The laying of communications, construction is often used simple, but at the same time the necessary elements - clamps. Dimensions of collars have a fairly wide range, which allows them to actively use and for laying water mains and the installation of heating systems. In spite of all their routine in the structure, these products play a crucial role in the successful execution of works.

What is a collar, its design features and functions
To begin, let's deal with the very notion. Clamp - the fastening element, formed as a rounded plate, the purpose of which girth and fixing the tube in a static position by the use of bolts. In order to better retention packaging products special complementary sealing gaskets which are usually made of rubber or a rubber profiled.
The pipe does not receive damage during mounting of the holding device due to the fact that the girth plates and contraction load is distributed uniformly. By the way, in some models of products themselves tightening the nut with a sealing member designed to achieve maximum snug fit components together.
Clamps are used, as it was said in a variety of industries. Especially firmly behind them to consolidate the position in the installation of heating and plumbing systems. Reliable installation of communication provided by the static design, which can not be achieved without the use of fasteners.
In addition to the role of the parts for fixing the pipes are used as sealing clamps, to support weak joints or even to eliminate the leak. Due to the fact that the brackets are sufficiently dense compression property, the sealing gasket they clamp the affected area, thereby avoiding water leakage.

Character design is practically not put obstacles in the application, they can be mounted both on the horizontal and on the vertical tube. Temperature and air humidity do not play a role. The presence of a rubber seal allows the use of products as part of the ground water supply. Often they are used as the sealing device on the opening of the frame, in which the need has disappeared.
Nuances installation constraints and characteristics of
Installation of the clamp on the steel tube is permitted, even when the corrosion and the presence of small cracks. They are especially indispensable when a pipe fracture. In this case, carried out installation of special models of the product, serving as a retaining member is provided due to its attachment to the ceiling or wall.
Installation clamps may be made to any type of pipes (reinforced concrete, cast iron, polypropylene, steel), and even for copper pipe, thus replacing the need to perform welding.
Limitation associated with the use of clamps as a whole is one point. They are practically not installed on the Crusades or the joints where the conduit has a curvature. Its use on such a site is not effective.
The main distinguishing feature of the product in question, for example, fittings or any other components of the pipeline - this installation step. Everything else is mounted into the system at a formative stage, but the attachment to support pipes often are installed already at the construction completion of the assembly.
Clamps have a very important performance properties, which largely led to their use of it in the installation of pipelines. Certain types of products, although a 100% exclusion of the transverse displacement of the pipe, permit longitudinal movement. Such linear extension is an integral part of the pipeline operation, allowing it to respond to temperature swings network, without the threat of damage to the integrity of the structure.

government regulation
The device is certainly a very simple and its purpose clear. However, to clamp the quality must meet strict requirements of GOST. This approach to product is justified in view of functional purpose and details of the role it plays in the overall strength of the main system.
It is interesting that for each fixing element has individual rules. For example, marking 80 24137 establishes a list of requirements for metal products in the form of a horseshoe, rings or half rings. The regulatory documentation contains information on standard sizes of the stamps used in the manufacture of steel, it sets the allowable load. Components of each article is complemented by fitting. It can be a pin, screw, coupling nut, as well as the plastic anchor.
Fastening, designed for pipes made of polymeric materials must conform to the standards established by GOST 17679 80, it also specified the requirements for structural and operational characteristics features.
Diversity represented on the market
Clamps currently have a huge number of configurations. Distinctive features of the models are the shape and fixing method, materials and so on.
Technical specifications
The main technical characteristics of which vary these fasteners are:
- Size - this is perhaps paramount parameter because it determines the diameter of the pipe, which can be fastened with its aid.
- Thickness.
- Width.
- Working and breaking load (measured they kilonewtons).
- Weight clamps.
Type locking structures and the differences in
Creating different ways of fastening, due to the fact that clamps are used for different purposes. Operating conditions at the same time present their demands. In stores you can find these types of collars with attachment options:
- Tough - this format gives a complete immobility. It is used in places of bends and various branches aqueduct.
- Floating - allows you to use them in a heating system with hot water networks. Allows longitudinal movement tubes necessarily occurs when temperature differences.
Unlike constructive types of collars:
- Unilateral. Dimensions of products usually do not allow their use in the installation of pipes of large diameter. Visually similar to a horseshoe or the letter «U».
- Bilateral. The design allows you to vary the dimensions of the required mounting, due to the fact that it consists of two parts and has a tightening dvuhboltovoy method ..
- The multicast. An apparatus of this collar allows its use for pipes having a considerable diameter. As the name suggests, it consists of several elements that the assembly allows a wide enough grip.
- Fixing. In essence no different from the first two categories, but it has a complete fastener enabling fixing the pipe to the wall.
Apart from differences in terms of method of fixation, various design configurations, there is another important characteristic of the clamp, it is the material from which they are made.
There are such types:
plastic. Used for fixing pipes, which have to move the property. Plastic collars quite practical and have an impressive safety margin. Their main advantage over the products of the metal - is resistant to corrosion.
metal. Such manufacturing material, allows to perform reliable connection. The advantage they possess in relation to analogues of plastic - a higher degree of resistance to mechanical damage. they also have another important characteristic - vibration absorption system.
types of clamps
Clamps can be used to perform a variety of tasks. For ease of use, manufacturers have developed several varieties, each of which has individual characteristics.
In the market they are represented by species:
Spiral - represents the original crimp tape in which there are holes for the bolts. They are widely used in works on highways (where there is high working pressure), hydraulic systems, etc.
Wire - visually represents one or more metal rings and has a structure constricting element. The main area of destination, working with corrugated pipes.
screw worm - a strip of road from cloves, equipped with tightening screws. Often used in heating systems. Also, screw clamps are used as a fixing mechanism for the pipeline systems which are particularly susceptible to vibration.
pipe - this type is a ring with the clips. They are installed when there is a need to reduce the internal voltage of the system.
spring - highly specialized tools. Applied for is required which is characteristic of linear expansion.

Amplified - such models are particularly robust construction. They tape and locking are essentially one, they can be welded or riveted. They are used in situations where there is high pressure threat.
Work with clips
Since the clamps are applied in fairly broad terms, and many may eventually be necessary to fit them. Therefore, be aware that you may need and how to perform the job properly.
To carry out the installation will require the following tools:
- Roulette, or other long enough gauge.
- Drill.
- Building level. Without the use of pipe installation is not performed in principle.
- Pencil or marker.
- Screwdriver.
- Hammer.
Professional advice for proper installation
Implementation of proper installation of the matter is simple, in the presence of at least minimal skills in the mounting case. The most important task, the correct choice of the spacing between bolts of collars and their size. Calculating the number of clamps can be made both on the drawing and by hand on site. But from a distance, and size determination of further clamps used to help the following table.

Mounting of the fixing means is performed by the following algorithm:
- After the settlement, the place where it should be installed clamp, a pin is placed in its mounting bracket to the wall surface.

By marks drilled holes with a diameter corresponding attachment element (for example, the screw dowel)

- Installed anchors and fasteners (Bearing).
- Next, set the clamp itself. It is attached to the support and the tube itself.
- The tube is fixed in a way that is set for a given type collar (latch, tightening bolts and the like). At this assembly over.
- By the selection of the clamp should be approached with great responsibility. With the right choice, he would not only ensure reliability of the design, but also will serve for many years.
- When drilling holes for the mounting clamp, drill diameter fasteners must match, otherwise the point of installation will be lost.