Intensive suburban housing, which in recent years is gaining momentum, brings more and more requirements for the types of heating equipment. Autonomous heating organization, fully independent from centralized sources, becoming the owner of a choice. Alternatively, gas water heating is now increasingly used solid fuel boilers. Current models of such heating appliances have high processability and are economical. The only caveat, which makes us think of consumers to choose the model of heating device - the need for frequent loading fuel material of the heating equipment.
Practicality heating equipment in operation plays for us, if not the principal, then definitely the leading role. Gas boiler, electric heaters are almost completely self-contained heating apparatuses, whereas solid fuel boilers require constant human presence. The real way out of this situation is to install in your own home with a solid fuel boiler function of the upper combustion. A closer look, what constitutes this type of heating device, what structural features of the unit.

The main reasons that cause us to pay attention to the upper combustion boilers
service frequency - generalizing value which characterizes any appliances. For heating radiators, this parameter is one of the key. During the heating season, the boiler is forced to work regularly, heating living spaces and providing the inhabitants of the house with hot water for domestic use. Solid fuel boilers now have a highly efficient, powerful and energy efficient. The fuel used to operate units, wood, coal, briquettes, pellets and sufficiently available. The choice depends only on the solid model of the device and the cost of fuel.
During the cold period of the solid-fuel units there is a real benefit. This is not only an effective and qualitative work with independent heating system, but also significant savings in its own budget. With so many advantages, solid fuel boilers have one significant disadvantage. We are talking about the need to be personally involved in its maintenance.
Preparing the unit for operation and cleaning - planned activities, which is required to hold at least regularly, but not as often as it seems. The main problem for this equipment, which has to face, is a regular load of fuel. fuel feeding frequency depends on the type of heating device, and on the climatic conditions outside. Regardless of whether you sink your boiler coal or firewood, pop into the furnace fuel you have.

For reference: Traditional solid fuel boiler working with wood or coal, which is not technically possible to implement automatic feed of fuel into the combustion chamber requires from 2 to 8 downloads per day. The intensity of the heat, the quality of fuel resources and the boiler output determines the number of downloads.
Assessing the amount of future trouble with the solid device, many residents of private houses prefer boilers with top loading. This equipment will provide more personal freedom for its residents. You instead of the role of fireman stoker and will only enjoy the coziness and comfort.
The main feature of boilers with upper combustion method
Given the complexity of servicing the heating apparatus for solid fuel, the producers decided not Only use new technologies in heating design, but also to return to the traditional technology. The main task that was solved in the process of modernization of boiler equipment, increase the burning fuel load one. Get this could result due to the use of solid fuel fired boilers of the principle of top combustion.

boiler technology due upper combustion is not something fundamentally new. Fuel loaded into the furnace, burning downward. Those. on the contrary, not as in the boilers of the traditional kind. Combustion begins with the topmost layer, which is supplied through the movable valve required air flow. As the burning fuel mass, air distributor falls under its own weight down the next layer providing combustion. Loaded fuel thus combusted uniformly layer by layer, releasing a large volume of combustible wood gas.
At this stage, the temperature in the furnace reaches the unit 450 0FROM.
At this stage, it included in the operation principle of pyrolysis. The smallest combustion products, together with wood gas allocated completely burn, releasing an enormous amount of heat energy. In the combustion chamber as a result of operation of the unit are left remaining fuel.
For reference: Pyrolysis - exothermic reaction, which resulted in under high temperature the process of decomposition of organic compounds, followed by isolation of the fuel gas substances. The main heating coal-fired boiler in the combustion process is carried out by burning wood gas.
Charcoal (pyrolysis) gas is supplied into the second chamber through the metal disc where due to the discharge of hot air is ignited. The temperature in the combustion furnace reaches the second at this point of great importance, 500-800 0FROM. Everything is simple and clear. The main thing - is the heating apparatus design.

