The curtains in the living room are selected with special care - in this room, tenants spend a lot of time, because it should be as comfortable. As a complement to the curtains, tulle often purchased for the room - it not only decorates a room, but also hides a present from prying eyes without hindering the penetration of sunlight.
select the Features
- The choice of length
- Color
- With or without curtains
- Jacquard
- Chiffon
- Batiste
- Grid
- Organza
- Veil
- Linen
Tulle and style
- Oriental
- Classic
- modern
- Art Deco
- Minimalism
- Country
- High tech
- Gothic
- Rococo
- Shabby-chic
- How to hang
- Choosing draperies
- additional decorations
- conclusion
select the Features
Choose the perfect drapery is not always easy at the window - someone to arrange an ordinary snow-white tulle, while the rest try to make the design unique. Curtains Hall selected length, width, color, style, material manufacture. Placement of curtains will be different in the living room with and without balcony, in rooms with panoramic or normal windows, bay windows, alcoves, attics. Tulle sewn differently - there are direct, plain, single-color types, graceful fashion trends, Pestryaev multicolored.

The interior of the room, its illumination, is also important. If the windows are large and face south, south-east, the curtains purchased cool colors, with large, dense embroidered elements - flowers, ornaments, stripes. When the windows are narrow, the room gets very little street light, turn light tulle fabric, warm color schemes, devoid of decoration or small, barely noticeable pattern.
Choosing curtains begin when the interior style is already laid out. For the minimalist interior, use a cloth-type self-colored veil, to the east - several kinds of tulle at the same time. In the latter case, when it is necessary to combine two or three or more types of tissue, it is important to carefully choose texture, pattern, not to get too much "medley," not to create discord between the individual elements.

Since living space tenants are a lot of hours in the day, its design should not bore, annoy. It is desirable that the situation liked each household.
The choice of length
tulle Length is different, the hall sold:
- short - up to the window sill. Optimally suited for the style of Provence, country, environmental, and cramped rooms. The spacious rooms this decision looks bednovato. This is the best option for horizontal windows located in the recess, especially if no beneath radiators. In the latter case the place below the window is decorated with patterns, bright photo wallpapers, pictures;
- normal (average) - reaches the floor without touching it, is used most often. The fabric should completely cover the battery, if any, not be too short, "a wounded". For the panoramic windows of the decor is also suitable;
- long - folds lies on a floor. Suitable for apartments, where there are young children, the elderly, active pets that can become entangled in the curtains, get hurt or break it. Such curtains look good in the arches, give the comfort of a large room, make a nice little.

For rooms with a balcony door allowed a combined option: short tulle over by the window, a separate long leaf - on a balcony
Color palette depends on the style of interior room. Permissible virtually any options - monochrome, mottled, with gradient transitions. The color chosen for the dense curtains, if they are present, carpets, other textiles bedroom, at least - is the tulle bright accent.
Popular options:
- snow-white;
- agate gray;
- saffron yellow;
- amethyst;
- fuchsia;
- turquoise;
- moderately-pink;
- herbal;
- pale green;
- amber;
- lilac;
- bronze;
- yellow-orange;
- blue-gray;
- pearl;
- lime;
- reddish-beige.

With or without curtains
Most often, tulle is in addition to dense curtains, but not always - well layered variants protect against street light. Simple, easy option is used in the interior of the loft, where the curtains are not "in the subject", minimalist, Japanese interiors as "not tolerate" superfluous. Modern fashion offers varying density lace curtains, which combine with each other creates a unique, unique appearance.
When the pattern on the dense curtains is very complicated, there is a colorful embroidery, a plurality of printed prints volume elements, tulle or monotonous acquired with a pale, finely patterned, partially or completely repeating curtain. Excessive overloading the window opening with unnecessary elements unacceptable.

Modern "net curtains" invented many. This chiffon and organza, voile and mesh, lawn and jacquard. They all differ in appearance, strength, sun protection properties, application possibilities in the interior. material structure is very different - it is matte and glossy, transparent and more dense, lace, embroidery, embroidered cloth. The choice of material depends on the design of the premises, its area.

