In many urban apartments to date has central heating. It just so happened that the main housing stock in our cities within the scope of service utilities. This primarily refers to the issues of heating city apartments in the heating season. The quality of the centralized heat supply system customers are always left much to be desired. The reason lies in the inefficiency of the existing service order. In addition, the rise in the cost of energy makes people to look for alternative ways to heat their own homes.

Many apartment owners are trying to move to independent heating apartments. What are the challenges faced in this case, and how to make heating with their hands - these are the main issues that concerned our citizens today. We will try together to solve the problem, to find answers to urgent questions.
You want to have your heating system. The algorithm
Obtaining permission to shut down
The desire of tenants to improve the heating of his apartment in the cold period of the natural, if we take into account the how the central heating in our homes, and which at the same time we have to bear the costs for communal. At first glance, everything is simple. There is money, take it and sets at home and the boiler is heated, as it pleases. But there is one significant "but." In our country, the independence of the citizens even in the plan to dispose of his property, has its limitations. Their own housing, we have to be heated, using utilities services. Any attempt to change the order of life-support of a city apartment encountering obstacles from the state.
Energy companies are monopolists in the heating market, and the government is helping them in this artificially limiting the ability of people to move into self-contained power sources. heating system in the flat, made with his own hands it is often the result of an exhausting struggle tenants with regulatory authorities. The problem is how to obtain permission to disconnect from the central heating. Existing technical rules do not allow yourself without authorization to qualify for the heating system of a city apartment, even despite the fact that the Civil Code of the Russian Federation there is no direct ban on such actions for homeowners and apartment owner establishes the right, at any time abandon the centralized services heating.

Important! Unauthorized disconnection elements intrahouse heating system is prohibited by law, and relates to administrative law. St.7.21 RF Code of Administrative Offenses provides a clear idea of the tenants responsibility in this regard.
Organize independent heating their apartments with their own hands - is initially only one. You may have to seek official permission to disconnect from the central heating. Already at this stage you need to decide what type of home heating best in your case.
On a note: in high-rise buildings (over 9 floors) there is no centralized gas supply in order to increase the operational safety of Residential. Therefore, gas heating acceptable primarily for residents of apartment buildings of the old buildings, where there is a centralized supply of domestic gas.
What use heating, gas or electricity - you decide. The main thing is that the project would meet the necessary building codes and safety standards.
The project should be given all the necessary technical parameters of heating appliances, plan and scheme of their connection, as well as detailed hydraulic calculations. Only after all the bureaucratic issues can directly engage the technical side of the issue.
Dismantling of old heating
Having dealt with the energy company and received permission to shut down, you can move on to the next step - dismantling the apartment of the pipeline system and radiators intrahouse system. In this situation, you without the help of the management company or the housing department can not do. Must be coordinated with these agencies order off the apartment from the intra-house heating communications. Only then can you begin to dismantle.

In the process of work is necessary to strictly follow the sequence by cutting precisely those components and elements of the system, which correspond to the circuit. Otherwise, in violation of the heat supply to other apartments you will have to answer not only the law of sabotage, but also to bear the financial costs associated with the payment of the fine. Restore damaged homes have communications at their own expense.
Getting Started with the dismantling should be the main elements of the wiring. To make the circuit integrity of central heating, which is now no use to have better implement the replacement of the riser, crashed instead of the old pipe the new steel pipe of the same diameter. Isolated from the central heating, proceed to the dismantling of the old pipelines and disable heaters. Isolated from the central heating, proceed to dismantle and shutdown.
For reference! There is a mandatory rule. Strongly recommended to use the old wiring and radiators for new heating systems. Mismatch technical parameters, much debris may cause disturbances in the process operation, auxiliary heating.
Overview of the necessary equipment for autonomous heating system
Gas or electricity. What's better
heating with his hands begins with a study of the project. All work should be carried out in strict conformity with the technical documentation. Change in the course of a method of heating apartments, install more power the boiler, than that specified in the design and increase the number of radiators, is potentially dangerous.
Retreat: When test-fired heating system ready always present engineer - heating engineer, who is responsible for the functionality of the new gas equipment. When obvious discrepancies available equipment with the technical data specified in the project, you can refuse to issue a formal opinion on the gas heating commissioning.
Therefore, decide what is best for you - gas heating or electrical, heating which mount devices, it is necessary in advance. Please note the following requirements:
- coordination of project documentation with the energy company with a supply of gas or electricity;
- with gas heating equipment will be required to carry out the installation of the coaxial flue street;
- in the case of electrical heating required alterations house wiring, three-phase meter installation and Electrical machines;
- apartments, equipped with gas-fired boilers, require the installation of ventilation;
- direct connection of the boiler to the pipeline, to carry out commissioning work is carried out by an authorized person, representative of the gas distribution company.
How to connect the heating equipment, how to install the boiler, and to launch a whole heating systems in accordance with established standards for these and other issues better to turn to specialists.
It is pertinent to recall that the choice in favor of electric heating will not give you the benefits and real savings. Warm apartment directly to electricity - is expensive. Only when the multi-rate counter you will be able to achieve tangible economic benefits. Frequently, the operation of the electric heating imposes limitations set limit on consumption. Overrun power lead to unforeseen expenses for light, a deterioration in temperature.
A gas boiler. What are the options?
Deciding for themselves the crucial question - the apartment is gas heating, start with an assessment of the heating technology market. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the heat loss, but also the limited size of the apartment, the number of inhabitants and their own domestic needs.

