Table with glass top with their hands: step by step guide

Glass products have always had a special refinement, beauty, refresh any interior brilliance and ease. Glass table with a properly chosen podstolya has weightlessness, this is especially important in small rooms. However, the high price of glass furniture is often stops the user from its acquisition. We can solve this problem by making a glass table with his hands. Approaching the process with care and responsibility, strictly follow the instructions and advice of experts, the result is a beautiful and unique piece of furniture.

make a glass table with his hands

Glass products have always had a special refinement, beauty, refresh any interior brilliance and ease.


  • 1 Determine design
  • 2 Advantages, disadvantages
  • 3 Tools and materials
  • 4 Cutting and shaping
  • 5 Assembly, decoration and removal of defects
  • 6 VIDEO: Glass table with his hands.
  • 7 50 photos, design ideas glass table with his hands

Determine design

Before proceeding to the manufacturing process and the glass table to buy the necessary materials, you need to carefully think about how it should look, decide where in the room will be exactly how it will be use.

Beautiful glass coffee table

We can solve this problem by making a glass table with his hands.

On the functional characteristics, it can be:

  • coffee,
  • writing,
  • a kitchen,
  • and even a computer.
glass table

Glass table with a properly chosen podstolya has weightlessness, this is especially important in small rooms.

By design, they are divided into:

  • mobile,
  • transformers,
  • sliding,
  • with an extra shelf.
Glass tables in the living room

Before proceeding to the manufacturing process and the glass table to buy the necessary materials, you need to think carefully about how it should look.

Depending on the shape of the glass countertop, they can be:

  • rectangular and square,
  • round or oval,
  • segmental (corner)
  • custom.
Tips for operating a glass table

Choosing podstole (whether it is just the legs or the finished design with glazed surface of the glass).

Choosing podstole (whether it is just the legs or the finished design with glazed surface of glass), special attention should be paid to the interior of the room in which the table will be:

  • metal legs ideally suited to the style of high-tech;
  • wrought-iron or wooden legs in a pair of glass or refer to the classical style of a loft, while suitable for any interior color scheme;
  • if the basic idea of ​​the room is made in a minimalist style, the choice can be stopped at podstole of glass or thin metal, and the table itself is better equipped with wheels, that at any moment it can be moved to the right a place;
  • in the case of the rural interior, you can use rough wood materials (logs, untreated sticks), but it is best to look at a pair of oval or round table tops.
Kitchen glass table

Particular attention should be paid to the interior of the room in which the table will stand.

Advantages, disadvantages

Glass table has many positive qualities.

  1. High aesthetics and versatility allows the use of a piece of furniture in almost any room with different design solutions. In addition a wide range of glass products allows you to choose the perfect countertop (whether it be a simple clear glass or frosted, white or colored).
  2. Glass products environmentally friendly, does not absorb odors, grease, paint, resistant to chemicals. These characteristics are ideal for the kitchen.
  3. He is very practical: care involves conventional glass washing or wiping, even without the help of detergents.
  4. The technology used in the manufacture of glass, makes this piece of furniture is highly resistant to shock, chips, scratches, and a special film will hold all the pieces even after the break, eliminating the risk of injury.

Along with a lot of positive qualities, there are negative side of the glass countertop:

  1. Glass is not able to absorb the sound, so when in contact with other items produced a lot of noise. special supports can be used to solve this problem. But in any case it is impossible to lay a glass table, because he has completely lost its primary role - transparency and weightlessness.
  2. On glass, with its high reflectivity, seen any, even small traces and stains. To resolve this issue enough to choose the right fabric cloth for polishing and cleaning countertops, arrange a table away from the light source, or select type of glass mat.
  3. If used in the production of more affordable simple glass, there is a risk of scratching, such a surface can easily be broken.
coffee table with wooden legs

Wooden legs in a pair of glass are classic or loft style, while suitable for any interior color scheme.

Tools and materials

The main phase of training involves a choice where to make a glass table with his hands. An important role in this is not only the desired result, but also with some material easier to work with. For the novice master best suited metal chromed legs.

coffee table with metal legs

Glass products environmentally friendly, does not absorb odors, grease, paint, resistant to chemicals.

For the manufacture of glass table with his hands need:

  • conventional or special sheet of glass whose thickness is not less than 6 mm .;
  • Four legs;
  • 4 sucker for legs;
  • construction adhesive for bonding glass to metal, having transparency after drying;
  • sandpaper and paste for polishing glass;
  • vegetable oil and petrol (acetone);
  • Chipboard or plywood to ensure smooth placement of the glass sheet.
Worktop - tempered glass

He is very practical: care involves conventional glass washing or wiping, even without the help of detergents.

For work you need the following tools and materials at hand:

  • metal ruler,
  • marker or pencil,
  • glass cutter (diamond or roller),
  • goggles and gloves for protection while working,
  • rubber mallet,
  • Drill and Bulgarian,
  • file or sand bar,
  • felted circle (for polishing the edges with a paste).
convertible coffee table

These characteristics are ideal for the kitchen.

Cutting and shaping

Produce a table with a glass top with your hands is not so difficult, the main stage of this process - cutting worktops sheet glass desired shape and processing the edges.

Glass coffee table

The technology used in the manufacture of glass, makes this piece of furniture is highly resistant to shock, however.

