During continuous operation, even modern sewer systems collect the remains of fatty foods that accumulate on the walls and complicate the circulation of water. To quickly deal with clogging, it is necessary to choose the best means for the safe cleaning of pipes in the kitchen. The modern market offers an abundance of gels and powders designed to solve this problem.

Causes of obstruction
For rapid elimination of clogging, it is necessary to determine what caused the blockage. It is important to note that in most home for the manufacture of cast iron sewerage system was used. A distinctive feature of the material is rough surface. Over time, it accumulated food debris, large and small litter. Among the main causes of clogging in the pipe are the following aspects:
- the formation of rust.
- calcium sediment in large quantities.
- The accumulation of fat and small litter.
- Hair, skin.
Alternative title - operational blockages. Over time, the operation of sewage worsens, if not to take timely measures and conduct preventive cleaning, irrespective of the pipe manufacturing material (plastic or metal).
Most chemical compounds
Modern manufacturers produce a series of funds, subdivided into individual categories in its composition, exposure and type. Solving the problem than clean the sewer system, it is necessary to consider the best products from different categories.
The most effective means in the form of powders
Optimal variant, if the pipe is clogged in the kitchen, as a means to fight the most severe and complex clogged. However, there are two pitfalls that should be taken into account: the high cost and negative impact on the skin. After contact with the epidermis in large quantities, you can get burned. In the process, it is recommended to use rubber gloves.
- Chirton. Effective means consisting of the active blue granules. Upon contact with water, it is sufficient to wait for 15 minutes to disperse the cork starts. Among the main advantages isolated democratic value, 600 g enough for six times, the rapid appearance of the effect, no chlorine in the composition. However, it is difficult to find for sale.

- Pothan. It is considered one of the most effective means. The composition includes aggressive substances which during prolonged use can cause mechanical damage to the pipes. Therefore, the maximum time of use does not exceed three minutes. To start means to operate, it is necessary to wash draining hot water. The composition of the different economical consumption, there is a special cover - blocker, which reduces the likelihood of getting money on the skin. There are serious drawbacks: high cost, aggressive acts on the pipe before using the need for protection of the skin.

- Oro-Fix. Means from the German manufacturer is aimed at the elimination of small pipes cleared. As the active substance, helps to clean zabivshuyusya pipe is sodium hydroxide. Among the main advantages distinguish: a reasonable price, one bottle is enough for 30 applications. But there is no point to use when clogged.
All are represented in the public domain. The optimal choice is recommended to consider the ratio of price and quality, as well as how strong the blockage.
TOP of the best liquid formulations
This means permitted for use in all kinds of pipes: in corrugated, metal, plastic. They do not act as an aggressive manner as powder and retain the proper state sanitation. It is recommended to use as a preventive measure. Suitable for the elimination of small blockages.
- Mole. Warning, some domestic manufacturers release formulations for combating or blockage of the same name. Besides visual distinction package structure is identical to them, hydroxides of sodium and potassium, of active chemical additives, acetic acid in various modifications. Compared to competitors it is important to mention the low cost. But to achieve the effect, will have to wait up to three hours.
Figure 4. Mole - Yplon Drain Cleaner. It is recommended to use plastic pipes. Although moderately aggressive composition based on sodium hydroxide, experts recommend to avoid contact with tubes made of ceramics or alumina. the duration depends on how serious the problem is. Within half an hour liquidated small blockage, and may need 8-10 hours to eliminate the serious traffic jams.
- Mister Dez. It is considered one of the most budget domestic manufacturer. Within 20 minutes can quickly deal with small clog. However, you need to load up to three hours to solve a global problem. The average bottle is enough for two applications.
Comparing the composition of funds, we can conclude that this group copes with serious clog slower, but does not cause serious damage to metal structures.
Compositions based on a gel
Rinse the riser by means of the various categories and you can immediately compare the results. This category of assets is the most safe for human health and gentle towards the sewer system. Although they are less effective in terms of, they are most preferred for intermittent use.
- Sanfor. Considered one of the strongest competitors in the gel products on the market. Although has an unpleasant odor, it has a high efficiency. Constructed on the basis of hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide. Among the main characteristics can be distinguished attractive price, prompt action, as well as popularity in the market.
Figure 5. Sanfor - Tiret. Due to large-scale advertising campaign, each hostess knows about this tool and tested in practice. The average duration of not more than 15 minutes. However, experts point out one major drawback: its effectiveness does not correspond to the high cost.
- Deboucher Active. The composition includes chloro, chemical catalysts and other supplements. To cope with the heavily soiled and substance necessary to allocate at least one hour. Quality and cost are fully justified, there is no unpleasant odor.
Figure 6. Deboucher Active
To choose the means of obstruction is necessary, depending on how severe congestion appears.
Traditional methods
At home, to cope with a serious jam will help not only the use of hot water, but also other ingredients that are in the kitchen. If the situation is complicated and plain water does not help, in a separate boat, alone it is recommended to prepare the composition of the following ingredients:
- Lemon juice.
- Vinegar.
- Soda.
- Salt.
To trigger a chemical reaction in the composition must be present vinegar and soda. The catalyst will ordinary table salt, and as alternatives to vinegar will lemon juice. Since its cost is higher, hostesses prefer to use vinegar.
Cover powder must be prepared after the treatment with hot water pipes. Leave alone the sink for an hour. Upon completion of the pipe is repeatedly rinsed with hot water.
Cleaning by mechanical means
To cope with the large accumulation of food debris and grease, not necessarily to use a drill. Typically, the plumbing used:
- Plunger.
- Special wires.
The first option in the home is used much more often. His work provided the change in pressure. As a result: complete destruction of clogging or damage to its structure. Upon completion of the work is only flushed with hot water pipes.
The second tool is used in everyday life is much rarer. The main purpose of operating the wire is to eliminate blockages, which are located at great depths. It consists of two parts: a cable, which is fixed at the end of the hook and brush. The design is quite thin, which allows you to quickly bring brush to the place of work.

It is important to take into account in order to use the device, you must have at least a rough idea of the location of the blockage.
preventive measures
Control over the condition of sewer pipes will help prevent the occurrence of trouble in the future. Periodic cleaning is the best preventive measure. Thus, the efficiency of sewage supported and implemented by the elimination of food debris accumulations.
Not necessary to use chemical compositions, with the task well handle soda. After washing of dishes, it is recommended to fill soda into the drain hole and hold it for 30 seconds, then rinse with hot water.

Another tip from the experts: to reduce the amount of waste entering, it is recommended to purchase a special sieve. It helps to filter out hair, large cleaning and other rubbish, not passing it into the pipe. Its easy to find in any store on the cheap.
To quickly deal with the emerging traffic jams, experts say that it is important to solve the problem as they become available. Otherwise, even the most active tools can not cope with the clear, and only inflict serious mechanical damage to the pipes. Then we'll call the professionals whose services will require additional material expenditures up to the replacement of pipes and other fixtures.