Beautiful decor windows is important in any environment. Standard curtains or fabric blinds can be purchased at any textile product. But much nicer to create their own unique design, ideally suited to the room environment. It's enough to choose the right material and the right to study the master class - how to sew curtains with his hands. Most of the technologies easily overpower any hostess.
A huge range of curtain divided by only a few basic types, different subtleties of design. Having mastered the basic rules of tailoring, you can create original curtains for living room, bedroom, children's room. Even a simple curtain created by the pattern of its own, is capable of creating a cozy atmosphere, fill the room with warmth.
- Materials and tools for sewing curtains with his hands
Ideas for self-sew curtains
- With lambrequins
- The Roman-style
- The English style
- In the classic style
- French curtains
The choice of fabrics and consumption - what to consider when buying
- Proper collection of measurements
- Tulle in a roll
- Fabric for curtains in a roll
- drawing direction in a roll
- Tissue Preparation and cutting
- Types of fabric seams and hem
- Ways of webs
- Pulling and weighting of the edges
- Step by step wizard-class sewing curtains on loops
- Master class sewing curtains with ribbon
- Ideas and materials for tiebacks
- The choice of the cornice
- Mounting options curtains
- conclusion
Materials and tools for sewing curtains with his hands
Prepare the necessary tools and materials for sewing enthusiasts will not be difficult. He's just there on your desktop. Craftswomen, making the first steps, wanting to learn interesting lessons need to stock up on some items for easy sewing. It will have the following tools:
- Rulers. Conveniently work with several measuring elements (20 cm, 50 cm and 1 m). It is better to choose a transparent or metal ruler with clear divisions, as may be necessary to measure the cloth with millimeter precision.
- Leka. Curved tools required for the proper tracing rounded, oblique sections. You can purchase a set of patterns, or work with a universal version (only suitable for experienced seamstresses).
- Chalk or a piece of soap. Used for building patterns. You need to stock up on colorful sharpened pieces.
- Tape measure. Need for removal of measures. It is better to choose the material with double-sided layout. The origin of both sides should go from zero.
- Scissors. It requires special-purpose tools - for cutting out tissue. Lower blade should not raise tissue. It is also useful to small, sharp scissors for cutting threads, training patterns.
- Pins. Used to pre-bonding parts. Better to choose a pin with bright large heads, which will be easily visible on any fabric.
- Sewing needle for manual work. Each needle in the kit has its own number, according to the size, and is designed to work with a specific type of tissue. Small used for hand joints, large - for basting.
- Machine needle. The thickness, shape of the tip is selected depending on the tissue density. Rounded bottom designed for knitwear, jersey, gabled work with teak, brocade, velvet.
- Thread. It takes several forms - one skein in the product tone for joints, the second - for overcasting, bright color.
- Seam ripper. Useful for teething loops, ripping failed seams.
- Thimble. Requires novice seamstresses to safely push the needle into the thick matter, especially when working with thick fabric.
- Sewing machine. This can be a regular old appliance or a new machine, equipped with many useful devices. The main thing is she without zazhevyvaniya thread is at least one kind of line.

Ideas for self-sew curtains
Having decided on their own to sew curtains, it is necessary to define the design and to create a miniature model. From the purpose of the product will depend on the type of model. It can be functional neat curtains or decorative curtains. It is important to foresee all the nuances - take your measurements with a window, identify the most suitable level of occurrence of the opening. sewing ideas you can draw from the history of modern magazines. Independent production model requires the implementation of any ideas.

With lambrequins
Complex multi-layered structure on the windows will look elegant, can change them beyond recognition. Curtains with lambrequins suitable for any room. Decorative textile element completely hides ledge and all fastening systems, gives a festive finished appearance.

There are several varieties swags, wherein sewing complexity. Select the appropriate model should be based on the overall style of the room. The product must be in harmony in form, design, material to the rest of textiles. Classic simple bellows is assembled tissue segment draped portiere tape. Soft pelmets and tie, dezhabo suitable for the living room and the bedroom, you can create a fantasy image. Hard window products give grandeur and spaciousness. This may be Bando, openwork elements on thick lining.

The Roman-style
Used for sewing fabric noble species - satin, voile, jacquard. They may have any texture, or be self-colored with a large geometric pattern. To Roman shades had an attractive appearance in any condition to do it it is necessary from nemnuschegosya material.
Make such curtains can be for a tiny window of a small section of tissue. The product may be solid or consist of several pieces. It organically blends with any interior kitchen, bathroom, library. Practical roman blinds take up little space, allow the use of the sill to the full. Independent sewing is very economical.
See also:Purple curtains in the interior: a combination of ideas and

The denser, harder is the fabric, the better will be to keep the shape of the curtains sewn in the Roman style.

