Rating polypropylene pipes which polypropylene tubes and what is better

building materials market is constantly growing, as there are new and innovative production techniques. Recently, high demand polymeric materials, which are divided into several types. For the most part is made of polypropylene products from domestic and foreign producers. Many consumers are interested in, what better fittings and for what purpose, therefore, in the article we consider the rating produced polypropylene pipes.

1) reinforced type.

Tubular products of polypropylene: characteristics

To properly select the right product, you need to understand what advantages has Polypropylene products:

  • They are not afraid of damaging corrosive processes. Due to this property lines maintain their original properties for years. As compared with metal products, fittings made of polypropylene serves as 3 - 4 times longer;
  • Chemically active media have no effect on the material. Furthermore, tubes made of polypropylene are good due to its excellent capacity;
  • Frost resistance. Operated such products can, and in sub-zero temperatures - they will surely carry out his duties without being subject to breakage;
  • A small noise. Often, consumers in the regeneration heating systems selected polypropylene production, because the movement of water sounds on them simply can not be heard;
  • In the case of hot coolant heat energy is saved by 10 - 20% compared with the hardware;
  • Environmentally friendly products, harmless for humans and for the environment;
  • Easy to install and create a secure connection;
  • Fasteners (fittings) are presented in a large range, which makes it possible to implement even a complicated wiring.
2) fittings, tees, elbows - additional elements of any pipe

Polypropylene pipes: main types

Before selecting a product, you need to understand his views. Pipes made of polypropylene are single- or multilayer.

Products with a single layer are:

  • PPH - gomopropilen. With such products are laid ventilating systems, industrial piping and settling cold water;
  • PPB - polypropylene block copolymer. Using this kind, created outdoor heat supply systems and water mains cold, high impact produced fittings;
  • PPR - radnomsopolimer polypropylene. Are relevant for the supply and heating;
  • PPs - flammability special polypropylene.

As for the multi-layer products, it requires reinforcement. This reduces the thermal elongation, and the products themselves, in turn, are divided into smooth and perforated.

They differ in the way of reinforcement into the following types:

  • With installed outside a continuous or perforated layer of aluminum foil;
  • Towards the outer side is a layer of aluminum foil and the puncturing allows to connect the layers together without an adhesive;
  • With the use of fiberglass;
  • The inner layer is made of a composite mixture of polypropylene and glass, or fiberglass.

Best polypropylene pipes for heating systems

Many consumers are wondering "what is best to install polypropylene pipes for heating?". Each manufacturer ensures that its products are of high quality and durable. Therefore, we compare products from different companies on the following parameters: the main characteristics (diameter, weight), appearance, performance strength and durability.


Czech manufacturer, whose products are divided into 2 types:

  • FV PPR - such products are suitable for hot and cold running water. Are optimal during prolonged contact with water at room temperature, the batch is kept contact with the hot. Methods for their manufacture: welding. Faser Company additionally engaged in the production of all the necessary components for the pipe: this fittings, accessories, and other items;
  • FV THERM - optimal for the heating system, connected to the radiators and the system "warm floors". They help to organize a supply of hot water, but the solution is not feasible in view of the high cost of production. The materials used in the manufacturing process: polypropylene and rigid polyurethane foam polystyrene - such a combination provides a long service life and low coefficient stretching.

Per meter Faser products from firms on average weighs 0.1 kg.

4) Faser with fiberglass reinforcement.


"CALDA East" - the manufacturer, which became widely popular in Ukraine and Russia. The company from Turkey is engaged in manufacturing of taps for hot and cold water supply, fittings, valves and other necessary accessories. For production the company uses recycled polypropylene and connects it with other synthetic materials that can increase the strength.

For the manufacture of pipes used laminate that makes the compound more durable and reliable. Sami pipes are available in white, are marked. As for the diameter, the manufacturer offers all common sizes. If necessary, you can order the original product.


The company produces polypropylene products for heating systems and water supply. Range brand consists of tubular products, including reinforced aluminum, various fittings and accessories. Production is characterized by the following positive features:

  • Due to the smooth inner surface of the tube provides a low pressure loss;
  • Large selection of additional reinforcement can combine with each other Wefatherm lines with other systems.