It depends on the combustion process and the speed of fuel combustion. The heating equipment classical type wood are burned quickly enough, giving the highest possible heat for a short time. In other words, for a short period unit enters the peak of its capacity, after which the pad without subsequent fuel boiler begins to lose its load. Constantly to load a new batch of wood is not always convenient and physically possible. Solid fuel boilers with a top-loading work quite differently. One boot with such apparatus may be sufficient for 12, 24 or more hours. The intensity of burning depends on the load on the heating system.
Everything is simple and clear. The main thing - is the heating apparatus design.
Construction of the furnace top-loading
The heating equipment with top-loading, has a structure similar to the candle. Solid fuel boiler of this type has a casing standing vertically into a cylindrical shape. Vertical arrangement defined operating principle of the machine, to the same device housing in this dual layer, playing the role of a heat exchanger. Between the outer and the inner wall circulates downwards boiler water receiving heat from combustion of the pyrolysis gas.

The principle of operation and defines the place of loading chamber arrangement. Above it there is air heating chamber through which moves up and down the air distributor. In the lower part of the apparatus is equipped podzolnik, place which receives a minimum quantity of residual combustion products.
Currently manufacturers produce solid long burning devices in two configurations:
- units that consume firewood and briquettes;
- devices running on coal, wood and fuel briquettes.
In most cases, the manufacturer declares that the length of the boiler from one boot directly to the technical documentation for the boiler. As a rule, these periods range from 24 to 48 hours while working on Firewood, up to 3-5 days when loading coal boiler.

For reference: Largely for the duration of combustion of the fuel material affects the fuel quality. Cleaved from hardwood (birch, oak, beech, ash) burn long, while stressing the large amount of heat. Softwood burn intensely, respectively term operation of the boiler on the pine wood will be much less.
Apart from wood, coal and briquettes for the heater of this type can use secondary wood products. When choosing the type of fuel should take into account resource availability. The unit will require you to download up to 30-50 kg of finished fuels. The boiler output determines the height of the tab. In different models of this parameter varies 600-1500mm. As for power, the expansion options are even greater. Today produced boilers for autonomous heating capacity of 8,10,20 and 40 kW.
a heater control system of a top-loading
The question concerning the principle of operation of the boiler and loading method, understood. Here everything is clear and accessible. How does such a machine control system, described below. The long burning boilers basic control principle is built on the regulation of the flow of air entering the combustion chamber. Models representing conventional aggregates have mechanical device for adjusting the air mass. Conventional damper having a chain drive is actuated as a result of the thermostat. However, this method has a critical technical drawback.
The thermostat is set at a certain temperature. When heated to a specific temperature coolant valve adopts a certain position, reducing the intensity of the combustion. Achieve a sharp temperature reduction is not feasible due to the large inertia of the operating unit. By inertia coolant will continue to heat for a while, working on the heating system.
The same principle of action is associated with an increase in boiler water heating temperature. Until the boiler does not reach its nominal capacity, the coolant temperature will rise very slowly.

It is a different situation with the units that are equipped with a fan. An electrical apparatus injects air in case of necessity, increasing the intensity of the combustion. Due to the blower is possible to reduce the inertia of the heating long burning equipment. Turning on and off the blower operates automatics, which is equipped with sensors, locking the slightest changes in coolant temperature.
When technological necessity fan may be stopped, leaving smoldering fuel on lean oxygen soldering. The air will flow into the furnace in a natural way. This scheme reduces the temperature of the coolant at breakthrough phenomenon, which is caused by the inertia in the heating process unit.
On a note: to exit the boiler in normal operation will require from 0.5 to 1 hour. Optionally disable heating, the work is turned expansion vessel connected to a single heating circuit. With the tank is compensated excessive heat coming from the cooling of the boiler. Time for complete cooling of continuous burning solid fuel boiler may be 2-5 hours.
Conclusion. Advantages and disadvantages of this equipment
After reviewing the design of solid-top combustion units and a principle of action, we can safely say about the advantages of this heating equipment. If you stop in detail, the main advantages are as follows:
- Longer intervals between successive loads;
- high efficiency (80%);
- convenient and easy way to manage;
- a minimum of electronics for automation systems;
- conventional models are non-volatile devices;
- a high level of process safety;
- long-life (10-15 years).
The main drawback of such a technique is inertia. Unlike the gas-fired boilers and equipment on solid fuel, operating on a different principle, solid fuel boilers are less flexible operationally and technologically advanced way. Much in the upper combustion boiler depends on the fuel quality. Firewood used in the furnace must have adequate moisture. Sometimes there are problems in the operation of boilers, related to the download complete.