The word "graffiti" was borrowed from Italian, where it means "scratched". Many of the older generation is the concept of cause unpleasant associations with the crowd of teenagers to assert itself, that spoil the architecture of the city for its creative attempts. In fact, graffiti - a modern form of art, and professional graffiti artists - true masters of their craft, whose works are admired, not censure. Beautiful pictures can not mutilate, and beautify the city: facades of houses, factories, unattractive and boring fences. Graffiti in the interior began to use recently as this art has long been considered only street. Let's talk about how to pick up an original sketch of a visual style and a detailed look at a master class for beginners on decorating the walls with paint in cans.
- The story of
- The materials used for the patterning
- Graffiti and style
Graffiti in the interior of different rooms
- Living room
- Bedroom
- nursery
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Draw your own hands - the technique works
- conclusion
The story of
About the age of graffiti as art, there is no consensus. A relatively new word exclusively associated with drawings on the walls of brick that entertain example hooligan teenagers. Scratched pictures, ie, primitive rock painting is considered to be the first manifestation of art in the history of mankind. People have tried to express their emotions, to inform about the victories, keep the important moments of their lives. Then the painting took a different path, finding a graceful form and a special spirituality, and graffiti was gradually degrade until all It is not slid to the declarations of love on a brick wall, graffiti, protests against the current regime and memos from the category of "It was ...". The decline was replaced heyday in the second half of the last century in New York. Representatives of the young generation, full of nihilism, spoil the city property - cars subway trains. Since any webmaster wants to be recognized, teenagers put their autographs - "tags", which translated to English means "label". Compared with the signatures of modern graffiti, executed in a complex technique, the "label" look very primitive. But as time passed, and the skill level increases. Graffiti stray into separate bands, each of which has sought to overcome the conventional competition. Of course, their activities are considered to be in direct violation of the law, so many being caught, paid fines or even years of life in prison. Other voluntary departure, unable to constantly watch the destruction of their wall works. In the 70 - 80hh's street art graffiti divided into stylistic direction. Toward the beginning of the new century, the authorities began to respond not as prevalent in the work of artists and unruly instead of damage to property, their work began to beautify the city. From US street art has seeped into the UK, Italy, France, Germany. When a new youth dance - break dance, graffiti decorations made out at the sites where the performances took place. In the USSR, the street art has appeared in about 80 - 90hh years, but its development was painful because of the collapse of the country. Graffiti is mainly used to protest against what is happening.

Referring to the history of street art, one can not forget Banksy. It is the most famous an underground artist, graffiti artist, whose work on the topics of the day are always filled with subtle irony. Who is hiding behind the mask of the elusive King "rock art", no one knows yet. Followed by Banksy on a makeshift podium settled pioneers Jean-Baptiste Basquiat, Stash, Keith Haring, and our contemporary Shepard Fairey.

See also:Bamboo interior
The materials used for the patterning
The toolkit experienced graffiti includes the following items:
- Aerosol spray paint. This is the main working tool, without which the masters of street art, as without hands. To work with it will require a certain skill that can be obtained in the course of rigorous training on level surfaces. In the minds of modern man can of paint and street art have united in one concept.
- Roller. With it, primed surface prior to application of drawing or used as an independent art tool, when a large-scale work is planned with the creation of huge images. Also, roller, attached to a long stick, paint over hard to reach areas.
- Marker. Just as important a tool as well as spray paint. With it you can create a drawing from scratch or adjust existing ones. Street art professionals use both tools. Although stationery stores a wide range of products in the graffiti culture has a tradition of many of them made marks with their own hands. For this purpose, use the empty bottles out of cosmetics or household chemicals oblong shape, and fill them with a stamp or a shoe paint. Rounding out the fixing process improvised applicator.
- Respirator. Needed when working with spray paint, as it easily clogs the airways.
- Fire extinguisher. The original instrument, which began to be used instead of a brush just a couple of decades ago. With the help of a fire extinguisher can get a powerful jet of paint. Many artists of street art give preference to this option, rather than spray paint if you plan to do a lot of drawing on the wall. It is inconvenient only in that it is problematic to recharge.
- Pulverizer. I replaced the less practical extinguishers. This is not about that bottle with a nozzle, which is sprayed with potted plants. In this case, a large aggregate with a balloon, which is mounted behind the spray. With such equipment gardeners walk along the rows of potato to get rid of the invasion striped beetle infestation. Pulverizers are convenient in that the pressure therein may be adjusted, and thus the ink jet ejection forces. They are easy to recharge, and the unit is placed in a backpack.

Also among the inventory of street artists found a separate group of "skretcherov", ie "tsarapalok". To this kind carry any sharpened objects that can be applied to the embossed pattern on the surface. Some of the graffiti found this barbaric instrument as it clearly spoil the city property, and one painting power will not manage.

