From time immemorial the heart of the home is considered to be an oven or fireplace. In their construction special attention should be paid to the chimney. Before you build it is necessary to settle on its section and height. The basic design of which depends on the height of cuttings smoke - this is the maximum thrust. That is the thrust depends on the instrument settings are heated home. What is the order and scheme of calculating the height of the chimney you will learn from this article.
Meaning chimney parameters
The reasons for the order to correctly calculate dymoothoda are:
- Correct calculation increases the efficiency of the device, which heats the house. With proper calculation of such devices is very fast heat energy and fuel costs are consumed minimally.
- The main reason - is to ensure the safe operation of heating devices for humans. If the wrong calculation of the height of the chimney harmful substances can enter the housing and cause damage to living human health. To avoid this you need to ensure the optimal chimney draft.
- Fire safety. Gases that are to cool the flue channel at incorrect height calculating tube will not cool down to the desired temperature. This factor is several times increases the fire risk equipment operation.
In accordance with SNiPY 02. 04. 05 - 91 parameters are as follows:
- The smallest height of the channel for dymootvedeniya, starting and ending with the head part of the grate should not be less than 5 meters.
- Maximum height is equal to six meters.
Now let's deal with the basic parameters that have the greatest effect on height dymovoda. For correct calculation of the professionals insist on using the following formula:

Let's look at the formula for the items because it is in accordance with it are determined by the basic values that have an impact on the height of the chimney.
- "A" - denotes the weather parameters that surround the house. Northern areas of use factor 160, while others may use the value of the instructions for the heating equipment.
- "" - this parameter indicates how substances pass through the chimney over time. This parameter is specified in the instructions for the equipment.
- "" - the rate at which deposited particles which are formed during the operation of the equipment. The ash which is formed during the combustion of wood, is 25. If the electric appliance is used for heating the premises, this parameter is equal to unity.
- "Spdki" and "Sfi" - these parameters mean the concentration of substances in the gases to be removed. Their data should be taken from the instructions for the equipment.
- «V» - the amount of gas which is output during operation of the heating equipment.
- "T" - indicates the temperature difference between two types - a translational and outlet.
The best option for the correct calculation will appeal to those skilled, since the calculations for the above-mentioned formula are quite complex.
The ideal height of the chimney on the roof
SNIP 2. 04. 05, in a collection of rules 7. 13130. 2009 and Regulations 41 - 01 - 2003, as well as the instructions of manufacturers of heating stoves, as well as some form of roof you can determine the height of the chimney.

For example:
- Flat roof. If there are no fences, and various other devices, the height of the chimney is being built starting from 1.2 meters. If there is a protective equipment, the calculation of this parameter should be based on an increase in the maximum length of up to 100 centimeters. In the presence of the roof ventilation on roofs, the flue pipe should exceed the height of the ventilation 0.5 meters. They must be located at a distance of at least 5 - 5.5 meters from each other.

- Pitched roof. Here, the parameters are determined by where is dymootvedenie, or rather how far it is from the ridge. For example, the heater tube is 150 centimeters from the ridge, the height of its at least 0.5 meters. If the distance varies from 150 to 300 cm, the height of the chimney must be equal to the height of the roof. Distance farther than 300 cm, then the angle between the line of the ridge and the top of the horizontal tube must be equal to ten degrees.

