Heating in a private home is to operate smoothly. Therefore, the work of the chimney should be checked periodically and conduct mandatory and preventive measures.
Today firebox with wood is gaining popularity. Modern holiday homes, cottages, villas are not without ovens, baths and wood-burning fireplaces. Winter special equipment allocates a certain amount of heat. Burning, the fuel passes through the chimney, leaving a trace of black soot. Therefore, the cleaning of the chimney in a private home must be carried out regularly.
Causes and risk of chimney blockage
Burning, organic fuel forms the smoke. He can be:
- White when the liquid vapors pass through the chimney.
- Black, when the combustion of coal, soot and creosote coating formed on the inside of the chimney pipe. Creosote - is an oily liquid that stands out of wood and coal tar.
Soot is formed by combustion of coniferous trees. They contain essential oils. During the construction phase, you need to pay special attention to the inner wall of the chimney. Soot accumulates quickly on uneven inner walls, chimney corners. Chimney duct can become clogged above. In the summer in places birds make their nests. To avoid this, you need to use a deflector. A large amount of soot in the chimney may be a mistake craftsmen during the construction works.

Consider the causes of soot:
- Nedosushennye firewood. When tossing raw wood, in the beginning they start to dry. From this straying temperature furnace equipment, energy is lost. From raw wood clogged chimney.
- Combustion of plastic, chipboard, MDF. Plastic items need to bring in the trash. The combustion plates, the adhesive clogged chimney.
- Insufficient draft. Air Link terminated when the combustion mode switched in the mode of decay. If devices flue pipe has an insufficient height, the combustion will be sluggish. As well as a large accumulation of soot prevents air supply.
Chimney soot also grows when poor grade wood is used. Conifers is better not to use the furnace firebox. It is therefore necessary to seriously prepare for the heating season. To wood was dry, can not do without woodsheds.
The causes may lead to irreparable consequences. Smoke can get into the house, from what happens suffocation during the night. From the heated chimney soot, flakes, flying out to result in a fire of dry leaves. From this fire may occur, which will destroy everything. And also poor traction will lead to cracks in the walls of chimneys. Through the slit may penetration of carbon monoxide which would have an adverse effect on humans.

How often to clean the chimney
To chimney channel is not narrowed by the combustion products and other debris, it must be cleaned periodically.
Equipment, the name works | Time spending |
Preventive visual work: | |
Special equipment: any |
After installation, before starting, after the construction or repair |
seasonal | Before the heating season |
gas | 2 times per year |
The chimney of the brick | 1 time in 3 months |
other chimneys | 1 per year |
Chimneys of home appliances | 3 times per heating season |
Cleaning the chimney - the elimination of shortcomings: | |
In heating systems | 1 time in 3 months |
In continuously operating furnaces | 1 time in 2 months |
In the ever-existing food equipment | monthly |
If a visual inspection showed the presence of carbon black, it should not be delayed, and it is necessary to proceed immediately to the furnace duct cleaning.
What used to clean the
To the chimney was in working condition, you need to periodically invite chimney or do the work with your own hands. To cleanse the furnace channel, there are mechanical, chemical and traditional remedies. In each embodiment, the features. Therefore, everything depends on the structural features of the chimney.
Consider the basic methods of cleaning pipes.
Effective action is rendered by chemical means. You can delete a slight accumulation of soot on the inner surface of the pipe. Components used in particulate form or in solid briquettes. When the oven is on, pour money into the fire. With burnt substances occurs softening soot flakes and emitted outward. During softening plaque by gravity may fall down and close the air intake passage. Therefore, this method is not recommended for a large amount of soot.
Components for use:
- "Kominichek" - granular agent. Removes soot to 3 cm.
- "Piper" - a solid fuel. Burnt log softens the plaque and helps to remove it.
- Powdered package in the package put on the fire. The effect is the same as in previous preparations.
After the use of chemical agents, the room must be ventilated. If the chimney has accumulated a large amount of soot, then it must be removed by mechanical means.