Graffiti and style
The street art are the following basic directions:
- Bombing. Extreme art, because the image is put in a quickly moving on "canvas" (trains, buses).
- Writing. Basic style, which is characterized by applying a label to different font.
- Tagging. Concise picture of their signatures.
- Scratching. Natsarapyvanie image, not his panache.
- Advertising. Graffiti artists, too, need to eat, so they increasingly employ advertising agencies, so that they carry information on their products or services to the masses.
The interior design graffiti leaked not long ago. First inscriptions and drawings began to decorate themed establishments: cafes and bars. Then the pioneers among the designers who are not afraid to take risks, become combined street art with flexible solutions to modern styles. These include loft, high-tech, pop art, futurism, avant-garde, fusion and even minimalism. The apartments street art replaced the boring wallpapers. Just look spectacular street figures in modern studios, where there are usually high walls.
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Graffiti in the interior of different rooms
Author's drawings on the walls will make any interior unique and create a special atmosphere. Optionally graffiti can be bright and causing or gentle, romantic. The street art is used not only writing, but also full-blown picture of: futuristic, avant-garde, minimalist or surreal. For each room pick up a pattern that will blend in with the rest of the furnishings and fit into the design concept.

Living room
The living room will be a stylish decoration graffiti wall accent. When the environment is sustained in soothing pastel colors, the pattern can literally "blow up" a serious atmosphere, if done in bright colors. The rooms, decorated in the style of pop art, popular technique used with the transfer of the pages of comic books to the surface to be decorated. Acid colors are considered indispensable for creating a collage of images of Warhol, Monroe, the Fab Four. And be sure to duplicate the patterns in different tones. Surprisingly, modern graffiti may even come to the Art Nouveau (a more recent version of the classical style), if you will be a model choose a picture or an engraving of a famous painter (Vermeer, Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Hieronymus Bosch, Van Gogh).

The loft-living graffiti is applied directly on the brickwork. As a result, the effect of the presence on the street is only strengthened. The wall will be perfectly combined with expensive furnishings and luxurious finishing materials surfaces.

Topic sleeping graffiti is not recommended to choose from aggressive or overly flashy options. Yet rest in this room, and acid labels are unlikely to encourage healthy sleep. The brainchild of street art is usually placed on the wall at the head of the bed. Stylish and romantic will look urban panoramas, musical themes, natural scenery. Graffiti culture less categorical, as many may think. It is characterized by absolutely any image objects, so even a pink heart or landscapes with ears and a field with grass under the night sky can be visualized with this technique.

If the master will draw a corridor or a continuation of the room, the room will be more visually. This simple technique works by prospects.

Graffiti in the nursery - a great way to express both boys and girls. Forward-thinking parents, allowing a child on their own to decorate a wall in her room will accommodate it to yourself, show that they know how to promote their ideas. Perhaps after such yunyygraffitist and carried away by street art on a professional level, but street artists is not the worst company. For teenage bedrooms fit the image of favorite superheroes, portraits of artists and bands, colorful paintings, a medley of inscriptions interspersed with animals. For children's rooms, where he lives a pipsqueak, use less catchy theme and just decorate the walls cartoon and fairy tale characters.
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The kitchen is decorated with street art is not only a wall near the dining area, but the apron, the lower part of the bar or a headset. In the rooms, which used a modern variant of furniture, where the height of objects does not exceed 1-1.3 meters, using three-dimensional images with the "ragged edges". They are held horizontally across the surface of a wall and partly affect the other. If the kitchen is too small window, then on a piece of masonry paint for second with a magnificent view of the street or the quiet backyard. Griffith can be applied to any surface. Street art is combined with even tile. Unusual decision will be placement of graffiti paintings on the wall at the rude frame of metal or wood. Creative guests will appreciate the ironic attempt to squeeze hosts free street art in the home frame.

Introduce street art in the bathroom should be with great caution. Standard toilets are too small yardage and incorrectly selected pattern can visually narrow space. Surprising and unusual will look solid decor in soothing shades of green, blue, yellow. Panoramic view of the underwater world adorn the walls and the ceiling on purpose, not focusing on the corners and transitions. Round windows, trompe l'oeil will perform the role of the windows of the bathyscaphe.

Draw your own hands - the technique works
Beginners are recommended to use templates or stencils. This method will facilitate the work, and allow focus on the correct selection of colors. After a graffiti artist will stuff his hand and feel confident, you can manually apply the drawings. By the way, this method uses Banksy. In order not to be seen at work, he had already produces a pattern on the author's picture, and the place just fills her paints. If you want the picture was portable, instead of a brick wall is recommended to use a sheet of hardboard. Before working with spray paint, you need to prepare the surface. It clean from dirt and degreased. This will ensure a good coupling between the wall and pigments. Before work properly canister shaken to its contents mixed until homogeneous. On the face respirator and goggles. Test stream produced at the foreign object to evaluate the color saturation. The distance from the balloon wall to be decorated must be about 25 cm. It is not necessary to dwell for long in one place, because the paint will start to drain away the excess, unless the stains are not part of the composition. When working with a vertical surface, then begin to draw the top and moving gradually downwards. If you need to apply two coats, between the first and second stage of the coloring make a break of half an hour. The effect of the spray produced by means of a brush, dip into the paint.

Graffiti has long passed from the discharge of vandalism to the status of a full course in the art. Thank follows youth 80 which expressed itself by graffiti on the walls and other "unsightly" to view surfaces. With Graffiti, you can not only create a stylish, unique decoration for interior but also discover new talents, because art has the ability to delay the head.