Tulle, jacquard - the most difficult material to sew window draperies. Its individual strands different in coloring, thickness, texture, finished fabric comes relief, multi-color, sharply different from the other options. Curtains themselves look wonderful, luxurious, but are expensive. Jacquard most harmoniously looks in a classic style, Baroque, Rococo, east.
See also:linen curtains

Chiffon - great fabric that looks expensive, but has a high cost. This textile has complicated relief formed due to tight plexus crepe yarns. Chiffon is very slippery, difficult to process the material - for sewing, machining the edges fray strongly, moreover, does not differ durability.

Baptiste relates to synthetic materials. It is made of tightly twisted together fibers, because keeps excellent shape. The product leaves a very thin, almost transparent, light-transmissive fine, because it is usually used in conjunction with denser fabrics.

Tulle-net - a very popular, trendy version of the window decoration for the living room. The subject looks elegant, typically without requiring additional decoration. The grid is made of the finest threads of synthetic, so much it collects the dust, which is not acceptable for people with allergies as well as those who are often difficult to wash the curtains.

Organza is made of polyester, it is very translucent, characterized airy material. Less common are composed of silk, viscose yarn, but this drape several times more expensive. The main disadvantage of the subject - poor air permeability, it is easy to feel when the curtain multilayer. The advantages include the fact that the material is well satisfied with this content, dries quickly.

Voile tulle - a dense, durable, wear-resistant, softer than organza. It practically does not collect the dust, because of frequent washings does not require. The shutter is made of the veil is often all sorts of patterns, excellent drape, and its density depends on the size, the total number of patterns on the surface. Subject used in many modern interiors, as well as the range of colors offered the most diverse.

Natural linen fabrics are now at the peak of popularity. They are harmless, do not cause allergies, and synthetic components are added is relatively rare. Similar draperies support healthy atmosphere in the room, have sufficient transparency. Disadvantages include strong creasing material complexity ironing. Stain linen in bright color is almost impossible, because the drapery left natural, gray-beige, rarely used pastel colors - peach, pale green, yellow and pink, and others. Suitable interiors - country, provencal, rustic, ethnic.

Tulle and style
Lace curtains allowed to use almost any existing interior styles. This is a classic and minimalist, oriental and antique, art deco and modern, hi-tech and country, Provence and the Rococo, Baroque and Gothic. Transparent draperies completely out of place in the style of brutalism, industrial, techno. You must pick them up on all important parameters to best withstand the style.

Oriental lace curtains are performed in two ways:
- Arabic - used patterned lace fabric, decorated with ornaments such as "Indian cucumber", complementing the dense bright "night" curtain. The room is literally "buried" in the tissues. Multicolor is allowed, as well as a complex web, plenty of finely embroidered patterns. Primary colors - red, blue, gold. Welcome layering, "the rich" ornaments;
- Japanese - very minimalistic, unobtrusive. There are no blackout curtains, ornaments of diamonds allowed, "flies", at least - floral pattern a la "cherry blossoms" or textile imitation reed mats. Acceptable colors - white, beige, orange, cream.

Classic Tulle is usually combined with thick, heavy drapes. Its color - white or cream, often decorated with gold, silver embroidery or entirely monochrome version. Material chosen relatively thick. The classics usually follow the traditions, because too short curtains are not acceptable. Curtains "on the floor" make the room above, now create a "palace" design. Draperies selected maximum volume, two-, three-layered, decorated with tassels, lambrequins, ruffles, other similar decoration, for many years are "in trend" and not surrendering their positions. A popular pattern - Damascus, as well as strips of meanders in the top, bottom.

Ideal - the most common, simple tulle, having composed a little Lurex. Draperies are often "jets" from the ceiling, as if it were "window veil," but the side is almost always secured another curtain - thick and tulle. A certain fraction of the chaos is welcome - bright, original combinations are used here without any restrictions. Drawings on cloth made large, clear - small, indistinct violate dynamic style. Suitable decor - hard pelmets, satin ribbons, grabs, cord with tassels, and other unusual items.

