Drainage - engineering system for the collection and disposal of excess water from the surface and deeper layers of the soil. Consisting of channels, gutters, perforated pipes, inspection and collecting wells, boreholes.
Laying drains - a necessary part of work in the construction in areas with high groundwater levels, a large number of seasonal rainfall, on boggy lowlands. The article highlights the key steps and rules of installation of drainage pipes, which will help the developer to effectively drain the land and the territory around the house.
Appointment of drainage pipes
Increased soil moisture adversely affects the structural units, primarily the foundations of buildings. Under the influence of water and temperature fluctuations base is rapidly destroyed, there are cracks in the basement and walls. Flooding garden plot can cause plant death, damage to facilities for household purposes.
To reduce the impact of floods, sediment or groundwater, site owners spend laying of drainage pipes with their own hands. Timely drainage eliminates the cause of winter frost heave, in which bases are destroyed, and a blind area of the track. The basement or cellar air humidity decreases, fade mold stains. The walls of the underground facilities do not freeze in the cold season.
Draining of the marshy soil in the garden leads to earlier warming her. This is beneficial to the growth of plants, the harvest increased. Gardeners noticed that Pests cultures and mosquito becomes smaller. Playgrounds, paths and other elements of landscape design on a dry stable ground last longer.
Drainage pipes are widely used in industrial and civil construction with drainage trenches, building roads, land reclamation.
The principle of operation of the drainage system
Drainage - an extensive network of drains and wells on the surface or in its column. Water flows into gutters or filtered from the surrounding soils perforated tube surrounded by a layer of drainage material. System components are connected with the teams of collectors, where the moisture is drained by gravity or pumped.
To the liquid aspired into the wells, the pipe is laid with a gradient. Accumulated in the water collecting tank removed a number of ways:
- It seeps into the soil;
- moves, following the natural topography, in the lowest point portion, or water;
- is pumped for irrigation;
- removed to drain or assenizatorskaya machine.
In addition, for removing groundwater wells drilled step-down to the layer of draining rocks or arrange general gutters into several sections.
Types of drainage and design features
Water collection nature distinguish surface and deep drainage system. In the case where the low permeability soil and ground water located deeper than 3 m, the first type of drying used. In lowland, with high occurrence of moisture at the site with the clayey material reservoir or used immediately close both.
surface drainage
Designed to collect from the territory adjacent to the house, perched water - rainwater or melt water. Flowing from the roof, and tracks otmostki liquid enters the grooves or wells fitted without hydrates adjacent to the foundation soil layers.
Surface drainage arrange in the form of:
- linear system - a network of shallow channels laid along the building walls on the perimeter, closed top grills or without them;
- drainage point - open or closed catchment reservoirs located near the gutters, basement walls, retaining walls, terraces.
Surface drainage is made of pipes, trays, trash boxes, street inlets superstructures and plugs. In place of concrete and metal structures came light and durable plastic profiles. They are placed in the groove with a bias on the prepared substrate, protect the gratings.
Deep drainage systems
With deep drainage dried lowland regions with a yield of ground water to the surface are prone to waterlogging clayey, loamy soil, peat, sapropel, and adjacent to the pond territory. underground drainage device more complex and time-consuming, sometimes performed in several layers.
The low-rise building most commonly used underground water lowering system:
- horizontal - drainage pipes laid with a slope in the trenches, is connected to the catchment wells and covered with earth;
- vertical - step-down wells drilled or dug wells 20-50 m deep, from which the water goes into the lower permeable layer or pumped out;
- Combined - combine a horizontal pipe installation and diversion of water through the vertical water-absorbent structures.
Depending on soil conditions, topography, and the tasks use different constructive forms of drainage:
- ring - to protect a group of buildings on sandy soils;
- trim - for the removal of moisture from the basement of the building with a high groundwater level on clay soil;
- Formation - to output interstratal water into the bowl under the base structures filled draining materials.
When the device surface and deep drainage is desirable to provide a natural drainage of liquid in the well or wells. If this is not possible, use a drainage pumps, pumping wastewater to the desired point.
Technical requirements for the placement of drainage system
Engineering systems for water drainage design in accordance with the requirements of SNIP 2.06.15-85, 2.06.03-85. Regulations govern the location of drain water receiver, connecting nodes manholes.
Placing the system elements according to building codes:
- Catchment headers - in the lower portion locations;
- Drainage wells - on the channel bends and every 20 m.
- Minimum slope pipes - 2 cm to 1 meter in clay, 3 cm in sandy soils.
Important! The most commonly used in low-rise building water pipelines with a diameter of 110-160 mm.
To work on the drainage of the site did not lead to the opposite results, it is necessary to determine:
- depth of the drainage pipe;
- optimum bias drains;
- the number and arrangement locations of wells;
- process for the removal of water - in the gutter, water, sewer, assenizatorskaya car or for irrigation.
Piping for laying drainage surface to a depth of 1 meter. Have them along the tracks, platforms, gutters. Livnevki can not be combined with underground drainage. In case of heavy rains or snow melting system can not withstand the repeated increase in the volume of fluid. When the common channel overflow water flows back into the drainage. This causes waterlogging and erosion of the deeper layers of the soil. As a consequence - the strengthening of the forces of frost heave in the winter, the destruction of the blind area, damage to the foundation.