The main focus when choosing the type of heating boiler make on the model of the wall type. Today the market of such equipment is widely represented. It is always possible to choose, as a gas, and the corresponding electric power boiler. Immediately grasp at a model with a large capacity is not necessary. For a city apartment you can get a boiler capacity of 6-10 kW. Here, an exemplary calculation is valid - 1 kW thermal energy required for heating to 10 m2 residential area at an average thermal characteristics of the walls.. To this figure can add 10-15% to the heat loss.
On a note: power boilers is taken literally - without any extra charges and rates, since current models have a high efficiency.
The acquisition of a bypass gas boiler - the best option to get the real independence of the central heating and hot water. How to make the heating in the apartment with his hands, using electricity, the answer is simple - you can use wall-mounted heating units with heating elements.
On a note: installation of electric boilers equipped with induction or electrode heaters require installation of additional equipment and the control room.
It can be installed in a warm floor apartment, but in this case the best option would be not electric and water floor. This method of heating is very convenient, because the water floor heating can be connected to the main heating circuit.

Mounting. Step by step guide to action
Wiring can be carried out as a metal or plastic pipes.
Heating the plastic to make their own hands a lot easier and easier than working with steel pipes and valves.
The latter option seems preferable, since it does not require welding work, all done carefully and quickly. Polypropylene tubes are durable and not subject to internal corrosion. Done by hand heating of plastic pipes is much easier than working with steel pipes.
In case the boiler is equipped with a circulation pump, for heating a small bedroom apartment It becomes optimal variant with one-pipe heating system in which the number of radiators does not exceed 4-5 PC.
In the diagram, it is clear that a single pipe system is ideal to connect radiators diagonally. In that case the coolant will completely contact the entire inner surface of the battery.

For apartments with more living space you want to use two-pipe system, and if you plan to connect the floor heating and hot water system, the need to also double-boiler. The heating efficiency of the radiator in the apartment when the double pipe system is higher in comparison with single-. When two-pipe heating system is usually used the lower wiring and the appropriate connection type radiators in the apartment. In the diagram, you can see how is the location of the pipes in the apartment, how to connect the battery and how to organize hot water in the house. Made of plastic pipe circuit can be easily replaced or change its configuration if necessary.

Important! Installation of plastic heating is carried out only with the use of reinforced polypropylene tubes. Unlike conventional plastic tubes, such material is not subject to large linear expansion under high coolant temperature.
The pipe can be reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum foil. Through this structure, reinforced polypropylene pipes able to withstand high pressures (up to 25 atm.) And a significant heating within 70-900FROM. Pipes, reinforced with glass fibers, have a higher linear expansion and the tendency to bend under the influence of heat. Therefore, for them it is very important to pay special attention to compensate for temperature extensions.

To be able to turn off each radiator separately is necessary to equip them with a shut-off valve and thermostats, with which it will be possible to regulate the heating temperature in room.
Initially, determine what type of radiator is right for you. Cast iron radiators are more reliable, but this type is characterized by high cost and bulkiness of the structure itself. Most massively currently used in heating systems, bimetallic radiators. Combination steel and aluminum provides high performance to this material. Steel capable of withstanding the high system pressure, and aluminum is excellent in heat dissipation.

Low price, high technology and ease of installation provides a bimetallic radiators high popularity. Battery are mounted on brackets that are mounted directly to the wall. Optimal location of the radiator installed in the apartment - under the window, at a distance of no more than 10-12 cm from the sill and at the same distance from the floor. The space in between the panels and the rear wall of the radiator must not be less than 5 cm.
On a note: it is not necessary to install radiators on the adjacent walls of neighboring apartments. In this case, the connected radiator will warm you and your neighbors. You will be with his own pocket to pay for heating neighbors.
radiator type of connection to the pipes themselves choose. There are four options for connecting the battery to the pipeline:
- or diagonal cross;
- one-sided;
- lower;
- monotube.
The figure diagram shows four ways to connect with all the ensuing consequences.

After finishing main works on the wiring and connection of radiators in the apartment, it is possible to start connecting the system to the heat generating equipment. You can configure the operation of the boiler in the presence of a gas service specialist. Its presence is necessary to check the operation of the gas boiler in all modes, adjust the work automation.
The video explains in detail how everything can be done with their own hands