The English style
For tailoring require dense material with a suitable style for print. Basis British curtains - long straight blade with different geometric patterns. Original and simple decor for windows has a manual or automatic lifting mechanism. Movement webs provide nylon cords Threaded on a special belt through the ring. By pulling the rope fabric is folded and forms a soft garland.

The best material for English curtains - linen, voile, reps, Chenille. The fabric must be dry, moderately rigid and opaque. Any suitable shades with classical London decor (in a cage strip). A win-win - pattern coincidence finished walls.

In the classic style
The simplest option would be the presence of the cornice of two identical panels. It is always elegant, beautiful, dignified. Diversify the classics, you can use the bindings. Absolutely differently will look curtains on loops, drawstring, eyelets, drawstring casing. To decorate the top of the pelmet can be used. Modern classical models may vary in shape, style, color. Unite them the following factors:
- When sewing should comply with the established rules, the same for all models;
- They are always broad and pompous, no simple and minimalist;
- Only multi-layer structure;
- Used draped, dense fabric;
- The maximum number of decorative elements (beads, bulk embroidery).

French curtains
The peculiarity of curtains - for air draperies. The collected material as an accordion, the entire length of fancy forms a narrow band with lowered down pattern. To create products required delicate, stretch fabric - organza, tulle, voile, satin. The material must be pliable. From its characteristics will depend on the shape, the appearance of draperies. Lush will build on the easy and hard tissue. Smooth waves provide a soft fabric with a dense texture.
Decorative pompous "Marquise" have cascaded hoist. They can be hung as a special profile and a regular cornice in the hall. Sew them will be difficult, because the need to make the vertical section. In contrast to the classical models, "Marquise" are going up, not parted to the side. Their number is chosen individually, depending on the window size, personal preferences.

French curtains perfectly with lambrequins, heavy drapes and other window textiles. A large number of lush folds enliven even the smallest window.

The choice of fabrics and consumption - what to consider when buying
To choose the right material for curtains, you should define the basic criteria to be met. Be sure to take into account the purpose of the room, ceiling height and size of windows, interior style, whether the product functional or decorative. Each individual model requires a different amount of fabric, so before you buy cloth for sewing, it is necessary to carefully evaluate its consumption.

Proper collection of measurements
Since every product made with his own hands, unique, there is no single formula for cutting. Calculating the amount of tissue should be carried out for each of the textile element. The main parameters that require special attention - web width, the direction of the drawing. When choosing fabrics must take into account the type, possible shrinkage. If the curtain is a drapery, consider the following assembly factor. It is possible to determine by multiplying the width of the web at a value corresponding to the type of fabric - drape - 1,7, smooth tulle - 3, patterned - 2.
Making measurements for future curtains needed from the unit built already cornice. Only in this case it is possible to obtain precise figures. To calculate the height, it is necessary to measure the distance from the fixing element to the floor. Curtain width will be equal to the distance between the outer hooks.

Tulle in a roll
Most fabrics are sold by the cutting of the whole roll. The width of the coil may vary. Tulle for it starts from 2.8 m. In order not to miscalculate the size and buy the right piece, it is necessary to make measurements at home. Proper tissue consumption will help to define the following parameters:
- The width of the cornice. When using a tape measure to measure the functional need to guide the strip along which will move the hook.
- Height. Is determined by measuring the distance from the fastener to the desired length (in the floor, 2 cm to the floor with an overlap of 10 cm).
- Filling tulle. The smallest recommended content of 1: 1.5. For example, 3 meters width 4.5 meters of fabric needed.
- The presence of the assembly. Blind will gather thread, pull out of the braid, creating interesting patterns. The fabric should be wider cornice at least 2.5 times.
- Fold. Full fold is carried out only in a three-filling.
- Density. The denser the tissue, the less it needs filling.
- Picture. For a large number of drawings require less fabric. The fine print will stand out well in the frequent folds.

