Ventilation of sewer pipes: exhaust in the garage and the house with his own hands

The presence of air in the premises with the constant presence of people and animals is the key to health and wellness. Not all are ready to install the ventilation system because of the high prices. Ventilation in the house or in the garage of the sewers is no exception.

Picture 1. Venting of the street

Sewer pipes are accessible to everyone. Due to the low price and high quality materials used for the ventilation system, will be able to buy them all.

Figure 2. Divorce ventilation on several rooms

Make ventilation of the pipes is not difficult. First you need to calculate all the necessary equipment and material, then assemble a working ventilation system for your home or garage. That will help in this article.

The specifications and properties of plastic pipes

Materials manufacturing sewer elements:

  • Polyurethane;
  • Polyethylene;
  • Polypropylene;
  • Polyvinyl chloride (also known as PVC).
Figure 3. Sewer pipes

The above materials are completely safe with respect to the nature and person. They can be used as a sewer elements in more complex support systems.

If you choose the material, it is most necessary to give preference to PVC. He did not afraid of water, is not subject to destruction under the influence of UV light or changes in temperature. Low burning even when using fuel means. What you need to build a good ventilation system.

Figure 4. PVC pipe

Advantages and disadvantages of the ventilating sewer pipes

The possibility of building its own ventilation system of sewer pipes has a number of subtleties and nuances. Ignoring them can hurt the future system of ventilation or tenants of the house / apartment.


  • Low assembly cost. If, during the assembly there will damage the material, the purchase of the new will not cause any difficulties.
  • Sanitary sewers are safe for humans and the environment. Products of combustion and decomposition also did not bring any harm to the body.
  • Easy installation. Assemble a home version of ventilation under the force even novice master. All PVC pipes fitted with dense connective elastics, collect them, you can literally "bare hands". The design and configuration can be arbitrary. A variety of adapters to help get around the corner of any shape and complexity.
  • Long service life. With a good set of circumstances, such ventilation will serve up to 10-15 years without replacement of its elements.
  • Sneak pads. In the case of plastic pipes is simple - they are easy to fit even in the most intimate corners of the room.
  • They perfectly match the fans and other equipment. You do not even have to buy adapters or come up with complex bends. Design features allow to connect all directly.
Figure 5. Fan


  • At the inaccurate reference design can be easily damaged. It's enough to blow on a solid surface or careless exposure tool.
  • Increased accumulation of moisture and condensation. Cavity tubing is solid, it has not been adequately no possibility of air entrapment. Against this background, there is the accumulation of condensate.

installation steps

Ventilation in a private house from the sewer pipes with your hands is quite simple. First you need to determine the type of system. They exist 2 - natural and forced.

Natural carried out due to the thrust that arises from the difference in pressure on the surface and inside the tubes. Forced this task is performed by a special device (fan). It pumps the inside pressure of the system and throws out the accumulated gases.

Figure 6. Scheme natural ventilation

It should be noted that the use of lattice fan greatly reduces the amount of condensate is accumulated.

arrangement rules

A lining of ventilation can be carried out in an already harvested sewage cavity (in the old apartments it is in the bathroom and in the kitchen). Here, all the details can be hidden from view and not have to carry out additional work on the dismantling of the walls. The garage can be sent along the wall or in the farthest corner, where it will not interfere with the handling and performance of any work.

Taps insulated not only outside, but also in the room. You can use the foiled insulation or its analogues.

Conclusions on the street and the house closed grille. On the street it will protect from falling snow, and the room did not give any extra debris to get inside.

Figure 7. Protection of indoors and outdoors

It is not necessary to mount the ventilation near the high-voltage wires. Masters do not recommend doing this, because when you need to change the wires have to destroy and ventilation system.

calculation of materials

The main essence of the calculations is to choose the correct length and tube cross-sectional area. The longer and wider the pipe, the stronger the effect of thrust. This applies to both natural and forced systems.

Number of pipes is calculated according to the same system. If a pipe is not enough, the next need to add another one or use a larger diameter of the first.

Equipment and tools

When installing a ventilation system will need high-quality tools. It is building tools that can be found in the garage, or buy at the hardware store.

First of all, a hammer, a knife (ordinary or special, intended for cutting PVC pipe), a drill or a screwdriver for fixing fasteners. When the mine construction on the roof of the premises may be required brick, cement and all the attendant.

Forced system will require operating the blower (fan), which will be mounted at the very least on the inside of the room.

Construction standards for ventilation systems

For example, to place 25 square meters. m. better to use tubes with a diameter of 120 to 200 mm. This will be enough to provide air exchange with the intensity of 3 cubic meters. m. per hour (according to the norm of health services). The recommended length of -. From 5-8 m main thing is that hood for ventilation, or rather its end above the roofs of buildings by at least 0.5-1 m.

Use only the tube of non-combustible or refractory materials. These include PVC, it practically does not burn and little susceptible to temperature extremes.

Recommendation of experienced craftsmen and possible errors

room ventilation of sewer pipes usually does not cause any trouble, but sometimes even the experienced craftsmen raises complex issues that can be solved only by having recourse to outside aid.

The use of sewer pipes involves the use of light construction tools, as all work is carried out on pre-prepared surfaces. It only remains to connect and fix the pipe ventilation system. But here are a few important points:

  • Pipes must be secured at a distance from the walls. Distance of 1-1.5 cm is sufficient. This gap will reduce the degree of occurrence of condensate through the creation of a thermal cushion;
  • It is not necessary to pull the tube much because of their fragility. If you overdo it with a tie, you have to go to the store for new pipes or fittings.
Figure 8. example mount

Frequent errors arise during the construction of the mine roof space. Basically, many people use hollow brick, which is a mistake. Experts recommend the use of hollow brick. It perfectly keeps the temperature and not afraid of any influences from the environment.

At the device of a private home ventilation should take into account characteristics of the premises of the structure. If not considering any corner or recess of the calculation step, in a subsequent period have to buy material. Therefore, all must be carefully calculate in advance, and it is better to draw a detailed chart with the help of engineering programs.

When choosing a fan to force the system should pay attention to its power. The more powerful fan - so much the better. This applies to both large and small spaces.

The need for ventilation in the garage is not subject to appeal. In such places, exhaust ventilation system must be located in such a position that it does not create any noise when moving or carrying out the work.

Installation of the ventilation system of sewer pipes - process simple, but at the same time requiring special attention from the material selection. Properly selected material - the key to high-quality exhaust systems!