, and under them have to adjust the value of the device. But even this is not done for any claims from the curriculum and calculator.
To do this, the installation wizard rockers special table should be, which matched the basic values of all variables in the pipeline and their compliance with the standards of the device. For more accurate adjustment may need special tools, such as a flow meter.

Balancing valve - it's a great alternative to other sources of heat such as heaters, for several reasons. Firstly, they are introduced directly into the heating system. Second, save the money for the payment of utility bills. Third, extend the period of operation of the pipeline in the room. Fourth, it does not take up much space. And not unimportant five plus, because of which is necessary to get this product - it's simple operation.
The built-in balancing valve for the heating system is very easy to use, when it comes to indoor devices. Temperature settings are enough to turn the little gate, and all other settings for the man will have made the device itself. Automatic device type, and does not need human intervention. He adapts to the environmental conditions.
Therefore, the only thing that now depends on the buyer, is to make the choice in favor of quality producer, and not a cheap balancing valve, also need to find the right wizard that will help with installing it.