Who would be there that may say, but even in a limited space is possible to recreate the interior of a "character."
In a literal sense, the English word "loft" is the top floor, the attic space under the roof. This style in interior design come to Europe from America. It is characteristic of the old abandoned warehouses and similar facilities to them. Initially, in the premises of this type accommodated people from the lower strata of society, but soon became interested in similar flats worth individuals. Old brick house found a new life.
- idiosyncrasy
- hallway
- Living room
- Kitchen
- Bedroom
- nursery
- Bathroom
- Balcony
To loft is characterized by:
- presence of white color, visually expanding the available space;
- minimum amount of furniture, decorative elements and visually heavy workpieces;
- the presence of interesting "highlight", for example, a bright abstraction on a wall or hand-made;
- modern technology - computer, stereo, home theater, and so on.
To most clearly beat style loft in the interior of a small apartment, you can carry the excess internal partitions or walls that are not load-bearing. The front door as possible should be masked and not immediately rush for a look. The best option - sliding on barn type. In contrast to the swing, it does not take up much space at the narrow corridor.

Residence in a loft-style - is the bare walls and bare brickwork. Feel free to use the combination of a horizontal surface, leaving the bottom of the light cover, and the bottom - dark stone. One of these walls should be opposite the windows to visually expand the room. It is possible to set the TV to save space.
As for the ceiling, it is not necessary to specifically align the existing irregularities on its surface. The original course will be to use beams. You can combine them in a single point, making sure that wooden beams narrowed to the center. So you visually lift the ceiling and add some flavor to the interior.
See also:Victorian style in the interior
For a list of materials that are ideal for the decoration of apartments, includes stucco, brick, stone, stainless steel, concrete, wood, glass, crystal, leather, suede, vinyl, aluminum, plastic. To understand how to beat them in different rooms, check out the following list of premises that make up a standard apartment.

It is in this room, guests begin their acquaintance with the flat, forming an idea of the taste of the owners. To equip a small space in the loft-style simple. The main principle of the studio - no wall decoration. If there are concrete elements, it is better when you make roughly plastered flat design.
To lighten the room, use a special blend of gray and white cement. Ceiling and can be painted white. The floor surface remains the same, or trim imitation boards - tiles or laminate.
Loft interior studio apartments must have a minimum of furniture items. Their appearance should be simple, antique, no mirror surfaces and elaborate handles. Option - cabinet, painted gray or black-and-white colors like a checkerboard. As the lighting fit small sconces, spotlights or simple pendant lampshades.

Living room
Leave some corner or one of the walls of the room in the so-called "original" form, covering the remaining surface of the paint or plaster. If desired, you can simulate the brickwork by decorative panels or paint. Do not forget to seal the joints between the tiles on the ceiling and paint its water-based materials.
Place the wooden window frames with double-glazed windows. All textile curtains blinds studio replace compact. As for the interior elements, here you have a free hand in the design of the apartment. The available space, use items with a variety of dimensions and colors. In the center put a sofa, surrounded by several of his cushioned ottoman instead of a massive chair. Framed photographs and panels are well complement the overall picture.
See also:Vintage style in the interior - the embodiment (20 photos)

Principles of kitchen equipment within a small apartment do not differ from the requirements for other rooms. All modern appliances (microwave, dishwasher, and so on) can be placed in the niches of kitchen units with no problems. Do not forget that loft style, among other things, characterized by a large number of different mini-shelves, where it is possible to place all used utensils.
Over the stove, place the hood, not hiding drain pipes - they give the room a special flavor, reminiscent of the interior of industrial buildings. In some areas make spotlights, be divided into even a small space into separate zones - for cooking and consumption of cooked food. In addition, you can do this with a small bar with shelves and hanging on her glasses.

Separate the bed from the rest areas of one-room studio apartment can be by folding screens. If your small apartment still has a separate room for sleeping, its design is maintained in the general style. For smaller bedrooms are very popular "loft beds" with a variety of spacious boxes that enable the most rational use of the available space. Well, if the bed - the main element of the interior - is wood, but it is allowed to have on it the metal parts. If desired, the material of construction can be artificially aged.
Remember that all bedding and blankets should be self-colored. If you do not want to install on window blinds, living room, hang translucent tulle or Roman blinds, which can easily collapse. Taking into account the specifics of the room, you have the full right to move some of the usual standards for the loft. For example, you can paste over the bedroom wall photo wallpapers. The only limitation - a ban on a variety of landscapes with flower fields, waterfalls and things like that. The main reference points when choosing should be strict lines and a monochromatic paint.
See also:Rococo style in the interior 40 photo

To this room in the interior of a small apartment does not become too dull and dark, dilute the dark palette with bright splashes - colorful posters on the walls, unusual chairs, colorful rugs. However, try not to "overdo it" with iridescent hues. If possible, mount on a desk child bed in two floors.
To pay tribute to the classics, hang on the wall of an integral part of the industrial street culture - a bicycle. Active child who loves to explore all around, be sure to appreciate this idea helps to save space in a small apartment.

Try to invest in this space a maximum of his imagination. However small it was this premise, it is always possible to fit designer bath on elegant stems in retro style. Walls and floors should be covered with plastic or ceramic tiles. A good option is an imitation of wood. In addition, you may want to experiment with a combination of metal and glass plumbing example, chrome accessories, mirrors.

Here's the deal cost a bit more complicated than it would be with a loggia. The latter could be warm and make part of the room by the demolition of the wall. The best option for the balcony - the maximum insulation and installation of large windows. Purpose and functionality of the apartment space is determined exclusively by the owners. Balcony can serve as an office, and a seating area, and a place for children to play.
Thus, it is a huge scope for imagination development, a combination of old and new, natural and artificial. With conventionally rigid framework, it is very advantageous economically. If you really want to live in a loft apartment, you can always find such an opportunity!