Interior design house or apartment is always given special attention. When making premises accounted for every detail: decoration materials, color accents, decorative, performance elements. An important role in the creation of a suitable environment plays furniture. With it you can easily upgrade your room, for example, to add a creative, make notes in the decoration of luxury, enough to set the table in the room of an epoxy resin.
- material Features
- Advantages and disadvantages
Best practices for working with epoxy resin
- How to choose a resin
- How to cook
- Features density
Methods for applying the epoxy resin
- Table top support surface without
- Worktop resin and various support elements
- Wooden table and filled with epoxy resin
- Table of the slab and the resin
- Table "river"
independent production technology table
- Making the support structure
- Preparation of formwork and filling
- resin filling rules
- Terms care product
- conclusion
material Features
Epoxy resin - multicomponent chemical. These oligomers, which contain epoxy groups, when mixed with the hardener constitute crosslinked polymers. In pure form it looks like a transparent liquid. It has many shades - from white to red wine. It was first developed in the French chemist Pierre Castaño in 1936, and in 1938 he filed a first application for a patent.
In a short time, the material became popular. It began to be applied in the industry: the aircraft industry, automotive engineering, construction, production of electronics, electrical engineering, in other industries, up to the space. In everyday life, the raw material used for a variety of purposes, from it made crafts, jewelry, used for the manufacture and repair of furniture.
One of the main features of the matter is that it is not used in its pure form. Its properties are shown after compound with a hardener, which depend on the type characteristics such as strength, density, stiffness, elasticity. Mixing of the components is performed at room temperature, proportions depend on the manufacturer, usually specified in the instructions for use.
Cured resin is considered to be harmless, but in the liquid state can cause serious harm to health, cause severe respiratory, skin burns. When working with raw materials should be used with personal protective equipment: gloves, masks, goggles, a paint overalls.

Advantages and disadvantages
Table epoxy impresses with its original and exquisite views. The finished product is obtained by applying a synthetic material to a wooden base. The demand for the material in the manufacture of furniture is due to not only its aesthetic, but also practical properties. Among the main advantages of the lunch, the coffee table can be identified:
- long service life;
- resistance to mechanical damage;
- good wear resistance;
- moisture resistance;
- high strength;
- exclusivity of each individual subject;
- when using different dyes can be prepared any connotation;
- the possibility to use different materials for decoration.
The disadvantages of furniture products include:
- the cost of copyright works is quite high;
- increased demands on the production technology, a small error causes irreparable defects;
- when in contact with flames emit harmful substances.
To prevent the production of toxins, kitchen table cover should further lacquer layer.

Best practices for working with epoxy resin
Working with just enough material. You do not need special skills, the availability of professional tools. The main requirement - compliance technology. However, to avoid common mistakes, should heed the advice and recommendations of experts:
- Strict compliance with safety regulations.
- Mandatory use of personal protective equipment.
- If liquid substances on the skin, the affected area of the body is rubbed with alcohol immediately wash out hands.
- If epoxy accidentally gets into your eyes, mucous sites, you must seek help from the medical establishment.
- The surface on which you are working, it is recommended to lay a polyethylene film. Plain paper will not protect the base from the negative effects.
- It is not necessary to work in a high humidity and air temperature of less than +22 ° C, in which case hardening will take place slowly.
- Unacceptable ingress of moisture, as in the individual components and the mixture.
- To the solidified resin is not turned yellow with time under the influence of sunlight, can buy a substance which includes a UV filter.
- It should be remembered, that under the influence of low temperatures solidified material exfoliates.
- At non-uniform mixing on the finished product after drying may appear stains, uncured place.
- If the alignment layer mixture remained bubbles, the surface should be slightly warm hairdryer construction, without stopping for a long time in one place.
See also:Rocking chair with his hands

How to choose a resin
To operate using different types of epoxy. The choice of a particular brand is dependent on many factors. First of all, it takes into account the budget allocated for this purpose. It is also important parameters such as transparency, during solidification. Depending on the type of the table, its thickness, the presence of decorative elements selected specific composition. Consider a few common options:
- ED-20. The only advantage - low cost. Skilled craftsmen do not recommend its use for the production of furniture. It has a higher viscosity after solidification on the surface noticeable air bubbles eventually lost transparent appearance, yellowing substance.
- EpoksiMaster. The composition has a low viscosity. Allows working with large objects, fill one layer thickness of 5 cm. This species has a good fluidity, self-leveling, penetrating into inaccessible places.
- QTP-1130. Transparent material, which is suitable for the manufacture of writing, a coffee table, if the casting thickness of less than 3 mm.
- PEO - 610KE. Under the influence of sunlight and heat does not lose its transparency.
- Art-Eco. Manufacturers produce a wide range of different colors. Fill produce only thin layers. However, the light may appear yellowish.
- CHS Epoxy 520. One of the most popular types used in the manufacture of tables. It allows fill decorative elements such as coin jams, herbarium.

