Projects of houses in the style of hi-tech 100 photo options and ideas

The development of technology allows you to build modern houses with high functionality. Many designers create projects of houses in the style of hi-tech, making them economical and convenient. Whatever the stylistic direction of any suburban house was built, it will be allocated concise decor, the original geometry, lots of sunshine inside.


  • Advantages and disadvantages of homes in high-tech style
  • Features and architectural differences
    • Building materials
    • Floors
    • Area
    • Roof
    • The outer finish and materials used for finishing
    • Window
    • engineering systems
    • Color spectrum
  • Hi-Tech and its stylistic direction
    • Industrial high-tech
    • Geometrical hi-tech
    • Bionic high-tech
  • Design and interior decoration at home
  • Examples of projects of houses in the style of hi-tech
  • Making the local area in the high-tech style
  • conclusion

Advantages and disadvantages of homes in high-tech style

Buildings of this type have many advantages. The basic functionality can be considered high. He is easily achieved with the help of all kinds of technical innovations. hi tech homes are equipped with special utilities, which include wind turbines, solar panels. The original system, derived outside the home, also serve a decorative function.

When planning rooms in one-story or two-story houses in the style of hi-tech in the first place is taken into account the comfort and convenience of the residents. The spacious rooms easily accommodate massive furniture, appliances, décor items. Covering materials, neutral colors do not look intrusive, it can be used to decorate all sorts of vivid details.

The situation of the housing eliminates the useless parts. Projects High-tech homes are made with strict observance of proportions. Decentralization of lighting gives the building an unusual appearance. Ergonomic house of the future has a minimum internal partitions and walls.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the high cost of construction. You have to spend money on specific interior trim, equipment, design services. Cottage with angular forms are not suited to fans of the classics. Textiles, indoor plants, the abundance of colors and decor would be inappropriate.

Modern house
Two-storey houseHouse with swimming poolBig houseHouse at sunset backgroundThe house in the style of hi-tech

Features and architectural differences

Elegant and beautiful homes are designed based on minimalism. Construction takes place on a special plan, which involves the installation of a simple flat box with a flat roof, in any order. All frame modules have a regular geometric shape, with a wide range of technical elements in the form of elevators, stairways, laundry lifts, mines and other things. The room is dominated by mostly rectangular, cubic objects or structures with glass, mirrored surfaces.

Features home
Small houseThe house in the style of hi-techThe house and its decorationCottageLarge country house

Building materials

Foundation walls may be reinforced plates, blocks of ceramic, foamed concrete. Possible brick or wood inserts. Partitions inside the building are made of plastic, glass, polycarbonate. For outdoor use finishing profiled, composite panel reinforced glass. To improve the appearance of the buildings lining made from several materials.

Small summer houses erected on frame technology. The timber can be used as the base material. The original building, in this case complement the panoramic windows on the wall. Very popular cottages blocked from ready vulture panels. Their facades are made of large slabs of foam concrete.

wood inserts
Big house in the style of hi-techWall of bricksTwo-storey houseBig house in the style of hi-techHome construction


The most common building with tech trends make one-story, but it is possible to build a two-storey and with a minimum number of rooms upstairs. Above the third floor of residential apartments is not erect. Floors, as well as number of rooms, layout, need to be discussed with the customer in the initial phase of construction at the sketch drawing.

In the style with an emphasis on high technology can be designed and built as a small one-story house on a country site and spacious cottage for public use. Often erected hotels, business centers on two floors. Original look multilevel home. When choosing the number of floors and the area for the foundation in the first place assess soil. not recommended to install high-rise buildings in the swampy area.

See also:Cottage interior - design ideas inside the house

Big house in the style of hi-tech
backlight homeHouse behind the fenceTwo-storey housestyle homeFloors


Residential modern building can have a different layout. The main objective - to demonstrate modern technology. The enclosure must be visually enhanced. All the rooms, even in a small area should be as spacious. To fill the space as much light as possible, use plastic, glass partitions instead of walls.

Limited minimalist hi-tech style is simply irreplaceable in the regeneration of small square rooms. To visually expand the interior space, use the panoramic windows. If this two-story house, "candle", you can remove the ceiling ceiling in the living room.

Large living roomThe house in the style of hi-techLarge living roomHomemakinghouse inside


Roof cottages in a modern style mostly flat. If you allow the design of the roof, it must necessarily involve. Build an open-air recreation area can, flower garden, playground. Also, this place is perfect for the installation of solar panels.