Art Deco
The curtains are luxurious or relatively modest, decorated "nodules", floral patterns or geometric shapes. There are colorful options, intricate folds are also possible. Tulle for such interiors usually sewn to order at a shop or with your hands. Window design is deliberately asymmetrical, at the same time using two or more color schemes.
See also:Cotton curtains in a modern interior - advice on choosing

Minimalistic décor practically has no folds, completely covers the entire wall, it is made of voile or organza. He is smooth, solid, ideally - is suspended to the ceiling or "flowing" from the ceiling opening. Small patterns, multiple textured, intricate details, shadows and gradients are not allowed. Decoration is the most calm, color - black, white, sometimes gray. Opaque curtains are not needed, but allowed kompanovat tulle and shutters, blinds with cassette mechanism and mounted directly on the window frame.

The "rustic" style light drape warm welcome, though slightly faded colors. Preferably, the animal, vegetable prints (embroidered, printed), but the most popular cell. Materials used mainly natural - cotton, linen. Curtains are cut in a special way - the web is divided into two halves of equal size, they are sometimes interior angles are rounded, while the upper part is added pelmet. The large textile flowers, made from the same material suitable as a decoration as the curtain itself.

High tech
High-tech style of in most cases completely dispenses with draperies, but if they are present, the most suitable colors - silver, steel, dark blue, black. This is the most modern style, full of rhythm, freedom, high-tech, because curtain fabrics used in it must not deliver a hassle, clutter the space. Making do too bright - many contrasts prohibited. Materials used are smooth, they added metallic, silver, gold or "bronze" strings, as the decor is often used printing, 3D format.

Gothic Tulle - mostly dark, very mysterious. The decor has a lot of vertical lines, direct swags, simple geometric forms. Basically plain draperies, relatively thick, but the addition of a contrast mesh perfectly acceptable. Preferred materials - jacquard, chiffon, rarely used a grid. Cornice better to pick up the heavy, carved wooden appropriate colors - purple, dark blue, black, deep burgundy.

The style of the Rococo provides the most pompous, "heaped" draperies, abundant folds, ruffles, ruffles, texture embroidery. Such a window décor looks luxurious, the "rich", selected the highest quality fabrics, expensive. Arrogant clearance obtained from silk, jacquard fabrics using tapestry velvet as dense curtains. Volumetric pelmets also an integral element of style rococo. Gold and silver threads in abundance penetrate the material, they also embroidered intricate patterns in these colors run the brush grabs.

This design tulle as denser textiles, a huge amount is used. Draperies are bulky, hard packed, reach the floor, spreading the folds on the floor. All existing edges decorated with lace, ruffles, ruffles, rosettes. In most cases, choose pastel colors - white, pink, pale blue, pale violet, but can also be more bright, but not "flashy" colors.

Cornice in the interior is subtle, as the focus is drawn to the textile.
How to hang
Hanging tulle fabrics easy to make a couple of minutes, if you choose an acceptable way, all ready to mount fittings, and folds (if scheduled) are stacked in advance. There are several accommodation options, they depend on the type of cornice:
- "Pipe" - hanging paintings made on the ring, at least - eyelets. This is the most reliable and popular option;
- Stringed cornice - virtually imperceptible by the element easily retaining one, two or three webs simultaneously;
- profile - the design is composed of several rows of fasteners are used as hooks, clips, decorative clothespins.

To secure the tulle fabric on the cornice, use different ways:
- using kuliske - finished drape "adjusted" on one side. After it accurately sew kuliske, then - the eaves-threaded tube which becomes virtually invisible;
- hooks - to the top of the fabric sewn translucent plastic hooks or thin metal. The rings are placed on the cornice tube, they cling to the hooks;
- using clips - on the cornices curtains secured in this way. Option is suitable only for thin, air, single-layer fabrics;
- eyelets on - top web is cut holes into which are inserted into suitable diameter lyuversnye rings. Through them passed himself cornice.
One of the easiest ways to secure the tulle curtain - sew in his braid, for which the fabric cling to the ceiling, wall mounts. Pre curtain is adjusted in width to the upper edge of the sewn two rows of strong threads (Sometimes is sold directly to them), which must be carefully pull to one side, tie on node. Further, a shutter tightening the ribbon so that it corresponds to the maximum width of the curtain rod, itself tulle align, straighten wrinkles, on the other hand thread drapery also knotted. Now hang the curtain on the ledge, making sure to get a smooth, nice.
See also:Curtains on skylights: types, choice of fabric, design, mounting