Basically, the owners of heating equipment, clean furnace channel in summer mechanically. Clean it can be inside the house or directly from the roof. If you choose to clean the pipe from the top, to the brush you want to bind the load and rope. It will take place across the length of the channel, and will gather all the soot. Cleaning is performed as long as the pipe is clear of soot.
Mechanical method has disadvantages:
- The expenditure of much time.
- Do not always allow weather conditions to climb onto the roof. Can interfere with health.
- There is no possibility to get to hard to reach places, corners.
- channel construction is not possible to clean it on top of the roof.
Brush can withstand operation 2-3.
A more secure method of cleaning a bottom chimney. To do this, attach the brush attachment on a special flexible and stretch the entire length of the furnace channel. You can also use the in-house audit window.

Traditional methods
Today the owners of housing constructions the question arises: how to clean the bottom of the flue pipe in a private home folk of safe and reliable. several biological methods can be attributed to such methods.
- With the help of potato peelings. You do not need an unsafe mechanical intervention to clean the chimney soot. People's method is recommended for those regions where the long winter and you can do without stopping the furnace firebox.

- The use of aspen wood. They tend to burn quickly. Of them burned the entire raid, and the furnace channel is kept clean. By aspen firewood should be treated with caution, as they are flammable.
- The use of rock salt. Thanks to her, there is a black binding. It does not allow smoke to rise and clog the flue.
- The use of naphthalene. Before applying it is necessary to check the status of all the furnace duct. It should be free of cracks, damage. In the event that they must be eliminated. Naphthalene tablet to put on the burning wood. From this heated by black flakes will fly out.
To naphthalene should be treated with caution. A large number of component explosive and can destroy the chimney. Since it peculiar smell of after use, ventilate the room. Naphthalene can remove the soot thickness and 10 cm.
Folk remedies have been prevented. It reduces pollution smokestacks.
Tip! To cleaning the chimney potato peelings took place efficiently, they need to be at least half a bucket. During peel formed starch combustion. He eats away the soot, which is then showered down.
Technology chimney cleaning
Proceed as follows:
- Before the cleaning of need to close the inspection door to the furnace channel. During shedding soot, envisage how carefully insulate the room from the soot. It is better to focus the camera or in-line cover a wet cloth.
- If the pipe is cleaned by mechanical means, it is necessary to comply with all safety regulations. This applies particularly to the owners, who have a steep roof. In the event of an accident covered by insurance. Shoes should be rubber-slip soles with strings. You need to work with glasses and gloves. It is not necessary to work in the rain, under the influence of drugs or drunk.
- With the tip of the pipe is necessary to remove the umbrella. Perform a visual inspection. With the visible part of the chimney with a scraper, broom clean soot.

- With the help of the core to pass the entire channel. It will help remove large accretions.
- On top of the core set brush. Start cleaning the walls with soot. This is a simple way, but a messy and tedious. Cargo helps brush to move, and the rope to lift it up. Jobs does not like to rush.
- Periodically clean the soot had fallen through the audit window.
Today rope with load replaced long flexible shaft for cleaning flue team or rod. These versatile tools allow you to clean not only the top channel, but also from below.

Preventive maintenance
What preventive measures are carried out to protect the chimney from pollution? It requires properly learn how to use the stove. This simple but effective rules.
- Do not use conifers. Having resin clogs the pipe wall. It is recommended to use hardwood.
- Light the stove dried firewood. Raw smoked and produce a lot of nasty plaque.
- The presence of tip required!
- That does not accumulate condensate pipe needs to be insulated.
- No need to burn garbage in a different furnace. Combustion of plastic film, rubber leads to the appearance of streaks.
- Do not use flammable liquids.
- To avoid fire, do not need much raskalivat stove.
- Watch out for soot deposits on the walls.
If one adheres to the rules on care for the chimney, the chimney and the stove without any problems will be a long time.