For devices of wall underground drainage calculated:
- Laying depth. To the water in the lumen of the tube, turning into ice, not severed wall channels paving below the frost line. Its coordinates define JV 131.13330.2012 table or the Internet. To add the value of the height of the gravel cushion 40 cm.
- Laying the foundation base. If the base - melkozaglublennaya tape, stacking depth take on the calculation of point №1. In other cases, a drain below the level of the structure is 30-50 cm.
After calculating the parameters of the drainage system and performing a detailed drawing determines the flow rate of the basic materials - pipes, fittings, wells, geotextiles, gravel for dumping.
Parameters selection culverts
For drainage areas used drains of different materials:
- ceramics;
- metal;
- asbestos;
- concrete;
- hrizotiltsementa;
- polymer - polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC.
The most popular in private construction are plastic products. They are durable, lightweight, non-corrosive. Installation of drainage pipes can be performed independently. For proper operation of the profiles are up to 50 years.
When choosing pipes are the main criteria:
- class ring stiffness - the higher it is, the more you can put the product;
- volume of the discharged liquid - flow must pass freely;
- the presence of the filter cover - if it does not exist, protection against siltation need to perform the installation yourself.
Polymer drainage discharged in the form of single-layer and dual-layer perforated pipes. They vary in features and price. The last - 2-2.5 expensive.
Monolayer represent products from HDPE HDPE. Since they do not have high rigidity - Class SN4, they are placed in the trench to a depth of 2.5 m.
Double-layer drains much stronger. They are made of two layers of polyethylene - HDPE low and high pressure LDPE. Products are characterized by greater rigidity - SN6. Pipes can bury up to 5-6 meters.
To prevent sedimentation of holes used covers from a geotextile or coconut fibers. Filters pass water but retain debris particles earth or sand.
An alternative embodiment of the drainage device without gravel cushion - stacking the tube with the filter layer of polystyrene foam. Products can be mounted in the channels without backfill nonmetallic materials. Their role is played by small polymer beads.
Flexible pipes are coiled and sell footage, stiff - released in segments. Perforation drains located on the entire surface or part thereof, is a slotted hole for the penetration of water from the surrounding soil. Solid non-perforated products used for the diversion of water collected off-site.
The inner surface may be smooth or corrugated. In the former case the elastic tube is easily coiled. When mounting the corner portions of the profile is bent without coupling elements.
Pipes with a smooth inner layer does not bend. They are more solid - product class SN8 or SN16. They can be laid to a depth of 6 m. Available segments of 6-12 m, with or without their sockets. Additionally equipped with connecting pieces.
Installation of drainage system
To reduce the risk of flooding by ground, rain or flood waters, it is necessary to know how to put on your site drain pipe. This will require materials:
- crushed stone, gravel, sand to cushion;
- geotextile for filtering water;
- fittings for system assembly;
- shovels, wheelbarrows and other equipment for production work.
The technology of self-laying of the drainage pipe comprises:
- Training channels. In the period with the lowest rainfall mark out the track, using pegs and cords. Dig a trench depth desired hand tools or by building machines. Observe a bias toward the sump at least 2 cm to 1 m. Walls must be vertical. They then attached geotextiles.
- Apparatus broadening floor collectors at positions corresponding to the project. Their diameter must be greater than the channel size of 20-30 cm.
- Podsypku trench bottom sand layer 15-20 cm.
- Laying geotextiles and fastening of panels on the walls of the pit.
- Gravel backfill the track 30 cm thick. Axially arrange the recess.
- Installation of the drain pipe. Dock clamps, couplings, elbows, tees, crosses. It is possible to use the corresponding diameter sewer fittings.
- Monitoring deviations drainage pipe via tensioned cord and construction level.
- Sprinkled with crushed stone culvert.
- Laying geotextile webs lapped over the backfill.
- Installation inspection chambers made in broadening connection -muftami system adapters.
- Filling the cavity between the collector and the wall of the trench with gravel, expanded clay, foam plastic. This saves audit from freezing.
Drainage pipe output to the sewer, water, well. You need to fill the trench with sand or to dig. If the products already contain a shell of filter material, they are placed on the crushed rock pillow without geotextile substrate. Polypropylene profiles joined by welding, can be used for PVC glue.
Common mistakes
drainage device will not lead to the expected result if the calculation and assembly mistakes were made:
- not drawn to bias towards drainage wells;
- penetration pipe enough;
- is selected too small diameter drains or perforation type that does not match the type of soil;
- no gravel bedding, not laid geotextiles;
- the number of conduits is not enough;
- drainage well is filled too quickly.
Important! Inefficient operation of the drainage system can be a consequence of using low-quality materials, incorrect assembly elements clogging pipes.
Rules of service of drainage system
To the lumen of the pipe is clogged on deposits, once in 3-4 years spend cleaning system.
Remedy blockages:
- wash garden hose;
- blowing with compressed air by the compressor;
- mechanical cleaning of metal cable with a wide nozzle;
- hydrodynamic effects on pollution by using pneumatic equipment.
Washing is carried out through pipe inspection chambers from both sides. Fitting peskoulavlivateley significantly reduce ingress of insoluble particles in the channels. For cleaning deep-seated trails invite special services.
Along the underground facilities is not recommended to plant trees at a distance of 1.5-2 m. The roots with sprawl may damage the line, disrupt the natural outflow of water.