Fabric for curtains in a roll
Curtain fabrics differ not only by the density, texture, the presence of the figure, but wide. You can buy cloth 1.4 m, 2.8 m, 3 m. A variety of options allows you to sew the curtains of any model, resorting to minimal manipulation. Very convenient and easy to work with the material from the 2.8-meter-wide, especially if the direction of drawing goes from edge to edge. To calculate the required size can be achieved by multiplication by a coefficient assembly (for curtains - 1.7).
See also:Decorative curtains on the door
If the patterns are arranged along the edges, and the width of the available skein of 1.4 meters, the determination of the sizes will be different scheme. It will be recorded matter loss in crosslinking, the combination pattern. Fabrics need more to one report.

drawing direction in a roll
On the majority of the factory roll roofing pattern is perpendicular. This makes it possible to sew the curtains of any width, but limited height. To create the long product to the floor will need more fabric as it is necessary to combine the drawing. Also taken into account allowances for overlap.
If necessary a narrow curtain, and 2.8 meters in width, should choose a material having patterned along the direction of the fabric. This will significantly simplify the work and reduce material costs. Drawing such matters is always regular. During their processing step should take into account its recurrence. For example, when sewing curtains classical pattern should align it at the intersection occurring halves. In the calculations take into account the need to reserve equal to one flight of drawing.

Tissue Preparation and cutting
Preparing instruments to determine the type of curtains, choosing the fabric, you can start working. The process starts with a sketch, in which will be cutting. After you need to explore the web for defects, carry out preparatory work prior to the pattern.
Most tissues other than the pile, need special treatment. To do this, they dekatiruyut, ie moistened with steam or hot water, to further textile returned no shrinkage. Colored, multicolored embodiments the presence of patterns and patterns should be checked for dye stability, wet pet them through cheesecloth.
Cotton and linen cloth wetted in hot water, squeezed out, but do not remove, are hung exactly to incomplete drying. Then c / b is ironed from the wrong side. Wool, and mixed with different fibers, evenly spread on the sheet slightly moistened, the two layers are rolled into a roll, the coating film is left for a few hours. After the workpiece slightly dried and ironed.
The type of curtains selected model will depend on cutting. Initially textiles folded in half inside out, placed on a flat surface. On top of it laid out templates that are attached to the web by means of pins. The contours of the patterns contours chalk mark all reference points, after which the carton blanks are removed, proceed to cutting out parts.

Types of fabric seams and hem
A variation of a weld is applied depending on the type of fabric, lining fabric is stitched inside out, skills and preferences wizard performing the operations. There are two main types:
- Hand-stitch: stitch "back needle", "goat", French, podshivnoy, obmetochny, dotted, Basting, a secret.
- Automatic seam: connecting (stachnoy, invoice zaposhivochny); tiles (stachnoy, invoice obtachnoy); edge, narrow edge (zigzag, Moscow, in the hem).
Window blinds Production end edge bend, and processing is performed angles, giving the finished product a finished appearance. In this case, the corners are cut off before the start-up folder, the height of which depends on the density of the fabric and its size. Bend textiles in several ways:
- Single. The best option for solid matter.
- Double. The method is applicable to thin subspecies textiles.
- Bastard. The method used to hide the cut edges to the average density of the web.

Ways of webs
There are occasions when it is necessary to sew together several pieces of the same material, to combine different in appearance, color, density and texture of the fabric. This article will give a certain style. Connection options are many segments, among the main are:
- vertical;
- horizontal;
- double;
- short curtains over long;
- with edging around the perimeter;
- with a corset.
Depending on the kind of the compound selected the method by which it is possible to stitch together multiple pieces of matter. Two main methods of bonding can be identified:
- Using a triple seam. To do this, connect the two parts the wrong side. Stepping back 5 mm from the edge, made a line. The remaining small allowance of two pieces to fold the seam is ironed, and then do another line along the edge. The resulting iron smoothed edge in one side, and then sew on its edge to the web.
- ribbon decoration. Performs all the same steps as in the first embodiment, only the front side, after which the edge is hidden under the decorative tape.

Pulling and weighting of the edges
To make the curtains form using weighting. The most common species are the cords and plates. The first is used for light, thin fabrics, the second is used to heavy curtains had the best view. Any models of different goods can be purchased in specialized outlets, to make their own hands.
Among the options purchased are: elongated, rounded weights with holes, slats and strips, cords. Homemade may be made of any improvised means, such as old coins, any flat metallic elements and circuits clad textiles, wooden slats, steel pins, pieces of thick wire.
Secure the weights in several ways:
- sew rail to the lower hem;
- sew on the side of the cargo;
- sew on fabric bulk embroidery, fringe, lace;
- heavy drapes to make a few branches (pockets);
- Light material is enough to surround the bottom bend.
See also:Turquoise curtains in the interior: the kinds of fabrics, color combinations

