Potatoes are the main product in the diet of most people. Over the past half-century, agronomists and breeders have exerted a lot of effort to derive the most productive and nutritious appearance of this root crop. The best potatoes , grown today on huge plantations, yield a high yield, and the tubers themselves are adapted to long-term storage and long-term transport. Such varieties, however, are not only available to large-scale industries, but also to small households and private gardeners.
Red Scarlet
Red Scarlet. This early-root crop is quite common in Russia. Its main feature is that from planting to harvesting does not take three months. Yields depend on climatic conditions, but with proper care, you can get up to 600 quintals of potatoes from an area of one hectare. Fruits are smooth. They do not have a large number of kidneys( eyes), which makes the potato ideal for eating. Due to this, it has a very low content of harmful corned beef. The weight of one potato reaches 13 grams. Fruits have a characteristic bright red color. Since the plant is very resistant to drought, a special popularity has been found among farmers in the southern regions of the country. Among the shortcomings can be noted a poor tolerance of diseases.
Gala. The fruits of this plant are characteristic, classic for yellow potatoes. The variety was bred specially by early German breeders. The whole vegetation period lasts just over 2.5 months. The shrubs of the plant are of medium size, but the leaves are very large. Each fruit grows at least 80 grams. Some large fruits reach 130 grams in weight. But this potato variety can not boast of yield, since from one hectare it gives only 25 quintals. But the fruits of the plant have high commercial qualities. Almost one hundred percent of the crop is suitable for sale. In addition, the tubers are very firm and resistant to mechanical stress both during harvesting and during transportation. The variety is very resistant to diseases and grows practically under any climatic conditions. Mainly grown in large farms
Timo. This is one of the best varieties of potatoes. Root is resistant to diseases, grows in virtually all weather conditions, the fruits are stored for a long time. The rind of the fruit is brown. They are almost perfectly rounded, less often oval. The rind is thin and easily peels off. The yield of the variety is above average. From one hectare, truck farmers can harvest up to 450 centners of a crop. This kind of this root is very popular, as it is very resistant to diseases and not whimsical in care. But for industrial production is not suitable, because tubers are easily damaged by mechanical impact and transportation.
Impala. This variety is considered one of the best thanks to its early maturation. You can harvest a month and a half after planting. Popular this root is mainly in gardeners in the southern regions. The percentage of yield of fruit, suitable for sale, is striking. With a minimum care of about 90% of the fruit can be put up for sale. Bushes of root crops grow tall and spreading. Fruits have a dark yellow color and a classical oval shape. However, resistance to various diseases of bushes and tubers is not up to par. There is a risk of damage to parasites, fungi, etc. In the process of growing at least once it is necessary to treat chemicals.
Zhukovsky early
Zhukovsky early. This famous variety of potato is distinguished by its early maturation and unpretentiousness to the climatic conditions. Due to this, this type of root is planted practically in all regions of Russia. Always gives a stable high yield. From a hectare it is possible to collect up to 600 centners. Even with a minimum care from one hectare of land, you can get at least 350 quintals. Since the small tubers are not grown by the plant, it is considered a commodity. All fruits are large, ideally oval in shape with a pinkish-brown skin. Mostly resistant bushes to the most common potato diseases such as cancer, scab, nematode.
Bellrose. This is one of the earliest maturing varieties of potatoes. Bushes of plants grow high, and flowers on them open up violet. Root is suitable for growing on most types of soil. It is resistant to diseases and well tolerates various climatic conditions. Fruits grow medium in size, almost perfectly round in shape. Although the color of the rind in this potato is rich pink, the flesh is light yellow in color. It is believed that the variety has excellent commercial qualities when large, fruit-suitable fruits are sold at a rate of 90-95%.The yield of the plant is above average. From one hectare at least, it is possible to collect from 350 quintals of products and more.
Good luck
Good luck. The name of this sort of potato is rather a characteristic of its commercial qualities. With 100% availability for sale, this plant species yields up to 600 centners of yield per hectare of plantation. A feature of this species when planting is the need for seedlings in well-heated soil. Those.to plant it is necessary by the beginning of summer. However, the variety is early maturing. Maturation occurs within 60-65 days of planting. Thanks to this, the inhabitants of all regions of the country will be able to harvest before the cold weather. The tubers are large in size, round in shape and have a bright brown hue of the peel. Pulp of white potatoes.
Nevsky. This sort of potato is very picky to care. It must be planted in warmed soil, it is necessary to avoid mechanical damage to tubers, etc. However, with proper care, the yield is almost 100% with a crop yield of 500-600 centners per hectare. In addition, the fruit has excellent taste. They have a light yellow skin color and a creamy hue of pulp. Almost perfectly round shape, medium-sized fruits perfectly tolerate transportation and withstand a long shelf life.
Romano. This plant has an average grade of maturation. But one of the best varieties of potato is due to its excellent taste and high commodity characteristics. In addition, the plant gives a stable average yield, regardless of the climatic characteristics of a season or region. The yield of fruit suitable for sale is almost 100%.Between the variety has one small drawback. He can be affected by such a disease as a scab. Therefore, treatment with special preparations is required.
Adretta. This is one of the best potatoes grown in Russia. Virtually in all categories has high parameters. The maturity period is 60 days, and the yield at the level of 500 quintals per hectare. In addition, tubers and bushes are resistant to virtually all known parasites, fungus and other diseases. Fruits have average commercial quality, medium size. However, the pulp and the peel are quite solid, which is why the fruits are resistant to transportation. They are stored for a long time, while not losing their useful properties and taste. Do not store corned beef within 5-6 months after harvest.