When calculating do not forget to take into account:
- The presence of trees and other buildings.
- If the heating system is installed in the annexe to the dwelling house.
There can be formed, "windy backwater zone" and its possessions traction, which is necessary for the good operation of the equipment does not exist.
In order to provide such a thrust, it is necessary to raise the pipe dymootvedeniya still at least half a meter.
Effect of the diameter of the pipe height
As is clear from the above, the operation of any heating equipment consist in the fact that for education good traction warm air should cool down gradually, that is, the closer to the end of the chimney, the air cooler. If the pipe diameter is too large for the chimney, and the cross section inside it, too, the cooling of the warm air occurs much faster. As a result, moisture is formed, which is called condensation. That it adversely affects the quality of the draft. "Dew point" is called an optimum temperature at which moisture in the air turns to water.
In this situation, can help, if you do the above height, by decreasing the cross-sections. Then wash formed a sufficiently strong pull, leading to a decrease in the efficiency of the heating appliance. But we must note that the air current increases sharply and the appliance heats up badly. As a result, the heating will spend more fuel and time for space heating.
Let's look at another option, which is used frequently and is erroneous. Many builders are not professionals believe that if the chimney is made of high and reduce the size of sections inside it, then thrust to improve. This is not true! Here comes all the way around. It is even possible such that the smoke from the chimney starts to get into the living space of the house. As a result, the room will be filled with carbon monoxide gas, which will lead to disastrous consequences.
According to the recommendations of specialists would be ideal if the pipe cross-section is equal to the size of the blower apertures.
Methods for calculating the height of the chimney
Certain calculations are required in the construction of any chimney. Excellent location considered to be the closest approach to the ridge. Thus, a desired pipe length and the minimum expenditure for its construction. But there are cases that are either impossible or simply not feasible. Below presented are two methods for calculating the height of the chimney, if it is removed at a certain distance from the ridge.
- The gap between the pipe and the ridge is less than or equal to 150 centimeters, it is necessary to do so:
- The schematic plan of the roof (the scale can be any) in the place where the outlet pipe should draw a parallel line with respect to the horizon.
- Next, in the same scheme, in a place where the pipe and the roof overlap, metered 50 centimeters and after this point draw a horizontal loop. It was at this point should start the external part of the chimney.

- If the interval of more than 150 but less than 300 cm, the calculation is simple enough. On the roof of the drawing draw a horizontal line to the top of the ridge. It shows the very lower portion of the length outside of a chimney.
- In order to calculate the height of the chimney, if it is located in the interval of more than 300 centimeters, you can use either a graphical or mathematical method of calculation.
Graphical method of calculation

By draft chimneys can be calculated and are shown with regard to the following calculations. The procedure in this method is as follows:
- Take the convenient size, a blank sheet of paper and draw on it scheme of your home. Chimneys with the drawings will be located on.
- Further thereon, a draw a line which is located on the ridge, and the second - where expect to place smoke output pipe.
- Now connect the two loops at the top of the ridge, and after a new horizontal line that just got by using the protractor, set aside towards the bottom corner of the house equal to ten degrees. After, you need to connect the angle of the main straight of the chimney.
- You got a point at the intersection, which shows what is the smaller height is possible.
- Now we go to the transformation of received payments. Now you need to test your settings with the requirements of building codes.
- If adjustment is required, the place where the chimney pipe should extend adjusted by moving the axis of the chimney. But only in the horizontal direction.
To design a private home heating system was perfect, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the calculation of the height of the chimney through the roof ridge will not give complete results. Here we must also take into account additional factors that affect the calculation:
- How many floors in the house, some construction and finishing materials used in the construction and layout of the house in general.
- Which type includes the chimney.
- As far as it is convenient for construction and maintenance.
- How many heating appliances connected to dymootvodeniyu.
The mathematical method of calculation.

If we take the math in calculating the height, the process is as follows:
- again the need to draw a plan - scheme of the house, it is better to take the scale of 1: 100, in other words, one meter is equal to one centimeter.
- Now measure the distance from the axis, where the planned output of the chimney and the middle of the ridge.
- Swipe through the center of the ridge straight line parallel to the horizon, and with the help of a protractor set aside ten degree angle. This is the angle of the size that is specified in the regulations.
- As a result, you should have a triangle in which one angle is 90 degrees. And the legs are designated a, b and the angle α.
- Based on the Pythagorean theorem find cathetus «a = b x tgα». It is in the magnitude of the chimney pipe must be below the ridge.
- Now measure, what is your home in the center of the height of the ridge, do not forget about the wall, and now from this value, subtract the leg "a". Using this calculation value determined channel dymootvedeniya.
- Now move to the real format, and if the resulting calculations meet regulations and building codes, then proceed to construction.
If you adhere to regulations, then one has to one chimney heater.
To connect the two devices need to obtain additional permission from the staff of fire and gas services.
Varieties of chimneys
Currently, the most popular are the pipe to remove the smoke from the following materials:
- Brick.
- Steel.
- Steel plus sandwich - panels.
- Corrugated steel.
- Ceramics.
- Asbestos cement.
- The polymeric material.
Masonry chimneys
Chimney pipes made from this material were quite popular until recently. Bricks in their construction was used for a long time. A prerequisite for the construction of the chimney of this material is that the bricks should be full-bodied, and channels must be located in the most masonry.
The positive features include:
- Mechanical strength viewpoint;
- Brick gives off heat for quite some time.
- Subject to the necessary fire safety requirements, the chimney of this material can be classified as safe.

