The roof - a complex multi-functional design, is also involved in the heat exchange between the attic and the outside space. Regardless of how the residents used the attic, roofs insulated even in the southern regions of Russia. Consider, for what it is, how to choose the insulation for the roof, and to arrange their own durable warm roof.

Why should insulate the roof
The presence of the attic - an important factor for the temperature regime of property, because they do not even heated loft, as a buffer between the street and the ceiling of the upper floor, provides a insulation.

To reduce heat loss through the ceiling of the upper rooms, floors, attic insulated, but heat transfer through them is still going on, and winter in the attic still slightly warmer than outside.
If the roof is insulated in the winter condensate formed on its inner surface, which causes rotting of wooden trusses and sheathing, it flows down and accumulates on the floor.

Related Content - mineral wool insulation roofing technology.
Furthermore, in the building for half a year and even more disturbed temperature condition, since no roof insulation It makes not only the attic cold in winter, but hot - summer.
Used for roof insulation materials
Suitable insulation material for use as roof insulation it is determined by the following characteristics:
- Density - a parameter that determines the porosity and thus the thermal conductivity of the material. With decreasing density and increasing porosity decreases the thermal conductivity, which leads to improved thermal insulation properties.
- Thermal conductivity - the ability of the material to the heat transfer, the intensity of which depends not only on the porosity, but the degree of moisture of the material. With its thermal conductivity increasing izolyanta humidity increases, which reduces the thermal insulating qualities.
- Water absorption. To reduce the magnitude of this parameter and decrease the moisture factor, fibrous insulation is impregnated with water-repellent (hydrophobic) compounds. When buying mineral izolyantov should give preference to materials, which passed such a treatment.
Besides these characteristics, it is very important ecological insulation - no harmful emissions into the environment in the operating condition.
As for the insulation flammability, toxicity, and degree of smoke produced by a flame smoke these parameters are defined by SNIP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings" and SP 4.13130.2013 "Fire Systems protection. " Proof of compliance with these requirements is izolyanta certificate, which must be presented by the seller at the buyer's request.
Device for heat insulation of roofs using several groups of heaters with different physical characteristics. To facilitate the selection izolyanta tailored to specific conditions, a closer look at these groups and their constituent materials.
mineral wool insulation
The group of heat-insulating material includes several kinds izolyantov produced in the form of rolls or mat:
- basalt wool;
- glass wool;
- slag wool.
The effectiveness of the use of insulation for heat-shielding roof provided the following qualities:
- low thermal conductivity (in dry state);
- fire resistance;
- resistance to temperature;
- high vapor permeability;
- resistance to microorganisms;
- high sound insulation characteristics;
- Easy to install;
- durability.
stone wool
This insulating material is produced by melt rocks, followed by stretching hot mass into fibers and fenoformaldegidnymi compound with resins, are used as binder. The final product has an open cellular structure and not more than 3% due to the content of organic matter, can withstand temperatures up to 1000 0FROM.

Because the feedstock is mostly used basalt, rock wool is also known as basalt.
According to the degree of rigidity basalt wool is divided into groups:
- Soft - a highly porous web material of minimum thickness of the fibers used in places with lack of mechanical forces (wall insulation underneath a ventilated facade, roofs);
- medium hardness - izolyant sheet of greater thickness of the fibers used for thermal insulation of facades with considerable wind loads;
- rigid - mats of thick and hard fibers are laid under the concrete floor and "wet" facade.

A heater for imparting waterproofing and reflective characteristics produced another kind of stone wool - a universal, unilateral or bilateral foiling aluminum.

Stone wool - the most effective of mineral fibrous heat insulators, due to the following it advantages:
- high thermal and acoustic insulation characteristics;
- Flameproof (not burn or support combustion);
- high vapor permeability;
- resistance to chemicals;
- sufficient water repellency;
- high durability without loss of functionality (30 years and over);
- easy installation.
Lack of basalt wool comes from its merits - is the high price. All other claims of customers - the result of the acquisition of low-quality insulation.
Important! Despite the softness of the stone wool fibers, it is necessary to work with a respirator.
Fiberglass - time-tested insulation initially manufactured from molten quartz sand mixture (80%) with limestone, dolomite, soda and borax. Later, the sand was replaced by secondary raw materials (glass battle), without compromising the quality of reduced costs, resulting in a wool today is 2-3 times cheaper izolyanta of basalt raw material.
Available in the following form:
- rolls - soft material up to 100 mm for the possibility of inserting including complex surface configuration;
- mats or plates - Semi-rigid and rigid izolyant to 200 mm for the exterior.
Heater with improved properties (protection from blowing waterproofing) made reinforced with glass or foiled.

