Each heating system is a set of a variety of materials, devices, components and devices. The complex of all these devices and materials are a single working mechanism, communications line which circulates coolant, blood heating system. Warm water floor belong to this kind of heating equipment, which not only requires adjustment of each structural element, but is considered the most convenient for management.
Process parameters water floor heating systems, the functionality of each node and the unit requires competent Control water underfloor heating, the result of which should be a comfortable temperature inside the heated premises. There are simple options for monitoring performance of the heating system. The most accessible and cheapest way - this is when underfloor heating is carried out operation due to water pumps and safety valves. However, to increase the level of comfort and safety, these heating systems are better equipped with automatic control devices.

Let us consider in detail which option is preferable to control, and the difference between a manual and automatic way adjustment of underfloor heating.
What is special about water management floors
In order to understand in general terms as possible, it is necessary to have a control of the heating utilities warm water floor idea of what constitutes a kind of heat. It is important to know the structure of each unit, and the unit, and how the principle of action is different or that the equipment and what is its place in a single complex.
Drawing - diagram gives an idea of what kind of devices and equipment constitute a single control unit with water sexes. These include:
- a pump assembly;
- collector with two parts (delivery and collection);
- Bypass with pressure relief valves;
- thermostats outside temperature;
- Floor heating thermostats temperature;
- control module operating unit and the communications system.
At first glance, a rather large number of different devices can be confusing that the warm floor heating in the complex heating system. In fact, a properly configured pump to adjust the thermostat to the safety valves are configured flow meters, air and the bleed valves are fully clear structure and simple enough to operation.

On a note: any control scheme heating equipment, including heated floors, should be as clear, accessible and convenient to operate.
The principal difference - automatic or manual control
In order to make a choice in favor of manual control options or to make a bet on what equipment to control operation of the water floor heating better, it is necessary to understand the basic concepts. Do I need a heating equipment automation? As far as the time-consuming process and expensive. Convenient and practical manual adjustment of the heating system?
On a note: Automation warm floors differs significantly in value from similar work relating to electric heating this.
I should say that for heating, in which the main emphasis is on the heat transfer fluid, control and adjustment mechanisms seem far more complicated than in the case of electric counterparts warm floors. All the complexity is that the water-floor control is in constant dynamics. In order to get a predetermined temperature in a heated room, to ensure that the flow of hot water to reached the most extreme parts of the water loop, it is necessary to change the process parameters of each element equipment. thermostat readings affect the operation of three-way valve and pump operation, the flow meter determines the rate and intensity of coolant flows in each water pipe.
Shoulder the burden of independent manual adjustment of each device, so forget about the rest and comfort. This situation is typical for a complete heating system underfloor heating, running on the main heating of premises. Here automatics floor heating plays a key role in maintaining optimum performance.
Option Manual
When it comes to heating floors in a limited area, it is possible to solve the problem is much simpler by resorting to manual control. Is there an alternative to automation? Yes, if we talk about the fact that heating is carried out heating circuits short length and limited small area.
When manually adjusting manipulation are as follows:
- between the feed pipe and the return pipe is installed jumper;
- instead of the conventional T-piece at a portion between the web and the base pipe It sets three-way valve, Start or shut off water flow;
- immediately after the three-way cock is mounted a circulating pump;
- a choke manifold on the modular comb performing adjustment of each hydraulic circuit individually. The upper part of the reservoir is equipped with cut-off valves;
- mounted on the return pipe bypass jumper allows start up of the return water in a small circle.
Simple and clear diagram gives a complete picture of how the heating system control "warm floor" in the manual mode.

On a note: I should say at once. With manual control underfloor heating will cost you much cheaper. However, this scheme has a significant drawback. This adjustment principle is of great inertia. In other words. After exchanging devices Regulators and changes occur in the device for a specified time. Giving results only in 3-4 hours.
The reason for this slow response is not a hardware issue, but heating principle. Concrete screed, heated excessively hot coolant will cool for a long time. Conversely, insufficient warm-up, it takes a lot of time that would have a concrete floor warmed to the desired temperature. Achieved in this case, the optimal temperature parameters problematic task indoors.
What would be in the room a comfortable temperature, you need during the day, several times independently adjust the permeability of the collector heating circuits and evaluate the work of others instruments.
Automation is everything
Manually operated situation is more or less clear. Let us clarify another matter. How important is automation in the management of the water floor heating, what is the efficiency of a heating system?
Just note the following! For modern town houses, cottages and other dwellings with a high level of comfort controllable floor heating is today almost mandatory attribute. Similarly constructed and adjustment system other heating systems. Availability of automation greatly increases the comfort of the accommodation and at the same time, solve the security check question.
control and adjustment mode is determined depending on the task, the dislocation of the heating system and your personal desires. There are several types of process automation:
- individual;
- group;
- complex.
The first equipment for underfloor heating designed to solve the problem of optimizing the temperature regime. We are talking about the state of the coolant at the inlet of the heating circuit in the return pipe, as well as the surface of the floor heating options and air in a heated room.
When using a group of underfloor generates control the operation of all system components. This includes monitoring and control devices to heat sources. It may be autonomous gas boilers or central heating system.
It is very important for group regulation of the installation of instrumentation in the group of mixing units, which distribute water flows for different heated rooms. Most often, when group control devices installed in the «constant» mode, ie default controlling the temperature. For improved heating systems, which provide "climate control system", the main control nodes and heating equipment devices dynamically varies automatically depending on climatic conditions.
Important! For each category of consumers provides a means of control and integration devices. Each pump-mixing unit, the collector mounted thermostats are compatible with the devices adjusting the feed rate, heating temperature of the coolant.
The most priority is as individual adjustment options, ie, zonal work of controlling and regulating devices. Here we are talking about automation, installed in each room, performing management tasks, depending on the settings and personal priorities inhabitants of the house. In this embodiment, the room is the controlled value of the air temperature heating, while the degree of surface heating floors - controlled variable. In this situation, the air temperature becomes important. On the contrary effect heating control system, where it becomes important is the intensity of the warm floor heating (bathrooms, saunas, swimming pools). The air temperature in this case is simply monitored. Automatic operation independently sets the temperature of the coolant in the heating water circuit, in accordance with predetermined parameters.
At the complex regulation of the heating equipment control devices are engaged and the first and second groups. Automatic mode involves a complex combination of group and individual control is designed to combine the equipment at different time portions.
On a note: some users, disregarding automatic, try to control the functionality of underfloor manually. Such actions can become a cause of imbalance is not only water circuits, but also operating other devices and assemblies.
The control unit is designed for comprehensive service of the entire heating system of a residential facility, will be ineffective in solving individual problems relating to heating a specific room. Thermostats, adapted for individual control, solve only a narrow range of tasks, not in response to changes in temperature as a whole.
Each of us will have to decide for himself which way to control floor heating choose. It has been more than once said that for small spaces, where it is assumed the use of short single water circuit, you can do manual. For heating the bathroom can do a minimal set: a thermostat and a safety valve.
With regard to the whole of the heating of the complex, whose tasks include floor heating throughout the building, there is only equipment able to solve problems in numerous equipment management. Due to the thermal sensor installed in the floor or on the walls of heated space for each mixing unit, you will be able to create in every room, in every room of a residential home needed temperature. the automatic control unit is largely based on the electronic and electronic-mechanical devices that are compact and highly sensitive. When properly configured, each control unit can achieve optimal thermal performance of the house.