Colonial style refers to a group of classic lines. It got its name in honor of the colonists who, settling on foreign lands, not only brought with them native traditions in interior design, but also borrowed the customs of the local people. The direction was found a balance between elegance, luxury and laconic, "native simplicity". In fact, the colonial style in the interior - assembled an eclectic medley consisting of several ethnic branches. For each of them is characterized by certain features, but there are general principles that unite these subgroups in one over. Let's talk in the article about how to build their own hands a colonial interior in a city apartment or a house.
- History of origin of style
- The main directions of style and distinctive features
- Finish and a choice of finishing materials
- Furniture
- Color spectrum
- Lighting
- Accessories and decor
- bedroom interior
- Interior living room
- Kitchen interier
- Bathroom
- Interior studio apartments
- conclusion
History of origin of style
A number of countries which in the past century are located on the political "top of the world" could not boast of their own vast territories. Since their enrichment largely been due to the use of slave labor and making fools of "backwardness" of the native population, and not skilful management, had to conquer all new territories. These countries primarily include Spain, Great Britain, France and the Ottoman Empire. After opening the "India" by Christopher Columbus to these countries opened great prospects: two whole continent with rich lands and the people that give light weight in gold, but did not know his real value. South and North America "sawed" into three parts, which still speak the native language of the colonizers. South went to Cortes and bloody conquistador and the north divided French and English. Expansion and colonialism metropolis obliged to send to his vassals and military governors, who controlled the territory. Since periods of residence could amount to tens of years, then they moved with their families and were equipped thoroughly. The interiors of the houses of the colonists certainly present features typical of their homeland, but they leaked local culture and features that allow to adjust to the unusual climate. List of slave states was not limited to only one of mainland America. Great Britain at the time was taking under the wing of the Australia, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Seychelles, Mauritius, Barbados and a dozen states that are currently found relative independence. France extends its "tentacles" in Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Chad, and Spain captured Manila, Philippines, Guinea, the island of Taiwan and even the Sahara desert. After the United States dropped off the "yoke" of Mother Britain, the government has gone in her footsteps and get hold of Hawaii, the Philippines, Cuba, Samoa. Is an enormous melting pot of cultures, which later resulted in no unsightly medley with a variety of ethnic elements, and in elegant, luxurious and original interiors.

The main directions of style and distinctive features
Colonial style - very expensive, which can only afford people with incomes above the average. The interiors are used only natural materials that are currently very expensive cost. Common features include directions:
- The abundance of exotic vegetation. Colonization is usually held in tropical countries, and this is due to the use of "local" vines, ferns, palm trees. Plants not only looked beautiful in their homes, but also allows the hot air to cool slightly.
- The wide windows at the floor more reminiscent of the door. The colonial houses openings purposefully increased. According to a greater extent this has been done to the house there is a pleasant skvoznyachok.
- The use of natural wood and stone in the decoration of exterior and interior.
See also:White bedroom design in classic style

Although there are many sub-genres Colonial direction nowadays gained popularity only three of them:
- French;
- English;
- American.

Last deserves special attention, since it is considered a colonial "in the box", because before becoming a metropolis, the country itself has long been under the yoke of Britain. The direction is based on the classical style, which expanded its borders. To express it in the spacious (required 2-3 storey) buildings, where guests met a huge hall with a staircase. The materials prevailed solid wood, and the decor was made from wrought metal. English version of the style is an architectural and interior potpourri UK and India, which has long been its colony. Rigor, stiffness, aristocratic British faced with gentleness, openness and simplicity of the Indians. Classical interiors are complemented by "wild" trophies in the form of animal skins and heads on the walls, and Gothic lines interspersed with smooth, rounded lines and ornate designs that used to adorn Hindu temples.

French colonial style gave us the famous panoramic windows. In this direction, the clearest trace left with a mixture of Asian cultures. The interior uses silk wallpaper with thematic paintings, expensive porcelain, metal and decorative objects (boxes, vases).

Finish and a choice of finishing materials
Among the finishing materials are selected wood, stone and a special clay brick. If the owners prefer the imitation (albeit expensive), then the interior will be adapted to the realities of the modern version of colonial style. To create a classic interior, which assimilated the traditions of several nations, you can not save. The ceiling is plaster and decorated with wooden beams, floor clapboard or trim tile and the walls can be covered with expensive fabric wallpaper. Option of exquisite silk suit to the French sub-genres.

The furnishings are using contrasting materials in their characteristics: lightweight braided detail and massive objects made of wood. In the first case is used as a basis reed, bamboo, rattan and branches of trees. Wicker chairs, chairs and couches close pile of soft pillows. Such furniture is convenient because it can be easily moved to the garden, if necessary. "Static" objects (cabinets, beds, chests of drawers) hand made of solid wood. Facades decorated with laconic thread or braided inserts.

To get a sample of classic furniture, it is necessary to order the production of or access to expensive shops with designer goods. Way to save will be the campaign against the so-called "flea market" where you can buy old items. However, their unsightly appearance will appreciate only Provence. For the colonial style fit well preserved specimens with no visible defects.

Color spectrum
No screaming, bright accents the classic colonial style does not tolerate. Since most of the houses were in a relentlessly hot climate, the basis of the color palette is white (black attracts light and heats more quickly). In embodiments of room allowed favors a pastel range. Accent surface painted in natural colors: brown, beige, burgundy, red, mustard, olive-green and dark blue. Do not combine more than three colors in one interior. The concept of direction is that the brightness of the composition give the green spots houseplants.
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Traditional lighting is complemented by instruments with an ethnic flavor. To fit the original chandeliers and floor lamps, table lamps. They are made of metal (bronze, iron, brass, copper), glass, leather and special rice paper. Thus will organically combine the traditions of European culture with elements of the "natives" and to provide the necessary amount of room light.