Fiber glass wool is 3-4 times longer than that of stone or slag wool. At the same time, there are no non-fibrous inclusions, which provides the material elasticity and high resistance to compaction due to vibration.
The thermal conductivity of glass wool is in the range of 0,03-0,52 W / mK0C, which is higher than the polymeric insulating materials, but less than that of the slag and basalt insulation.
Glass wool is well passes steam withstand temperature extremes from -50 0C to +250 0C without loss of properties, not combustible and does not attract rodents. The density of this izolyanta ranges from 11 to 25 kg / m3.
Important! On pitched roofs (slope of more than 12%) is better to use more convenient for such structures rolled insulation, but the density is not less than 15 kg / m3.

These advantages result in a high demand for glass for building insulation devices for various purposes, but a heater has drawbacks:
- hygroscopicity - because of the properties of absorbing moisture from the environment glass wool requires waterproofing;
- izolyant soaked for a long time to dry, and after a few wet compacted and loses its insulating properties;
- brittle and fiber glass biting penetrate ordinary clothing, more than others izolyantov irritating the skin, eyes and respiratory tract;
Important! Work using glass wool operate in a dense clothes using PPE - gloves, goggles or mask respirator. To protect problem skin from penetration into the pores of the fiber used baby powder or talc. After work, you must take a cool shower with power shower.
slag wool
Slag wool - fiber insulation produced from metallurgical wastes (blast slag). A stream of molten slag is blown by compressed air or steam, thereby fine fibers are formed (Ø 0.004-0.012 mm, length 16 mm), from which by subsequent pressing with a binder formed by treating porous canvas. Since the blast furnace slags contain sulfur compounds, iron oxides and manganese, these components are present in the slag.

With inherent dignity of all mineral wool insulation, slag insulation has a number of individual shortcomings:
- hygroscopicity - material absorbs and accumulates the moisture of air;
- residual acidity of blast furnace slag causes oxidation of metal structures and rotting of wood in their places of contact with thermal protection, especially when it is wet;
- reduction of the insulating properties under the influence of temperature changes;
- instability vibration - compaction susceptibility to deterioration of heat-shielding characteristics;
- caustic and brittle fibers - glass wool identical.
These factors limit the scope of using slag wool and, consequently, reduce the demand for this inexpensive heater. For thermal insulation of wooden buildings, especially residential, it is better not to use.
Comparison table of characteristics of mineral wool insulants

Expanded polystyrene
This heater is a kind of foam and consists of a plurality of fastened between a thin-walled capsules with the air, which makes up 98% of the total material. Such a structure causes a low density, low specific gravity and high thermal insulation characteristics expandable polystyrene is widely used in thermal protection device of civil and industrial buildings.

Foamed polystyrene is made of three kinds:
- bespressovy - a porous material with a water absorption capacity, marked by the abbreviation DPM (polystyrene suspension bespressovy);
- a pressing - dense and strong izolyant closed cell, low water absorption and good insulating characteristics, denoted labeled SS;
- extruded (penoplex) - the most effective thermal insulation, wherein the small size of the closed pores (0.1-0.2 mm) is marked with letters Epps numerical value of density values (Epps-25, -30, -35, -45).
Individual properties of expanded polystyrene:
- Water absorption - water penetration into the material is not more than 0.4% by volume izolyanta when fully immersed in water for 10 days;
- low water vapor transmission rate (0.05 mg / m · h · Pa);
- biological stability - does not respond to microorganisms, but is vulnerable to rodents.