The negative qualities of specialists include:
- Since the rectangular brick shape, the smoke can be trapped in the corners of the tube.
- The rough outer surface, also affect the rate of removal of smoke from the heater.
- The clay, which is used for the production of bricks, has a porous structure. As a result, they are subject to the internal destruction, because of the time while on the chimney walls settles condensate.
- Masonry - is a very massive structure, which requires an additional placement of the foundation.
- For the construction of the chimney of the brick it takes a lot of time and effort.
- Difficult to maintain and repair.
- To check the channel pipe dymootvedeniya apply additional lighting fixtures.
Steel used to manufacture these types of pipes: modular, steel chimneys single circuit. This design, which are assembled from individual parts, as the designer. The best material for such a steel chimney recognized with high heat resistance, acid-resistant, as well as "stainless". The thickness of the steel sheet ranges from 0.6 to 1 millimeter. But, unfortunately, these chimneys are easily damaged.
Pluses single loop modular steel chimney.
- It has a circular cross-section.
- Inside surface smooth.
- It is not expensive.
- Very easy to assemble.
- It is easy to make repairs.
- Great fights corrosion.
The main disadvantages are:
- In such constructions there is no insulating material, so the gases in such a chimney quickly cooled.
- Not long service life by an average of about 12 years.
Corrugated steel chimneys
The steel chimney of the flutes is so named because it is a very flexible tube, made of the finest steel tape. It is used for waterproofing of ceramic brick chimneys, i.e. pipes finishing this material occurs inside. Their cost is quite high.
Chimneys of ceramics
This is a relatively new material, but it has already gained market share and has received recognition from the builders. Such chimney typically includes three major parts:
- Chimney kinds of refractory ceramics.
- Insulation (nonflammable insulation).
- The outer box for protection. It consists of cellular concrete blocks.
The use and operation of more positive harakteritik:
- Section with only round.
- Smooth surface inside.
- Refractory material.
- Excellent thermal insulation and tightness.
- Easy installation.
- Reliable and durable.
As for the minuses. He is the only - is very expensive.
Chimneys of asbestos and cement
Applies only to heating appliances, heating does not exceed 300 degrees Celsius. This restriction is directly connected with the fact that the material from which such tubes are manufactured, has a low fire resistance.
The main advantages of a total of four:
- Weighs little.
- It has a circular cross section.
- Simple in construction.
- It is inexpensive.
By cons include:
- Low resistance to heat.
- Fairly brittle material.
- No insulation.
- In the performance of bends in the structure it is very difficult to mount.
- Material has a porous structure.
- It requires constant cleaning.
Chimneys of polymeric materials
Mainly used for the repair and creation of additional waterproofing of old chimneys. not high creep resistance. So use is limited only to those heating equipment which has a low temperature.
On the positive properties include:
- Elasticity.
- Weighs little.
- Easy to build and install.
- For durability - durable material.
- It is inexpensive.
The negative features include:
- Low heat resistance.
- Low resistance to mechanical damage.
Recommendations regarding use of the chimney
When operating the chimneys should be avoided:
- Drying to produce any - any items.
- Clean the soot by burning off.
- Violate the rules of operation as provided in the hardware documentation. Each unit is on heating instructions for further operation of the flue.
- Absolutely can not use chlorine-containing substances.
- Also, you should avoid close storage of heating equipment and components of the substances that are highly flammable.
- Used as fuel, household chemicals, rubbish as building materials.
- For a better functioning of the chimney smoke generators are installed.

Ignition is best to wrap the flue pipe. Do currently, simply because the range of such materials is great.