How to cook
The epoxy resin can be made not only coffee or desk, but the kitchen countertops, bar, chair, stool, and other items of furniture set. Determine the type of future products, selecting the right brand of chemical, the novice master is always the question of how to make the solution with their own hands.
Generally epoxy sold together with a hardener, which triggers a chemical reaction. These two components must be mixed in the correct proportions. Each manufacturer parameters vary, so before beginning work, read the instructions, to perform all acts strictly according to it.
To mix the components required two measuring tanks. You must first measure resin. If color is used, it must be added and thoroughly mixed before entering the curing agent, previously heated to a temperature of + 30-35 ° C, but no more so as not to spoil the mixture.
The prepared composition is introduced hardener in a ratio that is specified by the manufacturer. The material obtained is slowly and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass. If there are bubbles gently blow their building hairdryer. It is worth remembering that the finished mix has a limited working life to fill.

Features density
One of the important characteristics of a material is its viscosity. Consistency influences the final result. The choice of thickness depends on many parameters, such as used by the decor, the kind of work performed. For some purposes selected liquid formulations, for others - viscous. There are several states of matter, each of which is used for different purposes:
- Liquid. Finished weight easily flows from the wand. The resin flows well, it gets into all the hard to reach places, fills all the hollows, recesses, corners, impregnates the wood.
- Semi-liquid. Consistency more dense and viscous. Is used to fill the round table tops, you can create the decor, if necessary.
- Thick. Such a mixture is not suitable for potting. It is used for the restoration work to repair the vertical surfaces as an adhesive.
Some craftsmen, trying to save money, to increase the yield using chemical additives. For example, when added in a usual solvent mixture for varnishes in the amount of 5% of the total mass flow is increased by 60%, but the strength of the composition thus reduced by 35%.
A safer way to reduce the viscosity - heating components. The components separately heated at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C. In some cases, on the contrary, it is necessary to make the substance more viscous. For this purpose, special powder fillers, such as wood flour.

Methods for applying the epoxy resin
The material has unique characteristics, and finished products receive exclusive, impeccable. The substance can create objects of virtually any shape. Covering well captures the decorative elements: cork, coins, shells, stones. When using various attachments artisans create volumetric surface.

Apply epoxy table at manufacture can be either as a restorative material, either as a primary or component in the manufacture of a new product. In a second embodiment, there are three main types of furniture:
- Epoxy resin. Made of pure composition by filling in the form. May include decorative ornaments.
- Tree and its derivatives coated with the mixture. In this case, the chemical is used as a protective layer.
- Combined. Wooden pieces alternated with portions of molten resin.
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Table top support surface without
The design has no basis, it is completely poured epoxy resin. Characterized by a unique, spectacular view. Can be completely transparent, has an interesting color, include the decorative elements. shape of the object depends on the experience and imagination of the master. The finished product is often decorated with LED, neon lights.
Even when independent manufacturing countertop get quite expensive. To fill its need to build formwork, which will give the resin-conceived shape of the object. To do this, use glass, which is very carefully cleaned and degreased. When assembling formwork focuses on joints, cracks and other defects.

Calc'd mold volume, proceed to calculate the amount of substance required for operation. Based on the obtained, preparing a mixture of these. Before filling the interior surfaces of the formwork treated release agent, which will not allow the epoxy to contact with glass. Then pour the mixture, waiting until it hardens.

Worktop resin and various support elements
Unlike the previous embodiment, the manufacture of the product filling composition is carried on a support base. It can be a standard, telescopic, decorative. In the first case the help is presented central post consists of four legs and drawer side. In the second - the table height is adjusted by means of special mechanisms. In the third - the diversified and original designs.
If the filling countertops made without the use of wood, pure epoxy, before the master raises complex issues associated with the installation of the cover on the support elements. To do this, include a special groove, which are formed during the preparation of the formwork, or make side-bar support and part of countertops, setting the stage for their upper part in the prepared pan.

After pouring the epoxy resin becomes one curing agent entire structure. However, it should be borne in mind that the EC in its pure form would not be able to withstand heavy loads. To increase the strength of the material in the glass fiber added thereto. When mounting the metal supports may be provided inside the cover the presence of the metal plates with welded pin.

