- How and how to remove the stain from the mulberry?
- Than to remove a stain from a mulberry? Folk remedies
- Than wash your hands of mulberries?
Like not only children but also adults like to get acquainted with ripe, juicy, sweet mulberry, however it is very difficult to remove stains from clothes after such delicacy, and sometimes it is completely impossible. But we have tried and done a lot, have collected many methods in this article. You will find practical tips on how to wash mulberry with clothes, without spoiling your favorite thing.
to the contents ↑How and how to remove the stain from the mulberry?
During the berry season, many are faced with the problem of how and how to remove stains from berries. It is especially difficult to remove dirt from the mulberry. The juice of this sweet delicacy instantly absorbed into the tissue, leaving on it dark-violet, hard-to-remove stains. If you find such pollution, do not panic. There are several options how to wash mulberry with clothes.
Important! To remove stains from berries, you can not use detergent, toilet or laundry soap. Under the influence of these agents, the juice is very strongly absorbed into the fibers of matter, and it will be practically impossible to remove the contamination.
Boiling Water
The easiest and most versatile way to remove a stain from a mulberry. It is suitable for things made of flax, cotton, because natural fabrics can withstand high temperatures. Water to remove stains should be taken distilled. Simple untreated tap water can leave stains on clothes.
Important! Start to remove stains as soon as possible, without delaying this process in the long box. Thus, getting rid of fresh pollution will be much easier and easier.
- Boil the water.
- Take some bowl, basin or pot.
- Pull the soiled fabric over the container.
- Pour into the stain with a thin stream of boiling water.
If from the moment of contamination has passed no more than two hours, then the berry juice can be easily removed from the fabric.
Important! Before using this method, you should carefully study the label on the clothes. Things made of synthetic materials on contact with boiling water are deformed and spoiled.
For some products, wash only in cold water. Therefore, to remove stains from mulberry with such clothes, you should use other effective methods.
Citric acid and vinegar
The combination of citric acid with vinegar gives good results in the discoloration of stains. For this you will need the following ingredients:
- warm water - 1 glass;
- citric acid - 10 grams;
- vinegar - 3 tablespoons.
- Add the acid and vinegar to the water.
- Soak contaminated clothing in this solution for 30 minutes. During this time, the stain will become discolored or become barely noticeable.
- Wash the thing as usual.
Boiling water + vinegar + citric acid
If on clothes there are old stale impurities, it will be appropriate to combine the two above methods. This will get rid of even the most severe contaminants.
Method of cleaning:
- Add boiling water to vinegar and citric acid.
- Soak and wash the dirt.
Yolk and glycerin
This method should be used if you want to remove the stain from the mulberry with bright, colored delicate fabrics. You will need:
- raw egg yolk;
- one packet of glycerin.
How to use:
- Mix the yolk with glycerin.
- Apply the mixture on the stain and wait for a couple of hours.
- Wash clothing in warm water.
- Well rinse thing.
Stain remover or dishwashing detergent
The first thing that comes to mind when you see stains from mulberries is to apply a stain remover. With it, you can also get rid of stale and stale dirt. It is recommended to use only a high-quality tool for this purpose.
Important! Before applying the stain remover, you should carefully read the instructions. Some products in their composition contain aggressive chemical components that can damage delicate or colored tissue.
Modern stain removers are expensive and not always at hand. In this case, you can use a dishwashing detergent.
Cleaning method:
- Apply the product to the contamination.
- Wait a few minutes.
- Wash the thing in the usual way.
Than to remove the stain from the mulberry? Folk remedies
To wash mulberry from clothes, especially if it is sewn from a delicate fabric, it is also possible with the help of folk remedies tested by the experience of many housewives.
Green mulberry fruits contain various vegetable acids. They act in the same way as citric acid.
Important! Use only green, unripe berries.
In order to discolor the stain, it is necessary to rub the contamination with juice from unripe berries or the berries themselves.
Sour milk or kefir
These products include lactic acid, which copes well with stains of this kind. To wash mulberry with clothes, follow the following algorithm.
How to use:
- It is necessary to soak a stained area of clothing in kefir or sour milk for several hours.
- After time, wash the thing as usual.
This method makes it possible to get rid of fresh spots. Absorbed in the fibers of the tissue, salt corrodes the contamination, after which it can easily be washed. For this you will need:
- water;
- fine salt, extra grind.
How to use:
- Mix the salt with a small amount of water until it forms a gruel.
- Apply the paste to a piece of cloth.
- Use gentle movements to wipe silky contamination with it.
- Leave the remedy on the cloth for a while.
- Wash clothing in soapy water.
- Thoroughly rinse thing.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Remove the stain from the mulberry with white clothing hydrogen peroxide helps:
- Mix the peroxide and water in a ratio of 1:10.Soak the contaminated garment in the solution for 15 minutes.
- Rinse clothes in warm water.
Important! Use this method can only be on white things, because bright colored fabrics under the influence of hydrogen peroxide can discolor.
to the contents ↑Than to wash your hands of mulberry?
How and what to lighten the hands after this sweet and juicy berry? This question is asked by many adults, and especially those who have small children. After all, to eat the berries of a mulberry tree without staining the hands at the same time is simply impossible. Cleaning the purple spots from the skin is as difficult as with clothes. There are several methods by which you can make this process much easier.
Fruit acid
Fruit acid perfectly copes with pollution of this kind. It is contained in lemon, cherry and red currant. In order to wash the skin, it is necessary to wipe off the contamination with a lemon slice or to mow several red berries or cherries in their hands.
Citric acid
Fresh lemon can be replaced with citric acid. In order to cleanse the skin of silky juice, it is necessary to dilute citric acid in water and wash the hands in this solution.
Important! To avoid irritation on the skin, the solution should be with a weak concentration of acid.
You can brighten the skin of hands by rustling the leaves of sorrel in the palms of your hands.
Pumice stone
This method is suitable in the event that it was not possible to immediately wash your hands of berries. Since silk juice is absorbed into the upper layer of the skin, you can use pumice stone, and remove dead cells of the epidermis.
- Hands in hot water.
- Take a soft pumice stone and gently rub your palms.
- Dry the skin with a towel.
- Lubricate the palms with a nourishing cream.
Using the tips from this article, you can not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying this delicious, healthy, juicy and sweet berry. And even if the juice from the berries is on clothes, do not get upset and throw out the thing. You can easily remove the stain from the mulberry, picking up the most suitable of the above methods.