They are joined by diffusion welding, which ensures maximum tightness. This type of connection is handled quickly and cools down.

5) Products for heating systems.


Company from Germany, which produces high-quality products. Each manufacturing step is strictly controlled, and the raw materials used in the work, impeccable quality. Such pipes are used in a wide variety of areas ranging systems "warm floor", district heating, drinking water supply and to production.

Consider the features of a series of valves PN20 and PN16. They are used for hot and cold water. For the manufacture of products using polypropylene PP-RCT - an innovative material with crystal structure, the performance is 50% better in comparison with analogues. Feature is that the activated special cooling method which is the cause of the formation of tiny crystals. The result is the most dense and, at the same time, flexible material. This allows the material to show high resistance to pressure - up to 20 bar and a temperature - up to 95 degrees Celsius.

Another series - Stabi, is a multi-layered products made from composite materials. Relevant for heating systems, hot and cold water. Product feature is to cover the aluminum layer by which it is characterized by low thermal expansion and excellent mechanical resistance. For their connection activated thermal welding with a manual welding machine.

Pro Aqua

The company "Ego Engineering" offers a choice of the following series of fittings:

  • PP-R - random copolymer is used for their production. Such outlets are able to serve about 50 years. Sizes: 20 - 125mm;
  • PEX - a system having an anti-diffusion coating. With their help gather the hot and cold water system. They have the advantages of the two materials metal and polypropylene;
  • PE-RT - they feature - high heat resistance. With their help, connect radiators, boilers and other heating equipment.

Appears on its face reinforcement is virtually identical, except that the color of the marking.

Polypropylene pipes for water: top producers

First, we consider the whole of what constitutes such products. This is the most suitable product, if the goal - to provide a reliable water supply in the house. Selecting and comparing characteristics, it appears that at times exceed polypropylene materials such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. This type of plastic, characterized by the smallest index density - 0.91 g / cm3.

Depending on the class of the product, polypropylene fittings can be used for the organization of both hot and cold water. Qualitative polypropylene fittings and pipes can differ among themselves, so when choosing should pay attention to the label, which indicates the manufacturing technology and characteristics.

The most optimal for the organization of water supply are considered products PPH and PPR. As for the first, they have a large margin of safety, but not respond well to low temperatures (below 0), and exposure to UV light. Based on GOST and building codes, professionals recommend using them to lay pipeline for cold water.

6) The line of plastic pipes.

The best heat resistance (withstand up to 900 degrees Celsius) and resistance to UV rays at PPR-products. Such pipes are suitable for organizations of cold, hot water supply and heating systems. There is only one caveat - they must be installed in unheated rooms, but they are not recommended for outdoor environments. We are talking about a single-layer reinforcement, while the reinforced double-layer more suitable for heating.

Choosing a pipe, you should pay attention to the markings:

  • PN10 - Thin-walled products for cold water and "Heated floor" systems, a working fluid temperature not exceeding 450 degrees Celsius;
  • PN16 - versatile option for hot water and cold-water, a temperature not more than 600 degrees;
  • PN20 - thick-walled reinforcement withstanding the temperature at 950 degrees;
  • PN25 - require reinforcement, suitable for domestic hot water and heating systems.

Now for the best one for polypropylene pipes. Here it should be noted that the production technology in all cases is the same, but each manufacturer It adds to the material certain plasticizers to improve this or that characteristics.

The most popular manufacturers:

  • Rehau, Banninger (Germany);
  • Ekoplastik FIBER (Netherlands);
  • Valtec (Italy);
  • TEBO, Vesbo (Turkey);
  • ProAkva, Politek (Russia).

Manufacturers offer products almost the same quality. The only thing for the brand, for example, Rehau, will have to pay, while the Chinese version will cost less than the other way around. Russian production also has its advantages, first - availability.


Polypropylene fittings - an excellent alternative compared to classical metal products. Pipes of plastic not only available, but also have optimal characteristics. Backbone of polypropylene capable of serving about 50 years, but you need to choose the right pipe. For example, if the hot water supply to pick the wrong product, the system will serve, at best, 15 - 20 years. Therefore, choosing the material must be very careful.