In the construction industry in the joints insulation foam pipe is a primary task. When correctly performed procedure, operation of the pipeline may be extended in view of protection against adverse environmental influences. However, you must first find out what is HDPE pipe construction.

Foamed plastics using polymeric material called polyurethane. Depending on the type of plastic distinguishes between hard and soft. This consistency prevails in the air concentration of 90%.
What is needed
Among the main areas of activity for modern insulation pipe PPU release:
- Thermal insulation of walls of residential buildings in the industrial and civil construction.
- The process of manufacturing sandwich panels and structures prefabricated type.
- Refrigerating equipment: refrigerators, cold stores and special cameras.
- Decorative trim pieces of furniture.
- Automotive.
- Thermal insulation made of durable polyurethane foam for the pipeline construction.
- Production of synthetic materials, including leather.
- Technology and Electronics.
Not less popular and Components Scope: in the manufacture of the sponges, sponges, fillings for furniture as a foam.

Technical features
To distinguish between two types of foam: hard and soft. Second Embodiment - foam, no different strength characteristics. However, you can highlight other advantages: flexibility and softness. Its application is more restrictive and more often it is used to make soft toys, clothing, furniture.

The material has good adhesion, since after applying the foam dries quickly and firmly grasped with Other materials, regardless of which type is used: brick, concrete, plastic, wood or glass. During processing, additional fasteners are not required.

The insulating material can take any form and fill the empty space, regardless of the complexity of the configuration. Therefore, it is often used in the construction of complex structures and at any weight pipe. The processing involves the creation of a continuous layer, where there are no joints, slits and bridges. Enabled operation at a temperature range -200 to +200 degrees. This is an excellent insulating material, damping noise and vibration.

Technical features
The material is a foam-like consistency that is easy to transport. Used in ground conditions or excessive moisture. For industrial production it is transported in two ways. It is important to bear in mind that a solid option is moisture, it does not contribute to the spread of rot, as well as exhibits inertness against many alkaline and acidic compositions. It refers to a material that is difficult to ignite.
However, before using it need to know one thing: it carries a negative exposure to UV rays. To keep the positive properties need harboring cover or opaque structures.
When using foam insulation joints made with an inner diameter in the range 40-1420 mm. Typically, a large piping length is used for assembling oil and gas. Insulation thickness in the range 40-100mm, sometimes encountered indicator 20mm.
Shell found:
- Dvuhsegmentarnye with an angle of 180 degrees when the tube diameter to 530 mm.
- Trehsegmentarnye structure with a diameter up to 820 mm with an angle of 120 degrees.
- Systems with four segments in 1420mm with an angle of 90 degrees.
Advantages and disadvantages
Foam insulation is used:
- A plurality of operation areas as foam consistency or the foam insulation.
- It makes it possible to lower the soil as piping without use. additional fasteners.
- The rate of work done in half the time, as well as the construction process is greatly simplified.
- When creating a sealed layer in the factory maximizes sealing, and reliable protection against the spread of corrosion.
- With built-in copper indicators, it is possible to detect areas with high percentage of humidity, which saves time for repairing.
- The service life designed for 30 years without additional replacement elements. Often special top coat lacquers, polymers, and inks.
However, there are a number of disadvantages that are worth paying attention to:
- The ignition temperature of 550-600 degrees.
- After the completion of the life of the pipes need to be completely replaced.
- Partly strength provides the outer cover.
- In case of damage due to the high humidity, it is necessary to change the design completely.
Types of insulation foam
Polyurethane foam insulation is carried out using the method insulated joints or mounting shell. The main materials for the execution of works is polyurethane. Previously, most of the heat has been lost because of the high humidity. Using shell this problem has been solved.
The shell has the following advantages:
- It can be used in an area where in winter the temperature drops sharply. Maximum Operating Temperature -190 + 150gradusov mode.
- It has high moisture resistance characteristics. The indicator is not more than 2%.
- Light specific gravity. Enough to make docking mounts with slots. If a certain area is deformed, it is easy to replace the insulation is reused for dismantling.
- Not exposed to chemicals.
- Density - 40-60kg / m.
- Endures mechanical damage.

The containment shell may be made of any material: galvanized steel foil, fiberglass, paper.

During the construction process, it is important the selection of high quality materials for insulation joints. When quality sealing fasteners increases the life of the structure. One of the important ways is to use a heat-shrinkable sleeve.
To carry out the installation of insulation joints, you need to take care of preparatory operations. This will require at one end of the pipe to attach a special sleeve with a choice of the optimal diameter. All operations it is important to carefully so as not to cause mechanical damage to the structure and to reduce the waterproofing. Next, perform welding work.
Next you need to check the result and the remote control in order state conductor connections. If no errors are found, it is permitted to proceed to installation of thermal insulation compounds.
How to mount a heat-shrinkable sleeve
Pre-need to prepare the following tools:
- clutch;
- Pipeline;
- Compounds with joints of the PUF;
- Gas burners;
- A solution of a soap;
- PUF liquid substance;
- Plug.
The first clutch must be attached to one end of the pipe. After the bonding time to eliminate from the surface of the protective layer. Include a gas burner and heat until the clutch until the total shrinkage is effected. As a result, visually it is shaped like an ordinary barrel.
The next step - checking the sealing of the inner surface of the sleeve. The hole stopper is inserted and the air is injected in a volume of 0.5 atmospheres. Pressure indicator is checked after 5 minutes. If all goes well, the rate should not be changed. If the result of decline, it is recommended to check how tight coupling. To check it is necessary to use a soap solution.
If shrinkage is produced in insufficient, will have to make re-installation more tightly. In the case of a stable indicator of the pressure, the process is done according to the rules and modify anything not necessary. It remains to pull the plug and pour polyurethane. He should be hard to fill the empty space. The ends of the pipe are closed with plugs made of polyethylene. For strength is welded to the sleeve. This method helps to effectively protect the fasteners from adverse external influences: a strong wind, temperature changes, frost.
Production of polyurethane foam is performed penopaketom liquid consistency, which contains the polyol and the polyisocyanate. When mixed liquid consistency is obtained which is foamed. As a result, its volume increases and starts to solidify. Builders do not have to spend time on the batch solution. Penopakety presented with different diameters depending on the pipe size.
In a situation where the fill used as a mounting is not possible, use a shell better. True when using water-proof fasteners. They have a long life, and thanks to the rigidity does not occur structure shifts.

Polyurethane insulation tubes are used in many fields of activity, thanks to the universality of the material. The material helps save money, as well as to implement the tasks in the production or construction.