- Types of shirts and their common problems
- General rules for washing shirts
- Washing a shirt by hand
- Washing a shirt in the machine
- How to wash a white shirt?
- How to wash linen shirts?
Shirt is both festive and casual clothing for men. In a clean and perfectly ironed shirt, a man feels confident and solid, so it is so important to know what should be the proper washing of shirts, so they do not lose their attractiveness.
to content ↑Types of shirts and their common problems
Men's shirts are made of different materials:
- The most common of these is cotton. The shirts of light, environmentally friendly material are preferred by lovers of natural fabrics.
Important! Flax is a natural fiber, but the surface of such a material is coarser. Therefore, the washing of shirts of this type should be done in such a way as to slightly soften the cloth, but do this without damaging the structure of the fabric.
- Many men prefer shirts of mixed fabric type. Very popular are shirts made of cotton and viscose. Such shirts are very easy to wash, iron, serve for a long time.
- Very light and elegant shirts made of silk and satin, they are almost insignificant for the body.
Despite the variety, all shirts have one common problem areas:
- Collar.
- Cuffs.
- Armpits.
Important! The collar and cuffs are very quickly contaminated due to dust, exhaust gases, other particles in the air. In addition, in the process of active movement, excitement, men sweat, as a result - traces in the underarms, which subsequently coarsen, change the color of clothes .
Wiping problem areas is not so easy, because in the process of friction, cracks, scrapes, and impurities are formed, which sometimes remain. That's why you need to approach the washing of shirts responsibly, with skill.
to the contents ↑General rules for washing shirts
The durability of the appearance of the shirt is affected by some nuances that need to be taken into account, namely:
- Before you start washing a new shirt, look into the label with the marked signs. They will inform you about the temperature of washing, drying, ironing, as well as the composition of the garment material.
- Change shirts daily, wash frequently, so that sweat and dirt spots do not become entangled in the fabric structure.
- Determine whether it is possible to wash shirts in a washing machine, simply. To do this, consider the material features and recommended ways of handling a particular fabric.
- Washing should be preceded by the preparatory stage, namely:
- All the items are sorted according to the color scheme and type of fabric.
- Look carefully at the labels on the clothes. Sometimes the same tissue requires different care, depending on the composition of the additional fibers.
- Check clothing for stubborn stains. Put off the problem things separately. For them, prepare a stain remover or bleach.
- If you plan to still wash the shirts in the washing machine, then button all the buttons on the garments, remove the cufflinks and check the pockets for small items.
- Treat impurities on the cuffs and collar with special tools.
- To improve the quality of washing, soak the product in a soapy solution for half an hour. Use laundry soap and powder, designed for washing products of this type of fabric. When soaking rub with a brush, the problem areas are to wash the product in a gentle mode.
Important! If at hand there is no special means for removing stains, soak the product in a solution of powder, a spoonful of soda and a few drops of ammonia.
Consider how to properly wash a white shirt and any other color manually and using a machine-machine.
to the table of contents ↑Hand wash of the shirt
When working with delicate fabrics, it is better to act manually, as this is the safest and most gentle washing method.
Proceed as follows:
- Type in a basin of warm water.
- Add detergent: powder or gel.
- Pry the detergent solution well.
- Soak the product in the basin for half an hour.
- Problem areas treat with soap. You can use for this purpose a brush with a soft short pile, but without fanaticism.
- Stretch the shirt with your hands.
- Rinse thoroughly in cold water.
- Without twisting, hang the shirt on the hangers to water the glass.
- Dry outdoors: on the street or on the balcony.
Important! If you want to wash a white shirt:
- Add a little bleach to the cleaning solution. This tool will help get rid of the gray tinge that has appeared from long-lasting socks.
- A good effect will also be obtained by traditional starching, after which the fabric is covered with a protective layer and looks fresh and spotless white.
Shirt washing in the
- machine Before shipment to the washing machine, take care of the safety of both the machine and the shirts:
- Fasten the shirt cuffs and all other buttons.
- Check the pockets.
- Check the machine for the presence of dirty colored things in its bowels, because one small but very unsuitable thing can ruin the entire washing process.
- Cuffs on the sleeves and collar of the shirt soap with laundry soap and leave for a while.
- Prepare to wash the shirt, put them in the drum, adding half of the detergent.
- Add the rest of the detergent by mixing it with softening additives.
