Now the choice of heating equipment is very large bath. But in the bath furnace of brick master is still considered the best option. Brick construction different soft warmth and prolonged heat dissipation. And in the decorative plan they have no alternatives - made of bricks can be architectural masterpieces.
Furnace masonry harder than usual. There are many nuances, as it is not just a building, but quite tech construction. The quality of the masonry and the accuracy of following the scheme dependent thermal performance and life of the furnace operation, as well as the comfort and safety of users.
But the brick oven for a small bath with his hands to make possible even for relatively inexperienced person. Enough to have some of my skills of a mason and a minimal set of tools.

Selection of bath furnace brick
For masonry furnace suitable red bricks and firebricks. The second option is much preferred. This material is made of heat-resistant clay. But it costs considerably more expensive than usual. Therefore, usually combine both materials. Areas that are exposed to particularly high heat, put out "grog", and other structures erected area of red brick.

On a note! Brick must be full-bodied. Its marked with letter "M" and numerals indicating the maximum allowable load per square centimeter. The minimum grade for furnace stack - M150.
That the result was a worthy, it is recommended to check the strength of the brick before buying. It is advisable to buy one piece and split it. Quality material at the site of cleavage is characterized by tonal homogeneity and absence of extraneous inclusions.
Important and geometry of bricks. Standard sizes - 250h120h65 mm. Tolerance - no more than a couple of millimeters. Among other things, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence or absence slyudoobraznoy film covering material. It should not be - film greatly deteriorates the adhesion to masonry bricks mixture.
Masonry oven is allowed from a brick that meets these requirements. High temperatures, as temperature changes, error not forgive. It is very important not to be lazy and not stingy to buy a high quality material that will not cause problems in a couple of years.
It is interesting - We do a simple stove made of bricks with their hands.
Installation of foundation under the stove
Without a foundation can only do very simple small oven. More or less massive structure needs a powerful basis.
Procedure for the establishment of the foundation:
- dig a trench; hole depth depends on the climatic conditions - the bottom of the pit should be below the freezing point of the precoat; typically digging to a depth of 0.5-0.7 m; to the bottom of the pit expands slightly - it compensates for possible changes of soil;
- the bottom poured sand layer several centimeters; thoroughly moisturize and ram sand;
- poured gravel - again, a layer of a few centimeters;
- mounted formwork and reinforcement;
- poured concrete pit; upper point mixture should be a few centimeters below the floor level;
- after setting concrete formwork is removed;
- do waterproofing, using, for example, roofing material; the material should completely cover the base under the stove; waterproofing works are required, because without them, moisture may seep from the soil to the brick - it will lead to the gradual destruction of the masonry material.

Foundation for the furnace bannuyu It must be perfectly horizontal. Using a builder's level is necessary. After the bottom of the device to stand it is necessary to give at least a week. You can then proceed to the chimney masonry.
Selection masonry mixture
For masonry furnace need to use refractory mixture. It is available in the building supermarket or cook yourself. Serial embodiment differs verified component ratio. Solution prepared with their own hands - a savings.
For similar works use a mixture based on clay. The latter, in contrast to the cement, is not afraid of high temperature. On the contrary, under the influence of heat the material grows stronger. The course is either red or chamotte. In this case, the thermal expansion performance at brick-and-mix will be approximately the same. And it will make the structure monolithic.
The clay is mixed with sand. The amount of the latter depends on the fat content of clay. Since each individual case parameters materials recommended test solution. Check the quality of the mixture in different ways. One way is to slap some balls and allow them to dry away from direct sunlight. Dried up balls dropped from a height meter. Those that do not crumble, show suitable proportions components. proportions range - from 1: 1 to 1: 2 in favor of the sand.
Tip! Use sand with a grain size of not more than 1.5 mm. Preferably the fraction of millimeter.
The mixture should be strong and ductile. The recommended thickness of masonry seam - 5 mm. It is twice less than in conventional masonry construction. Practice shows that the increase and decrease of joints thickness leads to a decrease in the operational period of the furnace in the building.
safety Guidelines
Stove heating must meet certain safety principles. Ignoring them can lead to very unpleasant consequences.
One of the main requirements is that between the furnace and combustible material (typically a wall sheathing) minimum distance - 30-40 cm. Family steam is usually not very large in size, so for the bath furnace should not consume space.
To reduce the minimum distance do, thermo-insulating lining. For example, from basalt wool and steel sheet. Or brick. In this case, the minimal permissible twice the distance between the heating structure and the walls.
In need of protection, and gender. Before firebox recommended flooring metal sheet. Its installation makes sparks and falling fuel residues from the security camera.

It should be remembered, and the joints between the ceiling / roof and chimney. The gap between the elements also insulate heat-resistant material. Sutures are then decorate with special - purchased or improvised - linings.
Laying scheme of an embodiment of bath furnace
Make furnace for the bath can be a different design and technical format. Below is a diagram of one of the possible projects. The design assumes that the built-in tank. The construction is suitable for a country house, or to the overall problem. For small buildings is better to choose another option, as this is not the most economical in terms of space.

