Gas pipeline - is a complex process requiring specialized knowledge and practical skills. That lasts not for several decades, will need to comply with certain rules and technology. Pre-need to find out what are the methods of laying, as well as familiarize with its classification.

What are gas pipelines
There are two popular classification, depending on the location and design of pressure. On the basis of the second feature is convenient to define:
- Low (within 5kPA)
- medium-pressure pipeline (0,3mPA)
- High (1,2mPA).
Typically, medium or high structure erect in actual industrial or manufacturing purposes. It is best to provide enough resources. Low pressure gas pipeline actually used for residential buildings.

If we talk about the second classification, that is used as a criterion for the depth of laying the gas pipeline constructed:
- Underground
- ground
- Outer
- Interior.
The design of each type has its own nuances and different characteristics. To choose the best option pads need to evaluate a number of important factors: the climatic conditions, which properties in the soil.
Gas communication can be divided into two major groups:
- Turnpike. As a rule, they are used to create structures inside the premises.
- Distribution networks. Provide transportation of raw materials from distribution stations to the end consumer.

pipeline device
Transportation of fuel carried by a special distribution system, provided with automatic valves, reducers and regulators. With their help, the pressure normalization. It consists of the following component parts:
- Magistral internal view
- Outside, the highway that is present in every village
- automated management
- The protection system of the electromechanical type
- Regulators.

There are several ways and installation of gas pipelines. To choose the best option, experts analyzed preliminary conditions of its creation, as well as the countryside.
As laid underground system
The entire process is carried out under the top layer of soil, which is not difficult to guess from the name. Previously, experts have to dig trenches and prepare special on the site. Taken into account the depth of the prepared canal system, as well as communications. The depth of each trench should be less than 0.8m.

By choosing terrain, distance is taken into account, on which there are residential buildings and other communications (electrical, water supply). Not recommended to place it, if nearby there is planting of trees. Some plants have thick and strong root system that can cause mechanical damage to the structure.
Also need to consider the following aspects:
- The minimum distance between the communications is 0.2 m
- If there are areas established collectors, pipeline laying is carried out in a case
- Location it must be higher than any other line
- Cases are placed after the intersections and the distance takes a minimum of 0.2 m
- The ends of the holders are handled by special waterproofing materials.
The use of gaskets without trenches is allowed as an alternative. It allows you to reduce material costs. Also, we should mention the following advantages:
- It allows you to save money while creating quality pipeline
- It saves time for the construction.
Laid underground is the safest option, but for its operation need to spend more financial assets.
The process of laying aerial systems
Overhead gas pipeline system requires less material costs in relation to the previous embodiment. The main support tubes are special supports that are placed in the first place. Professionals more easily monitor the status of the construction or repair work. Reduced danger of fire and harm to citizens Residential.

During the creation of overhead type, you must create the maximum protection to the pipes from mechanical damage and temperature changes. Depending on the order in which climatic zone is planned to create a pipe, select the type of protection.
It is important to note that the establishment of the above-ground systems need to constantly monitor her condition, in order to prevent premature wear. Comparing it with the underground, it has a lower reliability because of the close contact with the environment. Professionals must comply with the rules and regulations in order to create high-quality source of transportation fuel.
When mounting must be kept a certain distance between supports, given the diameter of the pipes and the ground:
The distance from the ground | between supports |
To allow passage of specialists from 2.2m | Minimum gap 100m at the maximum diameter of the pipe passing 30cm |
In places where the ramp is located 5m | With a diameter of up to 60cm - 200m |
Where passing trolley buses and trams from 7,1m | More than 60 cm from 300m |
Also taken into account the thickness of the pipe, the minimum rate of 2 m.
How to lay a gas pipeline of internal and external type
The system is located within the residential facility, is called internal. Wiring is not closed additional devices or elements. Professionals must have at any time access to carry out maintenance or repair work.

When you create external systems, it is necessary to restrict access to outsiders. Therefore, most of the elements included in the design, a high altitude. They must be fixed with a maximum strength to avoid falling off.
Why operate polyethylene pipes
Laying a pipeline from synthetic polyethylene pipes transports the fuel is not worse than structures made of durable metal. Steel pipes are universal, so are used to create any kind. Plietilena is effective only for underground systems. Popular polyethylene due to cost.
- Endure violent impact of the environment: temperature changes, the emergence and spread of corrosion
- Easy installation. If it becomes necessary to adjust the tube by cutting, the material allows it
- No need to create additional protection from the effects of other chemical elements
- It does not conduct electrical current, reducing the risk of accidents
- Thanks to the smooth inner walls, increases throughput, reduces the likelihood of blockages
- Weight design order of magnitude less than the metal option that facilitates transportation and storage
- The average lifespan is 50 years.

Despite the above mentioned advantages, has several limitations that should be considered before a choice:
- Not recommended for use in regions where during the cold period of the temperature regime can fall below -45 degrees
- If you need to transport the gas to a liquefied state
- In areas where there is a risk of earthquake amplitude points above 7
- If you plan to construct above-ground structure
- If it will be held near the motorway or railway
- When it is planned to transport gas from the outer or inner system.
Alternatively, a good choice is the exploitation of steel pipes. If you fulfill all the requirements and procedures for the operation of this stuff for a long time it retains the reliability and will not give a strain. Steel - is a versatile option that is suitable for any kind of systems.

Law and Technology
Create - this is a long process, which is divided into several stages in compliance with the standards, safety and other aspects. It consists of a preparatory phase, which is carried out to develop a plan with all the necessary work. This is the first stage, which is the basis for the installation of pipes. The scheme should contain information on the climatic conditions, the soil which is present, marking portion where it is to implement.
The second step is the installation of system of communications for the future gas pipeline with the subsequent commissioning.
The third stage is the final, where there is a check and control the mounted system. As a rule, it takes place before starting the test whether all elements sealingly interconnected to avoid possible leaks. Hydraulic check should be done only after all the constituent elements will be fixed.
Another aspect that deserves attention is the flammability design, so close is strictly forbidden to start the construction work of other objects. Typically, the buffer zone is designated a special posts.

Creating a pipeline for private homes
To construct and lay it in a private home, it is important to observe not only the documentary order, but also a number of other rules:
- Documentary stage, which involves not only the preparation of technical papers, but also appeal to the community office for official approval. If you install a third-party equipment, it is important that it has a technical passport and permission for further operation. In addition, it is necessary to conclude a contract with a service company in the gas throughout the life cycle. It is important to prepare for the significant material cost
- An agreement on cooperation and carrying out works with installers. It is important to conclude a formal agreement. Pre-advised to check the presence of a license or permit. Thus, you can save about 30% of the total price
- Organization commission which according to the rules, to take all the work. The average period of 2 weeks - a month.
Independent creation of the system of private homes involves not only great material costs, but also waste a lot of time, especially for the collection of documents.
Refers to dangerous communications category, so a separate construction without proper knowledge is prohibited. Experts are obliged to observe safety precautions in order to avoid the serious consequences that can harm the health of residents. Also, do not turn to avoid the preparation of documents for obtaining permission for the erection of it for private or home. As a general rule, to ensure a constant supply of fuel in the apartment, the issue involved in individual companies, cooperating with the operating agencies. When selecting materials, also must be considered to develop standards and rules of application. Otherwise, the design does not serve the long term, or will be at increased risk of an accident at the facility.