Wooden ceiling in the interior of 75 options to photo

Wooden ceiling in the interior - the current and stylish solution. Wood is easy to work, which allows to implement any extraordinary design ideas. Ceiling coverings made of wood can be deliberately simple and even rude, but can affect its luxury and elegance. Material, with regard to the shape, color and style of finishing concrete elements will be appropriate in both the classical and modern and even futuristic interior. Therefore, the wooden ceiling is once again at the peak of its popularity. But this is not the only reason for its demand.


  • Features wooden ceiling
  • Types wooden ceilings
    • Wooden panels
    • Molded
    • facing plates
    • Plywood
    • wood wallpaper
    • Ceiling quirk
    • False-beam
  • wood color
  • What styles are appropriate?

Features wooden ceiling

Its main advantage in the eyes of the designers and consumers of their services - environmental friendliness and safety. Sated newfangled synthetic materials people are once again returning to the "well-forgotten", but such good quality and proven "old". Moreover, that the modern means for wood, allow to forget about the troubles such as an accidental fire, the attack of bark beetles, excessive saturation of moisture and rot. Engorged tree essential oils, famous for its healing properties. Once in the atmosphere of the room, their components are beneficial to the health of inhabitants of the house.

Stylish wood ceiling in the living roomLaminate CeilingSlats on the ceilingWooden beams on the ceiling in the bedroomBeautiful wood ceiling in the kitchenCeiling wood

The natural ability of the material to take an excessive moisture and to give it back in the dry period maintains optimal microclimate. Equally attractive characteristics of wood is its ability to heat and sound insulation. And due to the length of service life wood coating most advantageous for this known finishing.

Ceiling wood in the kitchen

Types wooden ceilings

A variety of materials for the construction of ceiling coverings made of wood impresses. We list the main types of finishing this category represented by:

wood paneling A variety of the rack and sheet composing elements. Luxury and rigorous for all interiors and financial capabilities.
clapboard Democratic and versatile material that is suitable for simple and outbuildings - baths, manhole houses woodsheds and cozy rooms, ceremonial or living rooms.
Facing slabs Finished with simple and reliable material presented in different versions.
Plywood Affordable coverage, opening opportunities for its application in a variety of areas.
wood wallpaper Coated with a layer of wood, they retain all of its properties.
Ceiling beams in the bedroomThe cozy living room designSpacious living room with wooden ceilingKitchen with bright lightingBeautiful ceiling in the kitchenWooden ceiling in the hallway

Wooden panels

The main advantage of the panels - Easy installation. With this work it is possible to cope with their own hands. Individual pieces are attached to the sheathing with nails or klyaymerami or fixed directly to the ceiling with the help of glue. If necessary, replace the roof elements are easily removed. There is no need to dismantle the entire coating.

See also:Ceiling design for living room

The form of products is diverse. They are produced in the form of rods, sheets, square composing elements. The panels allow perfect disguise wiring. Therefore, allowed all kinds of lighting scenarios. Also, there is no difficulty to be integrated in the wooden ceiling absolutely any fixtures.

Laminate on the ceiling in the bedroomThe ceiling is made of wooden slatsBeams on the ceiling in the kitchenWhite wooden ceiling Wooden ceiling in the bathroomThe backlight on the wooden ceiling

In the method of production distinguish two major groups of wooden panels. This product:

  • of the array of valuable species. For making use of oak wood, maple, beech, alder. In order to emphasize the natural beauty of natural boards, panels treated with special mastics. They make natural fibers brighter and clearer, allowing the natural wood texture, clearly drawn and becomes more beautiful and spectacular;
  • of several layers joined together. The upper decorative layer is made of valuable species, and the lower - from coniferous trees.
The ceiling is made of wood in the hallLiving in a wooden houseBrightly decorated wooden bedroomDark wood ceiling in the hallContrast the ceiling in the living roomCeiling slats in the kitchen

The ceilings in the living room luxury homes are often decorated with luxurious bar with a beautiful embossed and gilded carvings. Their coating composition, giving expressive glossy shine and overflow.


The most common scope of the material - finishing pair, terraces, balconies, country houses. But nothing prevents him from perform headliner in the apartment - if requested by the idea of ​​the designer. Initially, the raw board may be impregnated with the desired color stain, paint or simply varnished to preserve the natural wood grain pattern.

White wooden ceiling

There are several categories of lining - depending on its quality:

Class "Extra" For their performance to choose the most expensive wood. The presence of dark spots and knots on the surface of the finished product in this category is not allowed.
Class "A" There may be a small number of knots. board surface must be smooth and even without cracks and dents.
Class "B" The surface is characterized by the presence of knots, small cracks and recesses, that are eliminated by Shpatlevanie during manufacture.
Class "C" Finished products with minor defects - gouged grooves, cracks and knots.
Kitchen with gray wooden ceilingWide beams on the ceilingBedroom with wooden ceilingDesigner ceiling of woodKitchen in shades of grayThe ceiling is made of plywood with light in the bedroom

To avoid problems with the installation, it is very important when choosing carefully examine the lining pazogrebnevye connections for integrity.

facing plates

Products formed by joining pieces of wood with an adhesive component.

product options:

Particleboard Plates formed of sawdust and glue composition.
Fibreboard It differs from the previous form by the presence of vegetable fibers in the structure.
MDF The material is made of tiny chips connected lignin.
Wooden ceiling in the attic


Determine the material for ceiling coverings few who come to mind to use for these purposes the plywood. And it is in vain. With this material you can create a beautiful, and most importantly unusual and exclusive ceiling.