Wooden table and filled with epoxy resin
Furniture made of wood itself has a very interesting and beautiful appearance, is capable of becoming any decor. But the flight design idea is limitless. The presence of the unique properties of epoxy inspires artists use in their work all the achievements of science, to create unrivaled products.
If the production of the table to add a decorative filling, you get an exclusive product. As the investments are subject to different materials: marble chips, semi-precious stones, pebbles, nimble, shells, pieces of bark beetles poedennye wood. But the masterpieces are obtained using memorabilia.

Original furniture can consist of a wide variety of attachments. It is interesting to look products with 3D images, pictures. Experienced designers do not lose sight of such a structural element as legs. If the metal support coated with paints based on polyester and epoxy resins, the wooden further decorate.

Table of the slab and the resin
In the production of unique furniture used slabs. It longitudinal saw cut, which is made from a single tree trunk. Most often, boards presented oak, elm, poplar. Such cuts can fully unleash the full potential of wood, its structure. Blanks for work can be ordered and purchased at any sawmill.
In the manufacture of furniture used are different in size and shape to cut, are a combination of both. Table top may consist of a single plate located in the center, and include two or more uniformly distributed elements. The finished product will always have the original form, as the texture and pattern, as well as fingerprints, are unique and inimitable.

Of slab produced massive tables, countertops, cabinets, bars and small coffee tables. To work with the material will need to have carpentry equipment and special skills. If not, it is best to seek professional help, which would cut off the timber to the required size.
See also:Evrochehol on the sofa and armchairs

Table "river"
In fact, this kind of the previous version. In this case, two slab is placed so that the space between them is formed, resembling in appearance the riverbed. Due to the characteristic mind, the object gets its name. However, work can also be used solid wood, various wood boards.

Between the stacked elements filled epoxy resin blue color, sometimes it is completely transparent, has a green tint. Everything depends on the intent of the author. Some artists are added to a mixture of phosphorus, so that the product is lit at night. Also used as decoration of artificial fish, driftwood and other items of interest.

independent production technology table
Work on the production of parts and raising the table starts with the selection of suitable materials. On the example of the next master class you can see how easy it is to make their own hands a small coffee table. Spending a minimum of improvised means and time, you can get a real designer furniture.

Making the support structure
One of the most important stages in the process of work. To next table was strong and stable, you need to prepare two wooden circle with different diameters - one for support and another for countertops. Their thickness should be at least 1 cm. The connecting element is a plastic tube. Also need glue epoxy to mount the rack itself resin casting, furniture rim. As a decorative filler can take any material as desired. Original and stylish by pouring a layer of metal will look beer lids.
Now you need to collect construction. Put the smaller circle on the floor, denote the center and glue tube. On the underside of the lid is also determined by the Center, we grease the adhesive mount and overlap the countertop to the upper end of the post. table surface degreased and gruntuem.

Preparation of formwork and filling
First, we do the first fitting - out with several covers on the edge of the countertop. This is necessary to accurately determine the thickness of the furniture tape. Decorative elements should sink in the epoxy resin at least half of its size. By choosing a suitable filling height, glue and tape lay-up cover pattern. This is the final layout, so you need to think carefully about the image.
The back side of each part we coat with glue and leans against the surface. Work must be very carefully, as even the slightest bruise adhesive mixture will be visible through the transparent fill layer.

resin filling rules
The final and most important stage of manufacture of a coffee table - pouring epoxy resin. The prepared composition begin to pour from the middle. He himself will be spread over the surface, lining under its own weight. If the countertop area is large, it can be a little deviate from the center to the edges.
When the epoxy resin reaches the edges of the furniture tape, it should be carefully leveled spatula. In place of any voids or irregularities add a little of the mixture. The formed bubbles pierce toothpick or eliminated by the dryer. Elaborating the solution to the desired consistency, it is possible to create various decorative elements. Of the more viscous epoxy doing drops, lens mold complementary elements. Then, the surface is covered with polyethylene, is left to dry for several hours. This will prevent the formation of defects, dust.

Terms care product
Correctly filled in with the resin on the countertop will create a perfectly flat surface. To extend the quality characteristics, it is necessary to take care of the product and to provide timely care. It is necessary to completely avoid contact with high temperature objects. You can not put on the table a hot pan, the boiled kettle. He assured weld.
can be used for cleaning soap detergents, sponges, soft cloth. Aggressive mixed with abrasive particles must be excluded. Upon contact with the surface of the turbid them lose luster.

Table epoxy decorate any interior element will make it luxury. It is not necessary to purchase a new product, with the help of the material can give a second life to old furniture. To work with the substance does not require special skills, the main thing to observe safety precautions, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer, to consider the recommendations of experts.