To ensure quality result of the work sheet of glass must lie on a flat surface (chipboard, plywood), as it should be thoroughly cleaned and polished. The presence of even very small dirt particles can lead to chipping and uneven Reza.

tabletop art matting of glass

Special film will hold all the pieces even after the break, eliminating the risk of injury.

Using a pencil on the lower side of the glass must be made markings on the top line of stacked thin metal line. Using a glass cutter, you need to take into account that the roller, unlike diamond, it is necessary to press the glass stronger, brushing it with vegetable oil. For people who have a tool such as a glass cutter, not familiar, the best pre-workout on the same material to make several trial title using cheaper materials.

Coffee table in the living room

Along with a lot of positive qualities, there are negative side of the glass countertop.

From what type of glass cutter is available, different appliances with it:

  • using a diamond glass cutter, you need to make one right and sharp movement, excluding stops and repeats, without the use of special presses pressure;
  • if using the glass cutter roller, the pressure should be not less than 2 kg., can make a cut several times on the same portion of the glass, if the result is unsatisfactory previously.

Next, you need to tap the cutting line carefully with a rubber hammer and separate the cut edges of the glass. To avoid injury, all manipulations should be done with gloves.

 make a glass table

Glass is not able to absorb the sound, so when in contact with other items produced a lot of noise.

The next stage - processing the edges of the glass blank. To do this, use the first file (remove the biggest bumps), grinders and grinding skin, to protect against the ingress of dust into the glass eye wear glasses building. Incrementally necessary to clean off the sharp edges, starting with the largest, ending with the fine sandpaper. At this stage, it is possible not only to secure the edges of the glass, but also to give them the desired shape:

cut round glass on the table

But in any case it is impossible to lay a glass table, because he has completely lost its primary role - transparency and weightlessness.

Title Glass thickness (mm) kind of edge
Euro 6-19 Three straight cut in the form of a trapezoid
Pencil 6-19 smooth curve
dual stage 15 Two rounded cut of varying heights
triple cascade 19 Three rounded cut of varying heights
sdelat 'stekljannyj stol na kuhnju

On glass, with its high reflectivity, seen any, even small traces and stains.

At the end of using the paste and a felt circle glass edges polished.

The easiest way to make a rectangular or square surface. first necessary to prepare a layout for manufacturing oval or irregular glass top (curve) and for cutting out a circular table top there is a special tsirkuleobrazny glass cutter.

A beautiful dining table made of glass

To resolve this issue enough to choose the right fabric cloth for polishing countertops and cleaners.

Assembly, decoration and removal of defects

To a glass table with his hands turned out accurate and meets the basic requirements for the building process must be taken very seriously.

Do yourself a glass table

Arrange the table away from the light source, or select type of glass mat.

The finished piece is inverted and applied to the layout of places where there will be foot (7-10 cm. from the edge and about 13 cm. the angle). Next, holes are cut in the top of the legs to suction cups, adhesive is applied and fix them. Often the action of suckers enough to securely hold the countertop, but it is better to fix fixing, causing them glue.

tabletop glass on the coffee table

If used in the production of more affordable simple glass, there is a risk of scratching, such a surface can easily be broken.

To ready the table look nice, it is important to choose the right glue and do not overdo it with the quantity. After drying, it should become fully transparent and not discernible through the surface of the glass.

Once the glue is dry, glass table with his hands ready, you only need to wipe and install in the designated place for it.

Elegant coffee table with a glass surface

The presence of even very small dirt particles can lead to chipping and uneven Reza.

However, at this stage, many are thinking how to make a glass table with his hands the most unique, what methods of decoration and decoration are there?

table for the kitchen with a glass photo

Using a pencil on the lower side of the glass must be made markings on the top line of stacked thin metal line.

The easiest way to decorate the surface countertops, fixing the lower part of a special adhesive film with a variety of drawings. For creative people great solution is to use stained-glass art, which is capable of applying to the surface of the desired image using stencils and paints.

Using glue and a variety of glass and plastic stones and rhinestones, securing them to the surface, you can get bright and glamorous piece of furniture.

coffee table from the classic block on three pistons and glass

The main phase of the process - of the notch countertop glass sheet the desired shape and machining of its edges.

Very popular in any interior matte paintings on glass surface. They are applied by means of sand blasting method or etching technology. Both methods involve the use of a stencil and a matt pattern on the surface of the table top by mechanical or chemical means.

If desired, make a table with glass with his own hands with a simple transparent surface without any additional ornaments and figures, you can improve it by installing an additional shelf. The manufacturing process of such a piece of furniture similar to that described, special needs only the legs instead of the usual - with a pin on which they enter the pre-drilled hole in the glass shelf, and the intermediate washers. To secure the transparent use construction adhesive.

original glass table

For the novice master best suited metal chromed legs.

It is important to preserve the novelty of the appearance that can be difficult if the surface is glossy. During the operation on it there are small scrapes and scratches, which can be eliminated by using a paste GOI. It must be crushed and used as a polishing, smoothing out irregularities of the glass. In addition to this paste can be found polishing with diamond particles.

make a big glass table

Demonstrating imagination, this piece of furniture can be transformed into a work of art.

Adhering to the action sequences, using quality materials and taking into account technological advice, each under the power to make a glass table with his hands, and show imagination, this piece of furniture can be transformed into a work art.

The highlight of your living room - coffee table

The main phase of training involves a choice where to make a glass table with his hands.

VIDEO: Glass table with his hands.

50 photos, design ideas glass table with his hands

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