Heating is one of the most important systems, which are provided in the house. Especially if it is constantly inhabited by people. Many for comfort put heating. To save on the purchase of the unit, you can make solid fuel or electric boiler with his hands. Recently, more and more owners of houses and apartments on the chosen setting is current. This is due to the weight of the equipment advantages.
More and more people tend to leave big cities and live below in a private home. At the same time in such premises must be the main system. One of which is heating. When this plant centralized - it makes no sense, as a stand-alone in any case will go cheaper during operation. The only thing - the original equipment will cost a certain amount.
Many experts believe that some of the gas boilers are considered the most cost-effective devices. But this is only possible when close to the structure of the gas pipeline goes. It is important to note that the use of liquid energy carrier in cylinders significantly reduces the safety and efficiency of the same.
Connecting solid installations for heating private house and has both pluses and minuses.
One of the main advantages of which have electrical equipment - affordable energy. Talk today is in almost every country village. In addition, it bring to your site much more easily than a gas pipe. That is why this type of heating for many is an obvious choice.
In today's market you can find any suitable electric boiler to heat your home, because there are a lot of models. But sometimes there are situations when there is a need for cost savings. In this case we are not talking about operating costs and one-off, you need at the time of purchase.
To save money electric heating boiler can be done independently. Of course you need to have some knowledge of the assembly of electrical appliances. With the purchase of all of the individual components will have no problems - all can be found in specialized supermarkets.
Electric boilers are divided into several types. We are interested in the creation of an independent, but because we are talking about only two, as they create a simpler others. So, there are self-made installation of electric heaters and the electrode.
They are aggregates consisting of a plurality of elements, one of which is an appropriate heater. It is through it and the electric power is converted into heat. The item is placed in a special box. At the same time connected to the controllers, sensors and other components, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the heating.

If you create your own hands heating pipes have been installed with thick walls - have the option of placing them directly on the heating element. This design has several disadvantages. Often, the heating element is installed as a spare heating option when the primary for some reason stopped working. Such self-made electric boiler for heating can simply maintain a minimum coolant temperature. Or the unit will work in full force, heating the whole room.
Another option - electrode boiler own hands with removable pipe. Generally embodiment, this mechanism has the same construction. At the same time it lets you quickly remove and change the heating element in the event of breakage. Such an arrangement is considered to be difficult, but more versatile.
The circuit unit of the electric heaters is as follows:

- Tube for liquid outlet.
- Frame.
- Heater.
- Pipe for water inlet.
- Flange gasket.
- Pallet.
- Flange bottom.
- The lower part of the pallet.
- Case cover.
- Connecting wires.
- Laying.
Homemade electrode boiler as the previous option has pros and cons. For example, dimensions allow you to install it virtually anywhere in the system. The apparatus schematically looks like this:

To start the work, you need to study in detail the assembly diagram:
- Pipe made of iron without a seam whose diameter is 57 mm.
- Paint coating, withstanding strong and sudden changes in temperature.
- Nozzles for input and output. Diameter 32 mm.
- plugs
- An electrode with a diameter of 25 mm.
- Terminals with M6 thread.
- Rubber gasket.
Once there was a common understanding, the electrode boiler can be assembled by hand. To do this, you need to do everything according to instructions:
- Mark the pipe nozzles and the housing. Make all the necessary cuts. With the help of saws produce spherical sample. This will ensure good contact with the surface of the body. In places where welding nozzles have to make holes.
- During the creation of an electric boiler heating further need to cut all the threads by means of appropriate equipment. Or simply refer to the workshop. Here it is possible to make the sleeve, plug and electrode.
- Next, when you create a heating boiler with his hands must be high quality weld connections and terminals, which are needed for wiring.
- It sets electrode. Tighten and then tighten the two plugs.
- Next, the electrode boiler with his hands can be coated with enamel, which can withstand temperatures up to 120 degrees.
- After that, check all welds.
Well, an electrical machine, in spite of its complicated structure can be assembled at home with their own hands. To do this, you must have certain equipment and skills to work with metal. It is important to emphasize that today such plants are relatively small financial means. When purchasing a finished product you can be sure that the seller will provide a guarantee. It is also often carried out installing an electric boiler shop capabilities. This eliminated the possibility of committing an error on the part of the owner, resulting in damage.