One of the most common devices that can provide continuous hot water at home, is a geyser. It copes with any volume of water heated in the shortest possible time. In this modern modifications enable clearly set the desired temperature and automatically turned-off according to operation mode point-WATER.
Instantaneous water heaters, gas-fired, quite economical and safe to operate. The only disadvantage is the need for providing quality flue gases. Once and for all solve this problem is possible only with the help of a competent installation of exhaust pipes for the gas column. When selecting parameters and flue gas system configuration should be guided by the manufacturer's instructions and applicable regulations.

Regulatory requirements
According to the table definitions NPB 252-98 exhaust pipe for a gas column is for fume collection pipe connecting apparatus and the flue duct. Accordingly, it conveys the products of combustion and the gas must meet the requirements that apply to chimneys. Failure to do so is fraught with gas concentration and carbon monoxide poisoning.
All the requirements for chimneys are set out in the following regulations:
- NPB 252-98;
- Rules of production of pipes and furnace work VDPO;
- SP 42-101-2003, Appendix D
- SP 60.13330.2012, which is actualized edited by SNIP 41-01-2003 (instead of SNIP 2.04.05-91).
The main provisions of which relate directly to smoke from household geysers boil down to the following points:
- sectional area of the exhaust pipe section is received at least outlet unit;
- It is necessary to ensure complete sealing of the chimney, its resistance to corrosion and high temperatures up to 200 ° C;
- Lining of connecting pipes through the living rooms is prohibited;
- Vertical exhaust pipe portion on the outlet of the column should be a height of 500 mm, and in some cases may be reduced to 250 mm;
- The connecting pipes have to be up to 3 meters in new buildings and up to 6 meters in existing;
- It is allowed to use not more than 3 turns with a bending radius not smaller than the diameter;
- The exhaust pipe is installed at a distance from the ceiling or wall of the incombustible materials are not less than 5 cm, if they are flammable or nonflammable, is not less than 25 cm. The distance may be reduced to 10 cm due to protective measures in accordance SP 42-101-2003;
- If the connection pipe for the gas passes through the column unheated room, it is necessary to use a heat insulation;
- Exhaust pipe must be laid with a slope of 0.01 or more on the side of the device.

Important! Removal of combustion is possible only through the smoke channels or specially installed chimneys, vents use is strictly prohibited.
Smoke channels are arranged in the walls of non-flammable materials and insulated, if necessary, in order to avoid condensation. If no suitable wall or a building is not operated channels provided for the removal of combustion products, the set stack push-type or native.
Each fuel combustion apparatus shall have a separate flue or chimney. In some cases, permitted removal of exhaust gases from the boiler column and one chimney section with increasing pipe. When this entry of combustion products into the channel should be performed at different levels of at least 0.75 m or flush with crosscuts height of 0.75 m and a thickness of 0.12 m.
Chimney should be strictly vertical, and have at the base a removable sleeve or pocket depth of 250 mm with a door for cleaning soot. If necessary, the circumvention of the obstacles to be 30 ° deviation from vertical, the cross-sectional area is maintained, and the stem must not exceed 1 m.

On a note: round or rectangular opening at the entrance into the flue channel is intended for cleaning soot and should always be available for serving. Doing spring cleaning in the kitchen, do not forget to open the door and clean up soot, leaves and other debris.
The height of the chimney is a key factor for the creation of a good traction. That it is the decisive quality flue gas in question. chimney height should be determined in accordance with the scheme shown in SP 42-101-2003 (Annex D).
If there are any more tall buildings or trees, it is necessary to check the height of the wind zone of backwater and, if necessary, increase the height of fume collection tube. In any case, rising above the adjacent part of the roof must be at least 50 cm, and when combined (flat) roof - not less than 200 cm.