- Select the appropriate mode. It is better to choose a gentle mode, for which a low temperature of heating and a lower speed of rotation is provided.
- Start the washing process, and additionally activate the "No spin" function.
- After washing, hang the shirt in fresh air, having previously hung it on the hangers.
Important! Silk and satin products generally do not tolerate wringing, so, a delicate shirt first wrap in a terry towel to get rid of excess moisture, and then hang.
Useful advices
In order to clean and clean the shirt in the automatic machine, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations on the label, and additionally take into account the following points:
- The water temperature in any case should not exceed 40 degrees.
- Use manual or delicate mode, even if the clothing manufacturer does not require it.
- The spinning and drying must be switched off, and the moisture residues must be removed manually.
- Dry product in a natural environment, away from heaters.
- To quickly get rid of persistent stains on problem areas( cuffs and collar), use the following tools:
- Professional medications such as "Vanish".
- Household soap.
- Talcum - for white fabric. Moisten the problem area and sprinkle it with talc. Gently wipe the area until dirt is removed.
- Hydrogen peroxide + soap. Grate 4 tablespoons of laundry soap, dilute it with water and add 2 tablespoons.spoons of 3% peroxide. Rub the problem areas. In half an hour, wash your shirt.
- For the fading areas of the shirt, treat before soaking with the following composition: 1 tbsp.spoon of salt, 4 tbsp.tablespoons of water, 4 tbsp.spoons of ammonia.
Important! Wiping spots from problem areas, use a dense lining, for example, a glass jar. In this case, matter will not be deformed and stretched during processing.
to the contents ↑How to wash a white shirt?
White shirt or blouse - a very beautiful thing, elegant and stylish, but, unfortunately, not practical. Even with a gentle toe, over time, the white shirt gets a greyish shade, and the collar and cuffs seem worn, they are stained.
To ensure that the white shirt always has an impeccable look, follow these tips and recommendations:
- Wash the white shirt daily. For daily care there will be enough quick wash mode.
- If the shirt has lost its whiteness, then add the bleach to the powder during washing.
- If soft bleaches are no longer able to cope with a gray tint, soak the product in a solution of a special bleaching agent. In order not to spoil the tissue, dilute the remedy strictly according to the instructions and clearly adhere to the time for soaking.
- Wash white products at a temperature of 40-60 degrees.
- If there are stains on the white shirt, use a stain remover - in the form of a spray, paste or liquid. Apply the product to the contamination and leave it for the time specified in the instructions. After handling the stain, thoroughly wash the product and rinse. Otherwise, instead of a stain from food or drink, there will be a trace from the stain remover.
- If even pre-soaking before washing does not help whiten the problem areas: collars and cuffs, then use hand wash to solve the problem:
- Soak the shirt for 1.5-2 hours in warm water with soapy water.
- Thoroughly soap the problem areas with soap.
- Leave the shirt for 15-20 minutes.
- Wipe all contaminated areas with your hands.
- If it does not help, then soap and rub with a soft brush.
- Repeat the procedure several times.
- Wash the shirt in the typewriter.
How to wash linen shirts?
To properly wash the linen shirt, first of all, you need to determine the detergent:
- The linen fabric can be washed in a conventional powder.
- The colored linen is wiped using a thin cloth.
- If there are any stains or the fabric is yellow, then a bit of bleach, but not chlorine, needs to be added to the powder, since it is forbidden.
Important! Linen fabrics are able to shrink after washing, so to avoid such a problem, choose the product only of a quality manufacturer. Such clothing is made of longer fibers, has strong plexus and a flat surface, deep color. A quality shirt will last you for many years, in addition, most of the products, before selling, are specially processed to exclude the possibility of shrinkage.
- Do not unscrew the linen shirts. Straighten their hands and smooth them, giving the necessary shape.
- Drying is very dangerous for flax. Watch this, otherwise the tissue will lose its natural moisture, become fragile and break.
Many people prefer not to complicate life with cares and use the services of the nearest laundry or dry cleaning. However, systematic chemical cleaning or washing of shirts causes irreparable harm to the fabric of the product. Therefore, if you want to keep your favorite shirt as long as possible, then master the simple principles and rules of washing at home, described in the article. In a clean and impeccable shirt you will be simply irresistible - someone who knows how to properly care for shirts, will keep in perfect condition any things.