The roof does not have to perform a practical function. Glass flooring fill every room with light, it will provide a unique opportunity to observe the starry sky, without leaving the couch. This format allows you to trim to increase the practicality of the roof. It is possible to make a pent or gabled.

The roof of cottage
roofing optionwood trimwooden roofBig houseRoof of the house

The outer finish and materials used for finishing

The facades of houses high-tech features from other structures stylish large amount of glass, metal, plastic in the outer finish. A popular version of the external design - composite panels. The material can be of different color, opaque, reflective coating. Also finish external walls made from reinforced glass, a transparent or tinted.

Affordable option of finishing the external walls of an apartment house or garage provides for the use of corrugated board. For visual separation zones are used several types of material. The facades of the living room, the hall is made of plastic or glass, narrow outbuildings sheathe metal, bathroom, exterior walls bathrooms, swimming pool decorated with stone, stucco, fiber cement panels.

To finish the external walls of the ornate decorative materials are not used. Refinement underline style using chrome, a successful combination of several brilliant members.

exterior decoration
brick facadeProjects of houses in the style of hi-techCountry house furnishWhite facade in the style of hi-techFront of the house


The main distinguishing feature of high-tech homes - large panoramic windows. To reduce the thermal load they are covered with a protective film or tinted. This will help reduce the intensity of the air conditioners. Textile curtains, roller blinds, Venetian blinds in this room would be inappropriate. The frames are made of aluminum or plastic. Wood is rarely used. UV protection at lunchtime original pergolas. These awnings are especially relevant if you make a flat roof.

Type of glass and doorways size - a very important point. It must be taken into account at the stage of the construction plan. Incorrect design destroy completely stylistic harmony. Small summer houses made entirely of glass. Panoramic facades are very popular. This approach allows you to observe the life of animals and birds, to admire the beautiful scenery.

spacious room
The windows in the houseglass facadeThe windows in the househuge windows Big windows

If you decide to focus on the panoramic windows, you need to take care of the beauty of the local area.

engineering systems

New technologies allow the use of communication, minimize the financial costs for water, electricity, heating. Provide high energy efficiency solar panels, wind generators. They do not hide in the back yard, and set directly on the roof, making a part of the exterior.

Own well on the site allows you to establish a water supply system that will make the house completely autonomous, independent from the main water supply. Multistage make water filters suitable for use without boiling. All engineering systems are set to the minimum resource consumption.

Stylish house hi-tech can not be imagined "smart home" without the system. She alone will control the temperature, humidity, announce failures and breakages. Special console or smartphone program helps at a distance to put the kettle, turn off the lights, open the garage door, put the washing machine program.

See also:Materials and technologies for home decor facade

Smart home systemsWell maintained houseBig houseFront of the houseSolar panels

Color spectrum

Mainly dominated by low-key cool shades. Using bright accents are allowed, but in moderation. Primary colors - white, beige, gray, black. Very popular smooth metal surfaces, masonry, stone, wood decoration.

Often make the facade finishing monochrome. No less attractively looked several different types of materials of contrasting colors. This solution will emphasize the unimaginable residential building. Staining, stylized facades can pass with the luxury or budget materials.

Color House Decoration
Facade of the big houseMaking your homewhite facadedesign of the facadeDecorating the house

Hi-Tech and its stylistic direction

Appearance tech homes may vary. This does not affect their functionality and development of engineering systems, but, in terms of architecture, the design of the facades is expressed in different ways. Since the early 2000s, the style is not uniform and is divided into several trends. For him, there are three major modern revolution.

stylish house

Industrial high-tech

The basis is the industrial aesthetics. Direction has similarities with a loft, but is more technologically advanced. The construction of such a house will cost is not cheap. The main elements - glass, metal surfaces next to concrete walls. Also there is a plurality of steel webs, open conduit. Part of the communication objects put to the facade of the cottage.

Gas and water pipes, both inside and outside sewn in special metal boxes, reminiscent of the communications system of industrial facilities. The peculiarity of industrial high-tech - an imitation of images and metaphors of plants, factories, transport depots. Open pipes, ventilation shafts are considered analogous to the bas-reliefs and sculptures.

Industrial high-tech
HomemakingThe house in the style of hi-techFront of the housestylish houseindustrial style

Geometrical hi-tech

One of the most popular stands out particularly original. Unusual house purchase non-standard aspect ratio. The basis of the geometric hi-tech - the construction of complex structures and shapes on the basis of the classical standard elements.

Simple buildings have a cube shape with a reduced one or more parties. But most of the buildings - a complex multilevel structure of the modules, blocks in the form of various geometric shapes. Finishing cottages unusual species produce modern materials. To highlight the interesting geometric features, for exterior facades make maximum illumination.