- durability - the manufacturers name figure in 60-80 years, but there is no confirmation of these data;
- low resistance to solvents - soluble in most species (benzene, acetone, dichloroethane), though not soluble in alcohols;
burning penoplex - fire hazard - conventional DPM and Epps (flammability class G4) are characterized by increased flammability with heavy smoke emission toxins (hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen bromide) and the ability to spread the fire, so it is not certified for use in construction, but modified polystyrene flame retardants, according to GOST 15588-2014 "Plates foampolystyrene thermal insulation. Specifications "is widely used for insulation.
Related Content - technology polystyrene roof insulation.
Loose insulating means
The most popular of this group is a heater expanded clay aggregate - harmless material produced by high-swelling natural clay, followed by calcining the obtained granules. Expanded clay has all the properties of fired clay except for the density and thermal conductivity that it is significantly lower than that of ceramic.
Expanded clay produced several fractions differing in the sizes of granules and related characteristics:
- expanded clay gravel - 20-40 mm, 10-20 mm;
- expanded clay sand - 5 mm.

As a heater used roofing fraction 10-20 mm.

Advantages of expanded clay:
- ecology - the absence of any harmful emissions;
- good heat and sound insulating properties due to low heat conductivity (≈0,16 W / m) and high porosity;
- fire resistance and absolute incombustibility;
- high frost resistance;
- a wide range of bulk density - 250-800 kg / m3, depending on the fraction;
- resistance to chemicals;
- high compressive strength;
- resistance to fungus and no attraction for rodents;
- with high durability characteristics of preservation;
- affordable price.
Disadvantages of expanded clay:
- hygroscopic;
- efficiency requires thermal protection layer of 15 cm;
- for thermal insulation of roofs houses the inside is not suitable.
Important! The assertion that the roof insulation expanded clay is the cheapest, is not always true - in the northern regions of the cost of filling it because of the significant thickness of the layer will exceed the value of the thermal protection of the other izolyantov (mineral wool, penoplex).
Apparatus roof insulation
First of all you must decide on the manner of roofing insulation, which is tied to the following factors:
- Newly built roof is insulated from the outside, and the current - within.
- Izolyant selected according to the value of the slope - on flat roofs can be used not only mineral wool and plastic, but also free-flowing thermal protection.
Installation of insulation is carried out in the warm season, and insulation from the outside requires more dry weather.
Calculation of heat shielding thickness
Selecting insulation for the roof, it is necessary to calculate the need for it. To do this, the roof area multiplied by the thickness of the insulation. The area is determined by multiplying the size of the roof, and the calculation izolyanta thickness carried out in accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings", takes into account the location of the building area.
It is also possible to calculate the thickness of the insulation by the formula:

Resistance fences passage of heat through them (R0pref) Depends on the region, independent of its calculation is complex, so for convenience, the values of the reduced resistance to Russian cities are summarized in the table below:

insulation coefficient of thermal conductivity is indicated on the packaging or in its izolyanta quality certificate and can have several meanings:
- during operation in a dry room with the temperature at 10 0FROM;
- for use in a dry room with the temperature at 25 0FROM;
- for use in wet conditions.
In the case of thermal insulation of the roof is necessary to use the first value.
More details about the required thickness of the roof insulation will tell this video:
Warming of the roof outside
Universal bases roofing thermal protection technology does not exist, because each roof construction requires individual approach to the solution of many interrelated issues - from insulation material and a method for fixing up everything eaves and ridge. Consider the implementation of the types of work required in the regeneration of the roof with mineral wool.
Insulation of pitched roof on the outside of the building is carried out at home or major repairs of the roof - at a time when the installation is finished the rafters.
Works begin from within - from the attic to the rafters mounted special vapor barrier film adapted to protect the insulation from the steam coming from the internal premises.

When the device parozaschity orientation insulating material parties should be performed in accordance with the kind of the film:
- asphalt bitumen laid side into the room;
- for single-layer films, including reinforced polymer network, the orientation does not matter;
- two three-layer membranes are placed with the smooth side to the insulation (pile - to the premises);
- parozaschita foil foil mounted to the side of the attic.
When choosing a vapor barrier is necessary to take into account the value of Sd indicator on the packaging - the lower it is, the higher the water vapor permeability of the film.
Laying parozaschity start from above - across the trusses, with an overlap to the lower highband 10 -12 cm. The tape is attached to the joists using the staple gun and joints paintings are glued along the entire length from the top of sealing tape, tape type "Ondutis".

