Halloween - a holiday now celebrated almost everywhere. His attributes - scary carnival masks, costumes demons, bats, spiders and cobwebs decorative. But the main character is considered to be a fall vegetables like pumpkin. From this, if the cut flesh with seeds and put into the bulb will hellouinovsky original lantern. Homemade pumpkin from the paper will be a box of chocolates for a unique gift or other content.
- What does the main attribute of the holiday - pumpkin
- Pumpkin with paper secret
- bulk pumpkin
- Pumpkin from old books
- Make a garland of pumpkins-Lanterns
- Pumpkin made of papier-mache
- conclusion
What does the main attribute of the holiday - pumpkin
Tykvochki with slots in the form of faces, or lantern candle in - so-called Jack Lantern. The history of its origin is as follows. According to legend, once lived on earth blacksmith Jack, which due to the fact that he lied to both God and the Devil, after his death was not allowed either to Paradise or to Hell. While waiting for the judgment day, Jack wandered over the world, lighting the way a piece of coal, which he put in an empty pumpkin. So pumpkin-lighting has become a symbol of soul searching right path to purification. According to others, this design means that the harvest is over, and it's time to celebrate - to paint or carve faces on pumpkins, wear festive costumes, collect candy.

Pumpkin with paper secret
Homemade tykovku paper made from narrow strips orange. To work need:
- color paper orange;
- double-sided green paper;
- pencil;
- an adhesive tape or the stapler;
- scissors.
Working process:
- orange A4 size sheet is cut into transverse strips, a width of 2-2.5 cm;
- each strip is folded in half;
- two of them folded crosswise, and on top - two more at an angle of forty-five degrees;
- between every two strips embedded another;
- parts are held together by means of staples or adhesive tape;
- embedded in the middle of a packet of chocolates or other sweets;
- top tips are fastened on a surprise;
- green sheet is cut by the strip, is wound on the pencil;
- After the leaves are cut, all green glued on top of pumpkins.
See also:How to make a box with his hands

There is another way - a hollow inside pumpkin with hat in origami technique. To create a design you will need two identical square: one orange, the second - any other color schemes.
How to do it step by step:
- the square of the sum of the two diagonals;
- splits, flips, folds in half twice - in the middle of the intersection formed by four fold lines;
- Square folded umbrella as - formed small square with diagonal, to which bend down the sidewalls;
- On the other side does the same;
- acute apex figure bent down to form a pentagon, and then in the other direction;
- the product takes place - get a square plane perpendicular to the top of the triangle;
- square corners can bend or cut off - get a hat pumpkins.

After doing the base or head:
- need a orange square with sides not less than 20 cm, it folds to form four folding lines;
- sidewall added to the diagonals, then straightened;
- in distant from the city center - the lower corners, sides are also bent to the middle;
- the resulting corner unbent and unfold - top forms a pentagon;
- the same is done on the other side, and then two more times;
- get diamond, which is bent toward the center of the top, at a time on each side, straightened;
- lower corners and folded to form a pentagon;
- design straightened around one of the diagonals drawn and is cut mug;
- the product is going, so that a bottom of a polygon-;
- All corners are bent towards the center, until the cup-shaped;
- placed inside a delicious surprise, or bulb-candle on the battery;
- worn top hat, which is fixed with glue or tape.

bulk pumpkin
Other crafts as tykvochki easy to make even a child. Would need:
- leaf with a fine pattern;
- glue stick;
- glue gun;
- scissors;
- a pencil;
- kraft paper;
- toothpick.
See also:Painting lining inside the house: beautiful ideas

How this is done in steps:
- should draw six circles, blanks, cut them;
- parts folded double, are bonded to each other;
- the bottom is slightly cropped to get a pumpkin;
- Toothpick wrapped green kraft paper, the tip is minimized to a tail is inserted into the base, fixed glue gun.

Patterns are allowed not only round, but also more suitable - a little flattened on two sides.

Pumpkin from old books
Heavy unnecessary books easily make bulk tykvochki for Halloween, autumn interior decoration of the room.
Of materials, tools needed:
- Old book;
- A4 sheet of paper;
- a pencil;
- sharp scissors;
- stationery knife;
- PVA glue;
- shades of orange paint in the can;
- twig;
- green ribbon.
What do we have to do:
- on the sheet to draw the outline of the pumpkin as an option - fold it in half and draw a half;
- Additional description of the book cover should tear on the top sheet folded in half put preform pumpkins, cut around the pencil;
- then you have to take the scissors and cut - to neatly turned, cut four or six pages at the same time;
- the excess part of the binding cut office knife;
- the first page of the book are glued to the latter, pressed;
- pumpkin that was stable and did not fall, in the same way glue a few pages in different places;
- all the petals requires a well spread to the design was the flat;
- thereafter using a spray-paint paint from the container all the "pitch" or only the outer part thereof;
- Additional description taken branch or twig, with glue it is fixed in the middle of the gutter;
- on the twig tie a bow of green ribbon, straighten - and the pumpkin is ready.

Make a garland of pumpkins-Lanterns
These lanterns will be like New Year, which hang on the Christmas tree. They are cut from orange paper, folded in half lengthwise, making incisions from the center, but not reaching to the edge of two to three centimeters. Leaf unbend, connect with glue the short sides. Black marker on each lantern pumpkins drawn toothy smiling faces. The upper part is done by two holes, through which is passed a thick thread.
Garland will look even more original if alternate large and small flashlights or slightly corrugated structures in several places.

Pumpkin made of papier-mache
For the manufacture of such products are very similar to the real tykovku need:
- round balloon;
- thick thread;
- paper - newsprint, toilet, or "in the box";
- water;
- glue;
- orange and green paint;
- paper cutter or manual jigsaw.
See also:How to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
How to make:
- you need to inflate the balloon, but not too tightly;
- obtyanut ball thread to obtain the characteristic constriction;
- construction is glued first one-two layers of cloths soaked in water and then five or six layers impregnated with adhesive;
- not pasted over the top of the left, where after get the ball by inserting a tail;
- that the construction was solid, textured, it is treated with a mass of papier-mache - finely torn napkins pour hot water, wait for the swelling, add glue, paint;
- bead puncture or blow away if it is needed, making the compositions promazyvayut tykovku outside, dried;
- the tail is made of pre-painted coiled newspapers or suitable twigs;
- after the top of the pumpkin is cut with a knife or a jigsaw, decorate the interior of the mass of papier-mâché;
- the finished design is covered with varnish, glitter decorate, threaded rope to hang in the room, carrying on his shoulder. You can cut through the eyes, nose and mouth, provide a lamp - it will complete the festive fixture.

The original pumpkin for Halloween, made with his own hands made of paper, any other material is available ready-made schemes from online journals or invented their own. Tykvochki easily decorate your costume, any premises where the festival will be held, construction with a "sweet stuffing" - to give to friends, relatives and all who celebrate the Day of All Saints.