After installation is complete carefully checked for leaks fume collection conduit and having thrust. To avoid danger of extinction as a result of the thrust frosting tip or overlap foreign objects, do not use the nozzle on the stacks in the form of umbrellas, deflectors etc.
On a note: smokers with sealed windows closed gas water heater may be periodically turned off due to insufficient air flow. Automation stops the heater to prevent the reverse thrust which may occur due to the air vacuum in the room. To resolve this problem, enough to keep the kitchen window in the micro-ventilation mode during operation of the column.
Selection of piping material
Going for the purchase of the exhaust pipe, you need to carefully examine the installation conditions, know the model of the gas column, the diameter of the smoke pipe and the required length of pipeline sections. It is advisable to stock up on water heater layout diagram showing all the distances, it will help better orientation in choosing the required elements and if necessary, get advice specialist.
According SP 60.13330.2012 connecting and chimneys must be made of non-flammable materials with equivalent inner surface roughness of not more than 1.0 mm. In addition, they should be leak tight with class B and to prevent air leaks at the joints and in the junction to the flue channel. We recommend the use of such materials as ceramics and stainless steel.
The SP 42-101-2003 allowed roofing or galvanized steel with a thickness of 1 mm or more, flexible metal corrugated pipes and unified elements, supplied with unit.
It is important that the exhaust pipe material is resistant to corrosion, since the condensate can pretty quickly destroy it. The smooth inner surface is, the less soot on it will meet. The roughness of the outer surface is not standardized, but from the standpoint of convenience of cleaning material for a smooth connection pipe is practical.
However, quite popular for connection to the flue gas channel speakers corrugated pipe. They are easy to work with and they are very comfortable in cramped conditions. Their use allows to successfully bend around obstacles and carry concealed installation, putting the equipment in cabinets and closing the conduit removable panels.

The main disadvantage of corrugated pipes is the possibility of burning at high temperatures. Therefore, in order to fire safety recommended stainless steel corrugated rather than cheaper aluminum.
Galvanized steel 1 mm thick material is acceptable, but it is believed that the strong heating galvanization can release harmful substances. Accordingly, it is undesirable to use models with high temperature flue gases.
Quite well proven flues of steel coated with refractory enamel. White shiny pipes look pretty cute in the kitchen and are able to fit into almost any decor.
The ideal material in terms of durability, aesthetics and comply with all requirements is stainless steel. She did not face any corrosion or burn-out, no accumulation of dust or accidental damage. Quite naturally, he turns out to be the most expensive.

installation procedure
Mounting of the exhaust pipe for a gas column from any material begins with the preparation of the measurements and of all the required elements. In the case of ribbed order of works is very simple. It suffices to take the desired line length to suit heater fume collection tube and clamp collar. The free end is inserted into the decorative ring and fixed in the opening of the flue duct. Here, the main matching observe diameter corrugated tube column size output hole.
For all other materials needed to prepare the required number of straight and turning elements to be inserted into each other, forming a desired configuration on the basis of the chimney designer. rotation angles apply standard or made individually for specific sizes.
When assembling should ensure maximum tightness. Joining one element to another should not be less than half the diameter. For better sealing of the heat-resistant sealant is applied. Places joints are held together by clamps and placed outside the ceilings in the public domain.

Performing mount exhaust pipe for a gas column must eliminate the possibility of deflection and of contact with the electrical wiring, gas pipes, and other communications. To pass through the ceiling and the roof is necessary to use additional insulation or a special unit - a breaker.
Due to the limitation on the number of allowable rotations number of possible configurations of the chimney is rather limited. All possible three basic options, depending on the location of the exhaust hole. Two more can be obtained by mirroring the previous.

The requirements and recommendations set out above relate to devices with an open combustion chamber. Standards also allowed removal of the combustion products through the outer wall without vertical Flue gas from the columns with a closed combustion chamber and the forced ejection of exhaust gases. In this case, the installation is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions in compliance with the statutory distances and lengths of coaxial flue specified in SP 42-101-2003.

Thus, installation of the exhaust pipe for the gas column has many important nuances. Given the great danger that can arise when non-compliance or partial compliance with regulations, you need to very seriously approach this issue and possible to entrust the execution of all works professionals.
Qualitative assembling the connecting pipe is a guarantee safe operation of the gas column. Strict adherence to all regulations regulations will ensure the stability and operation of the device will allow owners to enjoy convenient water heater without fear of carbon monoxide poisoning.