See also:Types of ceiling slabs of expanded polystyrene

Plywood - a material consisting of several layers of veneer sheets, each of which is applied perpendicular to the previous. Initially, the core is made from softwood. Later on it from both sides glued veneer of maple, birch or alder. Beech is used for the elite class.

Bedroom with wooden ceilingImitation wooden ceilingWooden beams in the living roomPainted white ceiling in the living roomWooden living room decorCeiling light wood

The material is distinguished by the following parameters:

  • the number of layers - can be different. Produce three, five-layer and multilayer embodiments material;
  • Materials of manufacture;
  • of water resistance - standard, with increased protection against moisture, laminated with a high level of stability;
  • type of treatment - with a ground surface and undressed.
room decor strips

Unpolished elements are ideal for a country house or outbuildings. If you plan to use plywood to finish Corridor Ceiling in private house or living room of the mansion, should give preference to the ground plate of the elite class. Bright and unique decoration of the premises will be scenic panels with colorful ornaments.

Ceiling rails Illuminated

wood wallpaper

Help recreate the special atmosphere of the house of natural comfort. There are several types of materials in this category. They are divided into groups depending on the feedstock and the method of processing.

Varieties wallpaper and wooden surface:

  • Matched panel of narrow wooden slats, which will not exceed 2 cm in thickness. Their value depends on the value of timber used;
  • Veneer - a thin layer of natural wood 3 mm thick adhered to the paper base. It can be carved and inlaid decorative surface;
Bedroom in the attic
  • Cork - coating of shredded bark of the cork tree is applied to the paper. In order to protect the material from exposure to chemicals and odors, top opened with a thin layer of wax. Wallpaper produced in the form of plates and rolls 10 m roll products have not impregnation and may be colored in any color.;
  • Materials from thermally treated wood. The technological process of the raw material gives improved qualities - increases its resistance to fire, damage to a mechanical moisture. Wallpapers TMD classified as washable. In their production uses a variety of tree species. For finished products are characterized by marble coloring.
Ceiling, dark woodLiving room in classic styleLuxury wooden ceilingThe ceiling is made of wood in the bathroomVeranda with wooden ceilingBright ceiling of wood

Round materials on paper or non-woven substrate - a worthy alternative to expensive composing elements. They are fixed with an adhesive directly on the ceiling. It is not necessary to construct a crate and spend money on additional materials.

The base on which will be pasted wallpaper must be smooth, so if there are large differences in the ceiling and deep cracks, they must fix them with the help of plaster.

Wooden beams on the ceilingdesign atticBlue wooden ceiling in the roomVeranda with wooden ceilingHigh ceilings in the bedroomDining room with wooden ceiling

Ceiling quirk

The final "chord" in the regeneration of the wooden ceiling is undoubtedly a quirk. So called ceiling moldings, which bears several functions. He helps:

  • hide imperfections and defects in the joints of the base coat to the wall;
  • create an elegant frame. The fillet delineates ceiling contour, placing it in a spectacular frame, like the picture and gives it a finished appearance and expressive;
  • close the gap, to hide the wiring and protruding elements of the crates.

See also:ceiling decor - design ideas

White kitchen decor with wooden ceilingBedroom design woodThe original design of the living roomLiving room with wood-beamed ceilings and chandeliersDark wood on the ceilingBrightly decorated living room with wooden ceiling

For each interior solutions can be assigned corresponding baguettes. For the classics - pompous - gilded, carved, modern variant - laconic, seasoned, not flashy.


Hollow wooden beams give the room a special flavor. They contribute to urban apartments rustic simplicity and coziness of a country house. Thanks to them, manages to solve several design problems:

  • visually "push" the ceiling;
  • "Pull" the room in the direction of the beams;
  • zoned room;
  • create a distinctly contrasting with the background of the ceiling line, in harmony with the skirting, architraves and other elements of the situation;
  • placed in the cavities of the wiring, fix the lights and to develop a non-trivial lighting scenario.
Ceiling Decor wooden beamsSlats on the ceilingLaminate on the ceiling in the bedroombeamed ceiling decorLuxury ceiling in the living room with fireplaceBright bedroom in a private home

Various form of hollow beams allows a perfect mask pipes and cables.

In the manufacture of false beams made of natural wood with their hands, it should be noted that in the process of shrinkage seam connecting the individual slats can break up and become prominent.

A spacious kitchen with wooden ceiling

wood color

When choosing the color of the wooden ceiling should focus on the overall color scheme of the room. The coating should fit into the interior and harmonious look in it. Finishing in dark shades with good appropriate illumination in a room with a high ceiling. In the reverse situation is better to choose light materials that are visually pushed overlap, make it airy and unobtrusive.

Ceiling woodBeams of wood in the kitchenThe decor of the room with wooden slatsWooden ceiling in a private houseceiling decor tree in the living roomGray wooden ceiling in the kitchen

Determine the color should be considered that when exposed to sunlight wooden elements may darken.

LED lights on the wooden ceiling

What styles are appropriate?

Wood trim for the ceiling is ideal for homes, full of rustic spirit, it is no less relevant for the classics. But it is for a country style, "Lodge", Chalet like ceilings - an essential and obligatory element. The first two are welcome rough, rough texture, giving the entire ensemble of the most natural look.

Stylish ceiling decor woodgrain

A large number of beams under the roof, typical of the style of a chalet, has incorporated the features of the Swiss village house. But if you want the wooden elements can be harmoniously fit in almost every room. It all depends on the specific material and fancy design of the author.

The ceilings are made of wood will add extraordinary comfort and originality to any home. In combination with the respective decorative elements, such a coating would look great.