After the holidays, feasts, get-togethers with friends sometimes remains somewhat beautiful glass bottles of alcohol. They can be thrown, put on a kitchen shelf in its original form or the original issue, turning it into a work of art. Independent decor bottle cloth very simple, requires no special tools, materials there are in every home, and the result will please owners and surprise guests. Design your interior with a variety of capacities and easy.
- Why decorate bottles
- What fabric to choose for decoration
- Decoupage on fabric
- Decor bottles satin cloth
- Making lace
- decor ideas burlap, twine
- We use old jeans for decoration
- conclusion
Why decorate bottles
Decoration of glass vessels are often made in the following order:
- New Year - a bottle of champagne in the form of snowmen, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens;
- for a wedding - are stylized figurines of the bride and groom;
- gift - made in each case individually;
- interior - to decorate the premises in a certain style. Usually it is retro, romantic, sea, baroque, vintage,
- for sale - documented as the client wishes.

Often of wine, vodka, cognac bottles original form are vases, lamps, candle holders, piggy banks. In many ways, suitable for glass containers, decorate boxes, boxes, glasses, and so on.

For a birthday, anniversary, design is made in accordance with the hobbies of the birthday, his sex, age, native of professional activity.

What fabric to choose for decoration
For decoration, various kinds of textiles:
- knitting;
- Satin;
- lace;
- cotton;
- linen;
- monofilament;
- jeans;
- silk;
- dress;
- wool.

To create the decor in some strict, luxurious style is recommended to use natural leather, leatherette.

Decoupage on fabric
Decoupage - a variant of decorating pictures cut from paper, textile. Perfect for a romantic, vintage interior decoration, original gift.
To work need:
- of nylon stocking;
- PVA glue;
- a bottle of champagne or wine;
- acrylic paints;
- decoupage napkin;
- rhinestones, ribbons, beads.

How it's done:
- vessel was purified from the labels, dirt, degreased;
- stocking completely impregnated with glue, put in the bottle;
- structure should give beautiful appearance, straighten wrinkles, dry;
- stocking white acrylic primed, dried again;
- further selected napkin with a beautiful pattern, selects an appropriate fragment separated upper layer;
- Figure adhered to the bottle, is dried;
- decoration covered with colored acrylic paint, decorated with ribbons, sparkles and butterflies.
See also:Selected decor ideas from tree branches with their hands

Decor bottles satin cloth
This man-made beauty is perfect for a wedding or Gift decoration, glamorous interiors. That is one option.
For work you need:
- bottle of wine, champagne or any other;
- colored patches of satin or silk;
- tulle black having a bulk texture;
- textile flowers;
- cardboard;
- PVA glue;
- sewing threads of different colors;
- needles, pins;
- ruler, pencil;
- iron, scissors.

- for the manufacture of "turban" on top of a piece taken atlas having edge. The length selected according to the circumference of the neck - around the need to tie a bow;
- cloth folded lengthwise, carefully sew as a "sleeve", press it so that it was not visible seam, glued to the bottle;
- bow tie strip of fabric, arrange flowers, sequins, beads;
- cardboard cut a crescent, the inner part of which coincides with the diameter of the foundation - it will be the collar;
- Satin pattern collar wrapped around a cardboard base, Sew small stitches;
- put the collar on the bottle, seal the corners with each other;
- Top gate throw tulle, put around the base of beautiful folds;
- further cut strip of tissue slightly wider middle of the bottle - for the skirt;
- side portions sewn on the reverse side, upper prisborivaetsya, NIH issued ruffles.
As a gift to the wish wealth container decorated with small coins of copper or another metal.

Making lace
Lace made out of the bottle for various celebrations, retro interior or just gifts with a touch of nostalgia. Clearance can be performed in the multicolored rainbow, but monochrome compositions look best.
How to do it step by step:
- pre-washed, dry bottle coated using acrylic sponge in one or two layers;
- thick textured lace liked excised fragments;
- slices dipped in PVA glue, poured into the cup, gently squeeze, spread over the surface of the bottle;
- after drying completely stiff brush paint the entire structure, the most carefully - notches on the lace;
- excess paint soaking sponge to texture a good view;
- further applied a silver acrylic paint, and when it starts to dry out - black;
- acrylic napkins wiped all convexity with lace;
- After a napkin dipped in alcohol and rub some places where there are no laces;
- then you can use glitter - circuits with many sequins.
See also:The decor of the materials at hand - more than 25 ways to decorate the house with his own hands

Lace better use of natural materials - artificial bad fall on the glass surface.

decor ideas burlap, twine
For such a design using colored twine, hemp rope, colored threads, laces, etc.. Bottle wrapped in textile or cord, braided or strapped thread.
For decorating with burlap or other similar tissue taken right vessel, most often symmetrical. Textile adhesive adheres point drops to the bottom, the surface of different places, lying neat folds. Neck tightly tied with a cord, decorated with a bow. In the presence of caps, it also adheres burlap. The jewel sewn decorative buttons made of wood, plastic, metal, process embroidery.

When making a string, the entire surface is degreased, greased with glue. Cord turn after turn fits around the bottle, each new layer closely adjacent to the previous one, the tip of the thread is hidden under the last coil. You can use multiple colors, alternating them in the form of strips.
Simple glass container, a transparent, dyed paint, painted zadekorirovat may entwine in the art macrame or banded, crocheting. In this embodiment the bottle sometimes pasted over photographs printed on thin paper - they will be visible in vyvyazyvayut "windows". Knitted or woven fabric pulled tight or glued to the substrate.

To create an original decoration on a thread strung beads, beads, rings, coins or stones with holes, buttons, or even pasta with holes.

We use old jeans for decoration
The finished product looks as if it is completely covered with denim patches. Such a vessel is suitable as a youth a birthday, graduation, as well as a decorative element in the Provence style, country, rustic.
What you need to work:
- transparent or colored bottles, it is desirable to correct form;
- Denim calico or flaps;
- clear nail polish;
- the contour on the glass;
- PVA adhesive or any suitable textile;
- brush.
See also:Decorative pillows with their hands - how to create and ideas

Process D:
- container is cleaned of contaminants and labels;
- cut into small patches of any shape, their edges are lubricated varnish to prevent obsypaniya;
- patches randomly glued to the substrate, dried two or three hours;
- contour drawn "stitches" on the edges of the fabric, as well as any patterns between them.

There is another option - a bottle-keg. It will be an original supplement sea or cowboy decor. It requires thick bottle as in pirate films, about ten wooden pegs or sticks 14-18 from ice cream, nut stain.
What do we have to do:
- denim cut into long strips, the width of two or three centimeters;
- separated by clothespins metal pieces to get planochki;
- clothespins halves are glued to the bottle, covered with stain - it goes something resembling a barrel;
- of denim strips are twisted braids, the design of wound under and over the pegs;
- on top of the wooden sticks planochki similarity denim roses of harnesses, metal rivets, a coin;
- cap and glued jeans with a rose on the neck tied a bow, a chain with a key.

The easiest gift option decorations - packaging with a pocket. From denim trouser legs cut off a piece of a little less than the height of the bottle, in his mid-sewn jeans pocket. Bedplate sutured, resulting in the bag container is placed. The neck is wound a cord or ribbon on top of the fabric. In his pocket, according to the present purpose, embedded card, chocolate, cigarette lighter.

Decorating full or empty glass containers with the help of textiles, with their hands in the home - a very interesting, exciting experience. This masterpiece is created from materials at hand - the remnants of thread, lace, lace fabric. You can also decorate the glass jars and other vessels, and new turn-based workshops appear almost daily on the Internet, as well as on the pages of various magazines.