Geometric high tech does not tolerate open communication. All water supply place, gas, electricity carefully camouflaged. The walls and roof are plain and smooth, despite the sophistication of frame systems.

Geometrical hi-tech
Facade of the house in high-tech stylegeometric facadeHouseFront of the houseinteresting facade

Bionic high-tech

Modern technologies possible fuse with nature in the construction of the house. Tech architecture should imitate the contours of natural objects. From the traditional style of the materials to build houses with rounded facades and smooth transitions between the walls and the roof. The building should be as accurate as possible harmony with the surrounding natural space.

When designing a special emphasis on environmental safety. Materials should not adversely affect human health and the environment. Often the walls and roof made of the same color for the trim materials used bright, warm tones.

This style is characterized rope structure supporting suspension elements, membrane overlap, many renewable energy sources. Such buildings are often endowed with the natural contours of the elements. Designs have similarity to mountain slopes, ocean waves drops.

Overlap in the house
Facade of the big houseHouse with a treeFacade of an apartment houseThe house in the style of hi-tech bionicBionic high-tech

Design and interior decoration at home

Due to the minimum number of barriers and partitions the interior of the high-tech home is spacious. If this is a multi-storey house, the first floor has become the most functional place. It must be equipped with the most comfortable. By finishing materials for interior strict requirements. Elements of luxury and frills are not allowed. When making the premises should be viewed simplicity and brevity:

  • Floors. Due to the abundance of free space demonstration of the sexes takes place in the smallest details. To finish using only the highest quality, expensive materials. This may be a tile, mirror laminate flooring.
  • Ceilings. Often use multi-level design with multiple lamps. Better if it will be a high-gloss finish, good light scattering. The material may be tensioned web or conventional plaster. The color of the ceiling should not stand out and be very different from a wall panel.
  • Walls. All vertical surfaces must be smooth and perfectly flat. Improve their appearance by using staining plastering. Materials used in light colors - white, flesh, gray.

See also:Finishing basement private house: design ideas

Living in the houseHome interiorVacation homeDecorating the houseDecorating the house inside

Examples of projects of houses in the style of hi-tech

Scheme of construction of houses of this type are significantly different from conventional plans. Amazing buildings look interesting and original. Universal residential buildings can be found in regions with a warm climate and the ever snow-covered areas.

One of the most striking examples of this building - a house for the pilot. It is located in the US and is designed specifically for former military. Several free modules are interconnected in three dimensions. The design symbolizes the phases of flight.

Home look more dynamic thanks to the game of contrasts. Brown panel facades made of wood or metal, very nice on the background of bright plaster. Garage can be docked to the residential building, and is located in the basement or in a separate unit.

House project
The white facade of the houseInteresting facadeBig housebacklight homeThe house in the style of hi-tech

Regardless of the type of project, area of ​​the house, all exterior surfaces must perform a certain function. The roof will be a suitable place for sunbathing, on the walls can be placed communication.

Making the local area in the high-tech style

Country high-tech house with panoramic windows in need of well-groomed and well decorated house territory. The garden should look neat and extravagant. Polished materials, strict construction lines make it possible to plot its continuation.

Making the local area with a modern twist space possible in any terrain. Receptions landscape designers will help beat any rugged terrain, crossed by valleys and hillocks.

Landscaped yardGreen bushes near the houseGrass t bushesExecution of courtHedge

Garden not divided into zones, and do not use walling. All stands and decorative elements appear as a single set in the open. there is no place for many of the usual summer resident of accessories. Spoil the whole picture colorful mixborders, beds typical, multi-level beds.

Portion of the high-tech inherent straight line, chopped form. This rule applies not only vases, garden design, but also the shape of the crown of trees and shrubs. Dimensions create a straight path, steps. Playgrounds and lawns should be perfectly smooth.

Essential clearance portion of hi-tech or modern apart greenery - industrial raw materials (polished concrete, steel, aluminum). Often use the stone, but only polished to a shine, glazed ceramics.

Fences within the section are permissible if a large area there is a need zoning. For this purpose, suitable hedge. External fences are made of pipes, sheeting, mesh designs with decorative filler.

house territory
Area in front of the houseThe pool and front lawnportion Registrationgreen lawncourtyard


Most private houses in a straight style tech have a classic shape. Allocate their unusual proportions abundance of space, light, no useless ornamental elements. At the stage of the project should be carefully thought out every detail. To the future place of residence was comfortable, it needs to attract qualified professionals - builders a turnkey, engineering, landscape and interior designers.