Base dimensions correspond to the number of bricks - furnace length is 5 and the width - 4th bricks. In this centimeters - 129h102 see. The height of the "instrument" - 210 cm. These dimensions and technical design features allow effective heat steam bath area of 10-15 m2. Effective - means up to 100 degrees in the climactic phase and 40-50 - in the washing phase.
The oven allows you to mount a tank capacity of 170-200 liters. The heating effect is enhanced due to gasket 6 pipes in hydraulic tank zone. They also make it more convenient placement of the heater. According to this drawing furnace put out by their hands, pipe length is 100-105 cm. During firing metal elements very hot, which multiplies the quality and duration of heat transfer.
Time to start the laying of the bricks of the furnace.
Poryadovkoy masonry chimney
Poryadovkoy tell you how to make your bath furnace correctly. The scheme follows (numbers correspond to the list of rows of masonry)
- Here everything is simple - a number formed solid masonry.
- On the second row will start forming the ash. Here are mounted the door of his cell. The frame element should be 10 mm under the lower aperture ashpan. The difference is necessary because the metal door of a cord wrapped asbestos diameter of 5 mm. On all sides the door fixed wire. The latter is not only a lock, but also fitting that after installation of the door coated with a clay mixture.
- Laying is performed in a similar way - formed ash chamber.
- Fireclay brick (shown he yellow) covered with the ash chamber. "Tiles" simultaneously forms the basis of the fuel chamber. At the same number of fixed grate home of bath furnace. To do this, most likely, it will require thinning individual bricks.
- The perimeter of the stove is formed of red, and the firebox - from a fireclay refractory brick. The furnace will be composed entirely of fire-resistant material - it is a prerequisite, otherwise the construction will last for long.
- Continue laying the firebox and fix the door of the chamber.
- Masonry continue as illustrated.
- The procedure is the same.
- In this series of cover door fuel chamber.
- Chamotte bricks placed under the scheme, forming openings for pipes, which are mentioned in the section above. It also prepared a place for the tank. Next, in the same row - after light curing mixture - mounted pipes. The space between the metal and the bricks need to seal the heat-resistant material - for example, basalt wool. After that comes the turn of the hydraulic tank installation. The procedure is well illustrated.
- Pipes overlapping brick red. Hydraulic tank in the illustrations below is missing, but this is done for the convenience of readers - it is better to be seen and the corresponding clutch elements. But it must be borne in mind that in a real project tank must be present.
- Masonry becomes higher.
- Here everything is simple - a number formed solid masonry.
- The procedure is the same - the furnace for a bath increases.
- Everything is similar.
- Another similar series - over pipes have 5 rows of red solid bricks.
- Continuing rise walls.
- Design is becoming higher.
- Laying is performed in the same manner.
- Masonry is growing. The illustration displayed again the water tank. The internal volume of metal pipes (in the figure shows a red rectangle) is filled with stones.
- a pair of steel strips are fixed over capacity. They are necessary in order to cover the hydraulic reservoir can be a brick.
- Cover the container with bricks. Leave, according to the scheme, the empty space. In operation, through the aperture will add water on the stones.
- Laying is performed in the same manner.
- Actions similar to stove-maker - oven brick acquires a characteristic shape.
- The order of actions does not change.
- All the same - masonry became higher number.
- Completed masonry along the same lines. The aperture is inserted the door, through which water to be supplied to the heater. The door was more convenient to install earlier. At this stage, the installation is also possible, and no element in the figure was due to the comfort of readers. After mounting the door on top of similarly placed steel strip - to the already well-known for.
- In this series covered the door of the heater chamber. Start the preparatory work for the furnace overlap. Since the area to be overlapping, and large, in terms of masonry, inconvenient, again resorted to the help of two metal strips. metal thickness must be at least 10 mm. Bands not laid directly on the brick, and a pre-prepared groove. Under the metal to put fire resistant gaskets. Moreover, the strip is fixed to the brick with two-millimeter clearance compensating thermal expansion of the material during furnace firebox.
- Do overlap solid masonry. Exception - hole for chimney. Next to the hole - a small recess under the metal flap, which is at the same stage and set.
- The procedure for laying the same.
- Nothing changes, except for the structure height.
- On this line you need to build a foundation fume collection channel.
- Continue masonry chimney. It is not the last row - number of rows depends on the remaining pipe height, which in turn is determined by the peculiarities of the bath.
- The procedure is the same - the furnace for a bath increases.
Finished the stove should be given to stand at least 5-7 days. After that, it takes a few preparatory furnaces. During this period, only flushing chips or paper - fuel does not create heat. The duration of such furnaces about 15 minutes.
Important! On the day of no more than one kindling. The procedure should be repeated as long as no longer to form condensate, signals the excess moisture in the building.
The principle of operation is simple sauna stoves. Burning, the fuel forms a heated gas, heating the furnace walls, stones and the hydraulic reservoir. Exhaust gases leave through the flue has passage.
How to put the stove to give, not very large in size? Similarly. The project will require a slight correction, according to the dimensions of the building. Or you can build a heating unit for a different scheme.
Qualitative masonry itself characterized by a decorative component. However, if desired artistic effect can be enhanced. An excellent coating is heat resistant tiles - ceramic granite, tiles, clinkers. Trim can be done by yourself, but if confidence in their abilities is not better to call for expert help.