Then, on top of the film across the rafters in increments of 10-30 cm nailed wooden blocks, arranging of them:
- Trellis carrier base for stacking outside the insulation;
- for finishing walls - a ventilation gap between the vapor barrier and the facing material.
Depending on what will later get off the wall, on top of the sheathing can be installed additional bars, but along the rafters.

Upon completion of attachment inside the bars begin to installation of insulation from the outside. Mats installed between rafters closely - no gaps, but without folds. If you want to put several layers, in tiers sheets have to be offset from the lower ranks - for the discrepancy between the seams.

Above the insulation must be mounted waterproofing arranging ventilation gap between them is not less than 3 cm.
If mats are laid flush or recessed rafters insufficient, to form a gap section girders increasing - assemble them lengthwise wooden blocks on which trail and secure the stapler waterproofing film.
If rafters protrude above the heater to the desired height, then secure the waterproofing on them - starting with the ridge, as well, with an overlap of 10-12 cm and sizing joint sealing tape.

Then on top of the transverse beams operate crate, which is mounted on the roof topcoat.
Thermal protection inside the roof
Insulation from the attic is not considered as basic, it is performed on already existing construction "cold" roof or roofs, previously warmed enough outside. The amount of the thermal protection operations, their sequence and the execution may vary in a given situation.
Consider the way of insulation "Cold" roof classical construction with mineral wool inside.

Important! If the old roof leaks, then from its insulation from the inside have to give - in this case it is necessary to disassemble the outer coating and waterproofing perform again.
Mats of mineral wool are cut so that their width was 2-3 cm longer than the pitch of rafters - this will insert them vraspor. If the heater is recessed in the grooves, it should be further consolidated. To this end, the beams in the slots on top of the stacked mats nailed longitudinal strips, and to them - small nails in increments of 10 cm, leaving their hats are not recessed. According to the head of a nail perform "lacing" between the rafters, which will secure the insulation in the slots.

Then, girders fastened stapler vapor barrier on top of which is mounted crate and finishing walls.
If mineral wool is laid flush with the rafters, the vapor barrier is also attached to it, and then on top of it mounted transverse and / or longitudinal sheathing, which provide ventilation gap, and the finish finish.

Idea of the mineral wool insulation inside the roof will add this video:
Insulation of flat roofs
Flat roofs are divided into exploited and unexploited. In the first case the roof surface is used as additional space, so the concrete over insulation operate tie in the second gain do not, because here from mechanical loads are present only snow and wind.

Warming of both types of roofs made of one of the two existing schemes:
- single-layer - a layer of thermal protection is homogeneous and is made of the same material is used for industrial buildings, warehouses, garages;
- bilayer - the lower layer (70-170 mm) at low strength characteristics has high heat-shielding properties, and the upper (30-50 mm) is dense, is firm and durable.

For everything flat roofs most popular insulation is expanded clay - izolyant inexpensive and without the problems associated with the integrity of joints.
The work begins with the repair of the old roof - remove loose particles of materials and sealing cracks. The repaired base 2 is laid waterproofing layer sealing strips overlaps a special tape. If the roof is concrete, hydroprotective substrate is not necessary. Dry keramzit poured layer of 25-40 cm (determined by the formula), tamped and leveled.

Above the expanded clay operate screed cement-sand mortar reinforced with steel mesh or plastic fittings. After curing and drying of the concrete layer 2 trail rolled waterproofing (roofing, bitulin).

Having laid the decorative topcoat of rubber tiles or artificial turf on the site, you can arrange a cozy verandah.
Roof insulation in the majority of regions of Russia - not a fad, but a necessity. The scope of work for the roof insulation of any type of significant, but the workmanship is not difficult. Properly selecting technology devices warm roof and material izolyant, thermal protection at home really do yourself - by two or three players.
The main essence of the article
- Thermal insulation of roofs or outside housing inside - a reduction of heat loss by 15%, increasing the durability of wooden structures, construction of additional floor space.
- Most modern insulation is suitable for thermal insulation of roofs, so the question of which is better insulation, is relevant only in relation to a particular situation.
- Thermal protection of the roof from the outside - kind of construction work performed in the course of construction of the building. Thermal insulation of roofs houses inside - correcting operation, but also result efficiency can be high.
- Despite the considerable amount of work to insulate the roof is quite possible to force two or three performers without attracting professionals.