With the advent of autumn Temperature in the flats and cottages became too comfortable. Central heating is not running, and on the street have already perceptibly cool. It is not surprising that many are trying to prepare for this phenomenon, to acquire an effective heater. Panel heater - one of the most effective devices on the market, which appeared recently, but has already managed to achieve a high popularity. Panel construction is due to the fact that it allows you to make full use of the available space. When assembling the panel takes up little space, can be installed on a ceiling surface or a wall, characterized wherein the impressive area, which increases the heat recovery ratio.

Modern technologies
Heaters cheap, low power panel are represented by several groups.
Carbon infrared model for wall mounting
Heating is provided on the inner member carboxylic basis. The principle of operation is based on the production of infrared radiation due to which carried out the transfer of thermal energy. To some extent takes place and the effect of convection, cold room air in contact with the heated device surface, naturally rises, carried constant circulation air masses. The mass of these devices is small, easy installation.
Additional feature - in the process of generating anions, ie, negatively charged particles, which improve indoor climate conducive to effective dust deposition.
External device plane temperature reached as a maximum of 80 degrees, i.e. dust and combustion of oxygen does not occur but the burn rough handling can be obtained. If the home have children, the installation is carried out based on this feature. Modern versions of this technique are complemented temperature controllers through which corrected installation microclimate, reduced energy expenditure. However, they can be seen only in high-power devices, from kilowatt.
ceramic panel
Inside the device is a ceramic heating plate, whereby is achieved a uniform thermal energy distribution without substantial heating surface. The peculiarity of the model is to a large thermal inertia, however, heating the room is achieved in a relatively short period of time. Heat from these panels quite soft, pleasant forming microclimate. Some shortcoming lies in the heavy weight complicates installation.
The quartz plate
The base body is made of quartz sand, and inside there are some metal spirals. First heated contents directly panel, it begins to accumulate heat, transmit its premises. This feature explains the considerable thermal inertia of the device, a full heating occurs only after 25 minutes. However, this same feature explains that the panel will gradually cool down, even when switched off, will heat the room.
Unfortunately, this is not a good option if a family has young children, because the surface is heated to 95 degrees, so it is necessary to perform the installation or on the inaccessible heights, or take care of the protective screen.
The air temperature in the room is achieved mainly by convection, but also holds infrared radiation. In fact, this product can be classified as electric heaters, but the improvement of the quartz sand allowed to increase inertia and to lower the surface temperature, whereby the dust is not burned and oxygen.
heating pictures
The most unusual devices for the home. In fact, they are devices with carbon fiber elementsBut the outer surface is decorated with drawings or photographs so that they look not as a utilitarian device, but as a picture.
Classic options
The form panels are produced and the more traditional devices known for several decades:
- modular radiator. Structurally, this device is very similar to an analogue water heating, but is designed for offline use. Most often, the device operates on the "dry" basis, that is located inside a steel rod heaters.
- Heater convector panel type. From the standpoint of design, it is quite simple device, inside which there is a heat exchanger, and outside - convection chamber, which also performs the function of protection, provides the overall appearance technology. The principle of operation is based entirely on convection. Modern versions are already economical and completely safe, heating body reaches a maximum of 60 degrees, that is impossible to get burned. It should be remembered that the achievement of the desired room temperature with the help of this technique takes about 20-30 minutes, do not count on immediate job.

mounting Features
That the device not only be effective, but has worked for many years, you need to take a responsible approach to the installation:
- For the installation is best to choose a wall or ceiling (junction of the wall with the floor slabs).
- When you commit to use mechanical methods, ie, dowels, screws, brackets. Care should be taken to have enough strength data elements in order to withstand without problems mass heater.
Advantages panels
To summarize the advantages that characterize all panel heaters, regardless of the type of heating element:
- Save space in the room as unused plane of the walls and ceiling are used for the installation;
- Stylish appearance;
- Manufacturability, energy saving;
- Easy installation;
- The possibility of further decorating and hiding under the protection panels without compromising efficiency, if required by the interior of the premises.
If we talk about what kind of device is better, the unequivocal answer to this question will not be able to give. It is necessary to individually examine each of the situations. For example, for an urban apartment to choose the infrared option is optimal for continuous operation, demonstrating the economy. For the purpose of periodic use at the cottage or country house, it is better suited convector.