Accessories and decor
The decoration of the accessories are present from the animal world, because he occupied a special place in the culture of the Aztecs, Indians, African tribes and the islanders. Although it considered primitive pagan religion, instead of the classic hierarchical pantheon of deities in it there own laconic, natural "Hall of Fame", which worshiped. If we are talking about the elements native to Africa, is suitable clay pots and dishes, masks, statues, textiles with ethnic patterns, pictures with "sand" endless desert landscape. To create an "American" color used Dreamcatcher Roach, themed photos on the walls. The upholstery can be used roughly processed hides, wicker trunks, suitcases, baskets. To submit a special interior mood, you can put the fire a bundle of firewood, which is used to keep warm on cold nights, and on the walls hang old map of the world.

Do not forget about houseplants. Usual Dracaena, horveya, ferns or Rapis davallia, pteris underline identity situation and will be the element that smoothes the contrast between the two cultures.

bedroom interior
Bedroom in colonial style is one feature - a canopy over the bed. In tropical countries, it is set not for beauty, but for the sake of protection against pesky insects. Bed itself or choose from solid wood with carved legs and "pillars" under the canopy, or with fine, forged elements. The walls are painted in a neutral shade of brown or tone of pastel palette. Paul clapboard, and the top veiled carpet. The ceiling just plastered. On either side of the double bed symmetrically set tables. Their surface is decorated with the same lamps. "Boudoir" area replaced a light table and wicker chairs. Box, bag or basket will be closed colorful storage space.

By the way, textiles used for the canopy should overlap with the fabric for curtains. One can even make both of these members of the same material.

Interior living room
Central ornament of colonial living room will become a classic fireplace. It is made of a dark stone, which advantageously emphasizes light nut finishing walls. Incidentally, the surface of a plaster or paint, as interior accents compositions become accessories and textiles. On the walls hang pictures in frames classic baguette and luxurious mirrors. The junction between them and a ceiling decorated neat fillet with stucco elements. Included with the central chandelier of crystal on the perimeter of the room on the mantel and tabletops set candlesticks. If the room size allows, then it is located just two sitting areas. The first is a composition of solid sofas and armchairs pairs around a coffee table. The best intellectual occupation at this site will be a game of chess. The second group of furniture consists of a pair of woven or seats of chairs. They put the second round coffee table by the window. The location is perfect for reading or tea at a measured conversation. Window curtain blackout curtains ethnic pattern. Dim floors carpeted with short pile. We should not forget about indoor plants, pots are evenly distributed throughout the room.
See also:Empire style in the interior - history and modern design

Kitchen interier
For kitchen design uses the classic massive set of unusual brown or olive green. Its facades are decorated with metal handles. Ceiling plaster and decorate along the joints of the walls with stucco. In rare cases, the surface of the clapboard and adorn roughly shaped beams. Original features will be a chandelier, which is equipped with special hooks along the radius of all the ceiling. They subsequently suspended woks and pans. Ethnic flavor of the kitchen shown in the details. Apron decorated with stone. On open shelves and glass doors classic headset hiding clay pots, jugs, vases, plates and other "native" utensils. Also, the interior complement the wicker baskets that can generally create a single storage system, where traditional retractable drawers are replaced by a "light" version of the cane or rattan. Mandatory element, even in the small kitchen is considered to be an island layout with the placement of the table for cooking and quick meals in the middle of the room. Of course in the colonial houses were spacious dining room, but the maid usually ate separately from the hosts. It can decorate the wrought iron elements, cover with a cloth and decorate with fruit bowl.

Bathroom is decorated in colonial style tiles. When it comes to English direction, it will look organically "checkerboard" of tiles terracotta color and tint wet asphalt on the walls. Paul trim bright ceramic tiles, laid with herringbone attach. Bathroom furniture is selected from the tree (specially treated) of a light-brown shades. Wall above the sink is decorated with a rectangular mirror in a simple frame. On either side are placed simple lamps. Traditional bath decorated with brass and stands on elegant stems, as in all the classical interiors. On the countertop next to the sink put clay pots, dishes, miniature elephants, inlaid stones.

Interior studio apartments
For decoration studio colonial style fits perfectly. If you use the French direction, it is possible to zone the large room with a classic interior with mobile screens typical for Asian interiors. Accent wall with wallpaper paste over fabric and the rest plastered surface. By the way, textiles better to keep away from the "kitchen" area. You can close the bedroom curtains and add zoning couple of pots with plants, which are symmetrically arranged on the floor. Alternatively, one wall can be decorated with a series of paintings of naturalists or Indian paintings, African ritual elements.

Colonial style - stands out among the many classic lines. A century later, it has not lost its relevance. style appearance conditions were so peculiar that it is very different from other areas, becoming a reflection of the bloody era of conquest and the great geographical discoveries of the time. Any traveler or sailor longed to take a piece of the motherland, which is most clearly manifested in the interiors of homes, but avoid hitting their own culture with local unexplored did not, and do not I wanted. Inquiring minds that curiosity impelled literally thousands of miles from home, soaking up new information with greed. The consequence of a combination of national motives developed and developing metropolises and colonies became a unique style, beauty amazes the minds of the present day.