Step by step wizard-class sewing curtains on loops
A simple model on its hinges - the best option for beginners. With proper selection of the material it will look better than complex designs. In carrying out step by step the following steps, you can make your own hands the original curtain for standard windows in the house, which will not reach the floor. This will help the next master class:
- In the first stage of finished fabrics. Matter 150 x 280 cm is necessary to iron and put on a flat surface. With the help of a centimeter mark the middle and draw a longitudinal line. Cut the fabric into two parts.
- Now mark the desired allowances. It is better if they would be two. This will provide confidence that the fabric during operation does not ruffle. Buckle curtains on the markup and hemming.
- You can move on to making loops. Draw a rectangle on the fabric of 12 x 15 cm, folded in half and make the hem. Loop gain width of 7 cm. Thus harvests elements 17 and stitched by the edge. Gut-wrenching loops on the front side, otutyuzhivaem.
- Place the loop on the canvas cuts up temporarily fix pins. On top of them are putting stripes and stitched by. Unbent strip of fabric inside out and tack.

Master class sewing curtains with ribbon
The model is designed specifically for draperies, fastened to curtain hooks. Decorative simple construction is ensured by selecting tissue coloring, drawing and accessories. Make fast the original curtain with a ribbon by following detailed step by step instructions of the master class:
- We cut out a prepared canvas size into two parts.
- Treat the edges to matter does not crumble.
- Spread the fabric wrong side up. We are putting a tape to the upper edge and folded the 3 cm.
- Fall back 0.5 cm from the fold line and making, on the upper and lower parts separately.
- Tuck lateral edge of the fabric 2 cm, stitched by, the braid is passed.
- Tighten the cords forming the entire length of uniform folds.
- Hang items on the ledge and collect without tension in the center of each curtain tape

Ideas and materials for tiebacks
The fine thing capable of giving any interior originality. Holders will enliven any curtains, even served for many years. No need to go to the store in search of useful accessories, it can easily do yourself. In the course, you can put absolutely any items lying around in a drawer or on the balcony. Beautifully will look the following products:
- Holders of textiles suitable for kitchen curtains. You can use the ribbon, decorated with beads, buttons, flowers.
- Curtains in the nursery will be decorated stuffed toys. Can be hung on a tight rope several toys or use a separate bunnies, bears with elastic legs connected.
- For light fabrics in the bedroom suit grabs on magnets. They can decorate beads, paper, fabric flowers.
- Tulle in the living room come alive Holders of wooden rings, textile brushes, plastic pins, various wire structure.

The choice of the cornice
Unique shade created by the hands, deserves only the best to hang cornice. He should be in harmony with textiles, to emphasize originality and enhance the visual effect. This should be a reliable and practical product. It is necessary to pay attention to the following types of eaves:
- Round pipe with caps. The most popular of the options presented. It can be made of wood or plastic. Curtains sustain any weight.
- String cornice. A simple unobtrusive design without a hint of decor. Suitable for easy fine tulle.
- Aluminum profile. Practical product is capable of taking any form. Versatile option for any type of curtains.
- Baguette. It designed for living rooms and bedrooms. It is particularly decorative. It may be made of natural wood, sturdy synthetic materials. It looks great curtains of velvet, organza, brocade.
- Forged Products. May be coarse or fine and strong with a plurality of openwork elements. Suitable for curtains roll, light curtains, heavy drapes.

Mounting options curtains
There are many variations and adaptations, by which fastened to textiles. One or another type is selected taking into account the density, texture, leaf color, the styling of the interior, the owners of preference. Consider the main types of fasteners:
- Hooks. Demanded, convenient fastening element. They can withstand any fabric, except for heavy curtains. Characterized by easy installation, low cost.
- Curtain tape. For the finished product is sewn a special tape with hooks.
- Rings. Occupy a leading position among peers. The best option for dense, weighty fabrics.
- Eyelets. Sewn, built directly into the fabric of the ring, allow to hang the curtain on the ledge without using hooks, belts.
- Drawstring. It represents tight pocket of fabric located along the top of the web.
- Textile loop. Sewn to the curtain ribbons tied to the bar cornice. The loops are in the form of bows, knots, rings.
- Clamps (crocodiles). Standard View of fasteners. Produce metal, plastic, magnetic model. They are reliable, but can leave a puff.

Familiarize yourself with the curtains, the necessary materials and tools, consider the example of master classes, you are ready to sew curtains with his hands. Better to start with the simplest models, and as you gain experience to move on to more advanced options. Products made independently, will not only become the pride of its owner, but also a unique, unique decoration of any home or apartment.