Some fans are used for hanging curtains thin decorative pairs of small magnets. Cloth elementary way is thrown through the post, and on both sides of it, opposite to each other, "glued" magnets. This curtain can be easily removed at any time, it is running a monolayer or bilayer.
As a decorative, functional fittings are used clips, cords, rings, beads, filaments, metal, textile grabs.
Choosing draperies
Professional designers for a long time learn to skillfully laid any complexity folds "bare hands". Pre-stitched fabric, the probability of affecting the shape of assemblies is minimized. Ready "construction" looks nice, but the folds securely stowed and are not destroyed for a long time during the operation.
Feature manual design is that if the same cloth folded in different ways, it will look as if the curtain were replaced. Using a curtain tape, made from a dense, "rare" textile or mesh, considerably simplifies decoration.
Sew it to the wrong side, pulling so that the left vertical folds, hung on hooks, clips. Carried items at regular intervals. The textured, deeper folds are assumed, the longer the relative eaves, the segment of tissue is taken. If Japanese-style minimalism, which folds almost no curtain width exceeds the length of the cornice only 7-10%, in the country interiors, Scandinavian, added to 30% of the web. The luxurious styles, such as the Rococo, Baroque, Renaissance tissue requires a lot - up to 300%, compared to the size of the eaves.

Tape width is different, with its help it is easy to issue, allocate small as a single window in the cramped living room as well as a number of panoramic designs. To beautiful drape curtains are used grabs that are easy to keep the drapes from the bottom, the middle, closer to the top. Tulle placed symmetrically or asymmetrically, certain options are allocated on the center, forming a kind of "inverted dome" - if the blades more than two. If you simultaneously use two or more layers of tulle, one is left hanging loosely or tightly fitted by means of weighting, the other is fixed in different ways.
Air horizontal folds are also quite popular. They are suitable for small windows, and in the case of panoramic as well as rooms with access to the balcony. Such lifting structures prisborivayutsya on decorative hinges, various cords.
The main ways to drape tulle with his hands, using magnets:
- classic "wave" - the inner edge of the shutter collected manually formed sagging portion, whose dimensions are chosen so that came out beautifully. The most distinct looks embodiment, when the ratio of the width and height of the pleats is about 1 to 0.6. Hanging a piece of textile fixed magnet so that the wave came - usually the element is performed in the middle of the curtains, as well as in the middle of its height;
- double waves - performed about the same, but the waves made two (sometimes three). The bottom should be a little slack in the top - a half to two times more volume;
- Upholstery bottom - is used in cases where a very light curtains made of organza veil mesh. Cloth bows middle bottom, raised to the desired level, the magnets are fixed to form a W-shaped fold.

To drape "holding form", it does not form extra folds, using weights, as sewn on the bottom edge of the decorative bands, filled with lead balls.
additional decorations
Lace curtains are often decorated with a variety of decorative elements. This color or monochrome embroidery, printing, lace inserts of different materials in texture, fringe, tassels, textile or metal grabs. Often added to the tulle metallic yarn, lurex. Individual interior style allows more voluminous decor - beads, rhinestones, strands of colored beads, butterflies, dragonflies, birds on pins or clips, fabric flowers, ribbons, elements on the magnets.
Popular patterns:
- plants;
- raindrops;
- damask patterns;
- geometric patterns;
- cell and stripes;
- zebra, leopard, tiger print.

Neat, unobtrusive combination of embroidery and printing, is now also very popular.
Design Ideas tulle drapery for the hall should be selected in accordance with the existing decor of indoor as well as guided by their own preferences. Sewing tulle bought in the nearest studio or purchase in-store. Most interesting, low cost options operate independently of the pattern of the Internet, embroidering, decorating curtains by hand.